--in order for all indicators infrastructure to
load the plugin correctly the configuration and
the component elements of ViewPart::Indicator
must be loaded first correctly and afterwards
the relevant Indicators to follow
--when monitor from an explicit screen was closed there
were cases that docks were moved at another monitor from
the window manager and that was preventing them to be
delete properly. This patch fixes this by considering
as valid explicit screen only the one provided by the
BUG: 405687
--onPrimary flag is considered from layout file directly
only for containments that are not already loaded to
latte views
--location flag is accessed directly from containment object
--there is now an always shown underlying layer that
provides full solidness for 100% panel transparency
--Colorizer.CustomBackground was updated in order to
support Borders drawing
--this patch fixes the show timer delayer in combination
with KWin edges activation even more. The experience
now looks almost identical to NONE-KWin edge activation
--secondary config window now follows the primary
config window design. Config windows now are just
simple windows !AboveAll and are activated from
Latte::View on demand. This way we can now have
demonstration of the parabolic effect during
editMode at all times
-- for each layout only one dock should show its configuration windows
otherwise we could reach a point that because a settings window
is below another Latte View its options are not reachable
--now config windows are masked properly in order to
accessible to all of their areas. By design the config
windows are trying to be below the main view, this is
why masking is needed in order to work properly and not
having areas that can not be clicked/accessed because
of the top Latte View
--when the mouse enters the main latte view,
the primary and secondary config windows should
be activated. This patch improves how this is
handled in order to not mess up the focusOut
even handling from config windows. The config
windows do not race now in order to identify
if all the config windows has lost focus.
--meaning that edit Visual can contain more
elements than just the usual ones and as such
we can now add a "Rearrangement" option to make
things easier to switch between live/static editing
--first commit to restructure editMode in order to
support livemode under editing. Live mode means
that all options changes during editMode will be
available to be tested directly
This will make file references in .po/.pot files clearer for
Test Plan: none
Reviewers: mvourlakos
Reviewed By: mvourlakos
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D19274
--this is critical because it does not open Latte at
first run. The fix is just to make sure that "latte"
directory will be created in case there isnt already
BUG: 404762
--Disable the hack for kwin effects because it has many
false results. e.g. when a window is maximized and
Latte or Plasma are showing their View settings
-- KWin Effects such as ShowDesktop have no way to be identified and as such
create issues with identifying properly touching and maximized windows. BUT when
they are enabled then NO ACTIVE window is found. This is a way to identify these
effects trigerring and disable the touch flags.
BUG: 404483
--the menu is sending the containment id to
Latte::Corona and afterwards calls for the menu
data. These data now are including also the view
type, memory usage, active layout name and of
course the full layouts list shown to menu.
This is improvement from D18918.
--this way any part interested to know the
real type of Latte::View it can access the
all new type() property
Test Plan:
test view settings that indicate correctly
the panel/dock type
Reviewers: trmdi, #latte_dock
Reviewed By: trmdi
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18926
--move out from globalshortcuts functions that were
related to latte views functions such as sorting,
highest priority etc. All these were moved to their
appropriate places in layout manager or layout classes
--the user can disable "global shortcuts based
on position" by disabling the global shortcuts
for the first two latte items
--improve texts readability
BUG: 403880
--global shortcuts now tracks modifiers changes
and trys to do the best for the user.
1. When Meta is pressed and holded latte views are
2. When Meta is clicked but without been holded then
the Application Launcher code path is preferred
3. Activating Latte entries does not follow the
Meta pressedAndHolded code path
4. Pressing any other modifier except Meta cancels the
Meta pressed code path
BUG: 403734
Use `KModifierKeyInfo` to display shortcut badges while holding Super
BUG: 401768
Test Plan:
Just playing with it.
I still don't understand the `GlobalShortcut` class very well, correct me if I make any mistake.
Reviewers: #latte_dock, mvourlakos
Reviewed By: #latte_dock, mvourlakos
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18620
--there are deprecated applets that are not
used, I dont know under which circumstances
this ghost applet configurations are created,
they are shown more commonly under plasma
--when Latte crashes the global shortcuts from applets
remain untouched in kglobalshortcutsrc file. That fact
based on the Latte architecture that can alter applet
ids during layout loading can break the global shortcuts
experience by creating multiple global shortcuts records
for the same applet and by disabling some shortcuts because
these shortcuts are already enabled for ghost applets of
the crashed layout. This patch fixes this by removing all
applet global shortcuts during startup. Applet global shortcuts
are already saved in the layout file based on the current
plasma architecture, that fact simplifies things a lot.
BUG: 401184
--the Application Launcher triggering through global
shortcuts (codepath) was missing a release for
visibilitymanager in order to work correctly after
the applet trigerring.
BUG: 403471
--there were cases for small screen resolutions
that because the view settings windows did not
change its height, it was not changing its placement
to the side of the screen
--When the user has chosen a solid background when
there are windows touching the Latte panel then in
such case windows that are touching the panel not
just at the edge but at the at any point of the latte
panel are also considered as touching windows
--The "snapped" term that was used before in the
visibilitymanager was changed to "touching"
--there were cases that the focusOutEvent from
secondary config window was sent before the
primary config window has become active. In that
case all config windows were closing with no
BUG: 402776
--when the user has enabled the monochrome colorizing
in that case in applet options there is now a new option
in order for the user to choose if wants or not that
applet to be colorized. Such an example are colorful
applets that lose their proper appearance through
monochrome option.
- `timeout = 3000` is a bit short on some computer. Use `timeout = -1` will work for any case.
BUG: 401041
Test Plan: BUG: 401041 is fixed on my computer.
Reviewers: mvourlakos, #latte_dock
Reviewed By: mvourlakos
Tags: #latte_dock, #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18258
Currently, when dragging a window from the panel to move it, it breaks the autohide behaviour of active docks/panels. This change imitates a release event on X11 to circumvent these problems.
BUG: 403104
Reviewers: mvourlakos
Reviewed By: mvourlakos
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #latte_dock, #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18194
--when containment changes status it was
unblocking the visibility manager. This patch
fixes that situation and the blocker remains
under editMode. This way the dock can not be
hidden when it is in editMode.
Summary: Fix minor typos in messages and comments
Test Plan: No major changes to prevent compilation and usage
Reviewers: mvourlakos
Reviewed By: mvourlakos
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D17894
--the luminas functions didnt work well
for all cases. Latte is now using brightness
functions as described at:
this patch fixes all cases mentioned in the bug
that Latte contrast identification did not work well
BUG: 402115
--in order to update window manager flags properly
in some cases a dock recreation is needed. But that
dock recreation when takes place when the user choses
to move its panel between different screens (that recreation
shouldnt be needed) in such case it creates crashes
-- Latte screen ids are different from plasma
screen ids. This class helps in order to help
translating the different screen ids between
Latte and Plasma.
--when color schemes from themes are used there are
cases that the WM records do not correspond to the
colors that the plasma theme will use. In such cases
the color scheme file that is passed to applets can
create colors inconsistencies. For this reason we
update the default color scheme in order for its
WM values to be consistent with the plasma theme.
For the record plasma theme is using Colors:View
group for its main colors.
BUG: 401431
--enable shadows by default on startup otherwise
the FrameSvgItem sets is imagepath to "" and that
can create a crash during loading/unloading a
-rename also to shadow to innerShadow for
better naming. This shadow is used when the
shadow is drawn inside the window from qml
side, such examples are the dock case and the
editVisual case
--moving a task now is not synced immediately to
other docks. Syncing takes place only in the end.
The dock in which the user changed the launchers
order sends a signal to other docks to update
theirs launchers order.
BUG: 401232
--the secondary configuration window can be shown
either inline or at its own window. In order to
be shown at its own window, that window must not
overlap with the main window. The new implementation
validates this at all cases.
--plasmathemeextended is going to provide all the
functionality that current plasma theme infrastructure
does not. Such as roundness and dark/light color schemes
--support painting based on the active window scheme.
Added a schemecolors class for this and updated
abstractwindowinterface to provide tracking for windows
color schemes.
--fix wrong placement at multi-screen environment
during startup. freeEdges function was not sufficient for
reconsiderScreen() because there was a chance to
exclude edges that even though they were available
it returned fault results. Such case is when
a view request available edges for specific screen
and the edge of that specific view is also exluded
because that view has not finished its movement
to the new assigned screen.
--fix re-adding an explicit dock when its screen
is activated. A check was missing in order to
confirm that a primary dock is occuping that
edge but we must check also that the primary
screen is the same with the explicit one.
--add/improve debug messages
--try to make screens assignment and window geometry
more consistent. There are three variables in a dock
window for its screen and positioning to be accurate,
screen(), m_screenToFollow, m_screenToFollowId
BUG: 399456
--the new code contains more comments and except
blacklisting all NET::Properties2 signals that are
not accompanied with NET::Properties it also
whitelists specific states for NET::WMState.
This should lower a lot the calculations needed
in order to support the dodge visibility modes.
At the same time apps that are abusing X11 signals
should be ignored totally because the whitelisted
states and NET::Properties are only set by the
user or the window manager.
BUG: 399149
FIXED-IN: 0.8.2
--add an option in Tweaks page in order for the user
to define which dock/panel will have the highest priority
for global shortcuts activation. This option can be
used is per layout basis. Each layout can have its own
high priority dock/panel for Latte unified shortcuts.
BUG: 398914
--multi-screen fix for explicit docks. There were
cases that explicit docks during startup were
moving to onprimary screen even though they shouldnt
based on the new multi-screens implementation.
Bug was tracked down at a faulty series of signals
that were overwriting dockView config values
to default values and that was creating the fault.
-- one more fix for multi-screens, a missing return
statement in case an explicit dock is called and its
edge at that specific screen is occuppied by an
onPrimary one.
BUG: 398219
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
When there was only one latte dock and the last
active window was closed, the dock wasnt showing
afterwards. The dodge logic now has been improved
in order to not lose any window manager signals
that could help indicate when to show/hide a
dodge capable dock
BUG: 398052
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--there are cases that the window manager doesnt
return any active window at all. In such cases
we can assume that our docks/panels dont have to
be hidden.
BUG: 398052
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
when the plasma theme was not supporting shadows then
Latte was double drawing the panel background when
the user has chosen that wanted shadows
BUG: 397980
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--if a dock/panel was containing a systray there
was a chance that the systray was messing the
calculations for adding/removing docks based on
the screen and edges changes
--Latte will no longer try to be too smart concerning
the multi-screens behavior. At the old implementation
Latte wouldnt let you reach at a state that you dont
have a tasks plasmoid available. Such a case could be
when the user moves a dock from primary to explicit
screen and disables the screen afterwards. That case
should be thought better in the future in order to be
identified and handled properly without making the
code unnecessary complex. Such an example could be by
identifing the case and asking the user for actions.
--there are cases that the window geometry isnt consistent
for maximized windows. That was breaking the previous
implementation of dynamic background because of:
the new implementation is using only the window center in
order to identify the screen in which a window is
BUG: 397344
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--the background contrast effect should be applied
only when the dock/panel is visually solid otherwise
it may block the transparency settings
BUG: 397431
FIXED-IN: v0.8.1
--with this commit now Latte is able to identify what are
the global shortcuts used for each activation entry and
also to not show at all any badge for activation entries
that are disabled from the user
BUG: 397128
--the old code wasnt screen independent for identifying
windows that touch the panel edge. There were cases
that when a window was touching a panel edge at
screen A to faulty identify that is touching
screen B also. The code now is more robust and it
can also handle cases that window is touching two or
more different panels in different screens.
BUG: 397076
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--Improve the series of events in order for CopyDock
to work better in multi-screen environments. Copy Dock
should create the same dock in the same free edge at
different explicit screen when that edge is already
occupied in the origin screen
BUG: 397081
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--after v0.8 release many issues with multi-architecture
were identified. An alternative approach was needed
in order for Latte to get a more user-predictable state.
In new approach:
--onPrimary docks have always higher value
and should be shown, this is also like how plasma is
moving its panels.
--explicit docks are removed if their edge in their screen
is occupied by an onPrimary dock
--be stupid smart in order to check if docks contain
tasks and try to not remove them based on screen-changes
is removed! Over-Complicated code that doesnt help
in maintainability...
one of the issues was reported at following bug report...
BUG: 396806
--when trying to activate an entry through
global shortcuts we should take into
account the docks that we have already
access but that should not block the action
--in multiple layouts environment the user
may prefer different settings for its global
shortcuts, in some may wants to use global
shortcuts for its applets and in another
layout may not.
--when an application launcher exists, Latte can show
a "Meta" badge for that applet instead of the global
shortcut action number. With this patch we take also
into account when the assigned application launcher is
in different dock/panel and show it accordingly
BUG: 396753
In Latte global shortcuts is missing one record
for New Instance of ninth record
BUG: 396751
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D14273
--v0.8 introduced unified global shortcuts for all
cases, that means that applets are also taken into
account for Latte activation/new instance global
shortcuts. A new parameter is introduced with
the patch at Latte global settings file called
"unifiedGlobalShortcuts", the user can set that
parameter to false before Latte startup in order
to use only global shortcuts relevant to the
Latte plasmoid.
--when changing Single mode to Multiple mode the latest
changes from user didnt get into because the kde cache
from KFileConfigPtr hadnt been updated yet. This
patch fixes this by using a temp file that contains
the layout in question.
--there were cases that during creating
or copying docks the applets ids were
created inconsistent by creating applets
with ids already reserved. This patch
fixes this by using the applet ids found
in the layout file and not the one loaded
in memory.
--a visual indicator in order to show which plasma
applets have been overloaded from Latte. The overloaded
mechanism is a way in order to make these applets work
properly with Latte parabolic effect
--blur effect is costly this way we limit effects area
to respect the windows boundaries and at cases that
the QRegion returns too main QRects to just use the main
effects rectangle
--this fix possibly fixes the crash related to Blur effect and
moving the dock to another edge bug:396040
--v0.8 is officialy KDE project, so its
existence owes a lot of credits to many
KDE members (for translations, bug reporting
etc.). Being officially a KDE project
responds to the previous credits.
--when the dock was hidden and the user was triggering
the Meta shortcut the app launcher was misplaced.
By using the same technique used when triggering applets
shortcuts this is fixed.
--when recreating the dock/panel because of
visibility mode changes sometimes there was
a crash because of the timers for the workaround
of isVisible() changes
--give the user an option in layout file in order
to enable/disable borders for maximized windows.
the option is called "disableBordersForMaximizedWindows"
and must be put in LayoutSettings section
--use DoubleClick to change ShowInMenu
--dont change Activities when Activities combobox
loses focus, only when the user has really clicked
an element
--select user-set backgrounds properly when showing
the combobox backgrounds popup
--in some systems that layouts are readonly when
copied to user "latte" directory were still
read-only. We are fixing these permissions with
this patch.
--the old architecture that was trying to keep
an internal separators record couldnt catch up
and at the same time could create issues with
internal separators at different activities.
-- under X11 it was identified that windows
many times especially under screen changes
dont end up at the correct position and size.
This vailidator(timer) will enforce repositionings
and resizes every 500ms if the window hasnt end up
to correct values and until this is achieved.
--because focus is lost from dock tooltips the
dock settings window was closing. We take into
account that case in order to not close the
dock settings window in such case
--different hardware can have different delays
in order to inform for screen changes. The tracker
(an internal timer that is) informs Latte after
a specific interval in order to track these changes
and respond accordingly.
--by default now Latte supports the KWin Edges mechanism,
this way the following issues are fixed:
fix#935, fix#721, fix#687, fix#512, fix#514
--improve dock behavior when the user user touch
--fix #144, support KWin bright placeholders
--this behavior can be disabled if the user prefers
the old one from the Tweaks page
--in !compositing no more is shown a 1px line at
the screen edge when the dock is hidden
--support KWin Edges in Multiple Layouts state under
--recreateDock is used when the visibility mode
changes and as such the window must be recreated
in order to work correctly. Any remaining code
found for such function in corona and layoutManager
is removed.
--exhausted to discuss this so often so in the
end it may be my perspective wrong. Quit button
in dock settings window changed to Close button
and the Quit option moved to menu bar of the
general Latte settings window with shortcut
-- changing name of layouts should have a visual
indicator and at the same time the Switch and
Remove buttons should update their states
properly. A Switch or Remove action shouldnt
be allowed after a layout rename until the user
has confirmed the new name for the layout.
--the check in order to identify if a maximized window
overlaps with the dock wasnt always been executed. That
was the case for multi-screens environments.
--this also fixes#908. Everything was ok except from
the fact that in Single layout mode the needed
lastUsedActivity variable was empty and thus it couldnt
be tracked to update the needed wallpaper correctly.
--when the user changes wallpaper there is a chance
that the lastScreen has the same value with the old
one. In such case the wallpaper must be updated.
--enhanche the dynamic background feature and
in ordre to improve contrast with the underlying
background Latte now calculates the luminosity of the area
underneath the panel and based on that chooses the
best color to create contrast. The colors are chosen
only between textColor and backgroundColor.
--the GhostWindow which is used for AlwaysVisible mode
under wayland during startup there was cases that its
geometry was exceeding the maximumGeometry sent.
BUG: 390017
--the wayland interface couldnt orchestrate correctly
with the corona and the application exit. The whole
architecture changed and the window manager now is
provided by corona and corona is also responsible to
keep only one instance of it and close on exit.
--remove the Plasma Label that was used to set
the Latte trademark based on Tangerine font that
was distributed from app source code
--remove the Tangarine font from source code
--this gives the time for docks to close and also
to not create any rare crashes because qml settings
window calls this code path from its Quit button.
--use internal edit mode to wm's visibilitymanager.
More specific use it in AlwaysVisible mode in order
to not publish the new struts because the animations
have ended.
--ghost containments such as when a user
deletes a dock without notification confirmation
can be removed afterwards when that layout is
loading either at Single or Multiple mode.
--this way the Layouts menu in now accesible
even from plasma taskmanagers. The codebase is also
the same for every component that is showing its
--when the secondary config window isnt created
(e.g. when the screen resolution is very small),
in such cases the relevant options are added in
the main config window
--when deleting a copied dockView, unbind the sensitive signals
from dockView
--when deleting a copied dockView and the config windows syncGeometry
is called then it should first check in the dockView has a
--this is used in order to check for broken layouts
during showing the Layouts Editor for active layouts
also, not only the inactive ones during MultipleLayouts.
--if the app crashed and the user trys to reopen Latte
then the Containments must first return to their Original
Layouts. This code provides that and informs also the user
during the startup.
--we fix two crashes, one from availableScreenRectChanged
signaling when we unload a layout
--one from deleting containments in random order,
we must first delete systrays and then the rest containments
--improve the function to calculate the availableScreenRect
of a specific screen. Now the function accepts two arguments
specifing which visibility modes and locations(edges) are
going to be taken into account to calculate the
the dynamic background feature is enhanced and
becomes smarter. It understands snapped windows, windows
that touch the panel edge etc. The criteria in
order for the background to become solid are:
- any active window that is touching the panel
edge (that includes krunner)
- any inactive window that is snapped and touches
the panel edge (concerning its geometry: quarter-snapped or half-snapped)
- maximized windows
- an inactive window but keepAbove is touching
the panel edge (this catches also the yakuake case)
- panel popups
--load the default layout when cant find the previous
layout for some reason. This means that something went
really wrong actually and the previous stored layout
doesnt exist anymore, at least with the same name
the mask region wasnt calculated correctly in some cases
after location changes. I think it might be a plasma
upstream bug/change but either way this patch fixes
--for all neutral areas (such as spacers or
activate indicator spacers) the activate signal
in sent in order to activate an applet or
expand it / hide it...
--the default shortcut is Meta+A but the user can
change it to whatever wants to from plasma systemsettings.
--the settings windows are show bases on priority.
Primary screen docks have higher priority and for the
edges the priority is: Bottom,Left,Top,Right
--the shortcut Alt+S,Alt+D is not working
correctly because it is reserved by the plasma
desktop. At first we disable it in order to see
if we can substitute it with another solution
--dodge modes now check in start if the dock contains
the mouse and thus dont make any other calculations
or calls to kwin if the dock contains the mouse
--as an example Firefox 55 triggers a windowChanged
event in every mouse movement. Thus the dock wasnt
appearing because it was sent a raideDock(false)
signal. Adding a containsMouse check for all dodgeModes
fixes this. A raiseDock(false) is never sent if
the dock containsMouse
--changed the design totally and use only signals
between plasmoid in order to update their models. This
way the launcherList from their tasksmodel should be
updated only on the initialization phase of the Latte
plasmoid. Afterwards signaling between them takes
place, in order to inform each other for adding,
removing launchers, moving them and assigning them
to activities
--the addDock code now checks if at the primary screen
in the specific edge there is already assigned an explicit
dock. In that case it doesnt add that primary dock
--during startup Latte checks if a tasks plasmoid
is going to be present (because of multi-screen settings).
Now these checks are also considering the case of
plasma taskmanagers
--there are cases that a layout file can be broken because
there are containments having same applet ids. This
check informs the user for such layouts when the
layout manager is appearing
-- copy dock method wasnt using correctly the signals
and the methods from containments during first loading
the new copied containments. That could create crashes
if the user was trying to remove a copied dock directly
after used the copy method
--Latte when loading a layout tries to identify if based
on the docks settings there will be at least one dock
containing a tasks plasmoid. This code was extended in order
to identify also the plasma taskmanagers. One more improvement
is that this code now is executed also when dynamically
changing layouts
--QMultiComboBox couldnt cooperate nicely with the
TableView, a different approach is needed. Probably
it is easier to just add a text indicator for the selected
--during changing layouts there were cases that Latte
would crash because between deleting containment and
triggering the event to delete the dockview, there was
a race condition. The dockview wasnt deleted and as
a consequence the libtaskmanager or kwindowsystem were
forwarding events to them
--there were some issues with the use of LayoutSettings
in places that we shouldnt use it. LayoutSettings now
is used to load only layouts with version>=2
--add functionality for layoutManager
--add widgets action and alternative layout action to
--remove more functionality that belongs to globalSettings
--when changing layouts/old sessions from the Latte Tasks
Context menu, Latte was crashing very often. Add the switching
code into a Timer to make its execution asynchronoushly
--the session functionality is not removed only from
globalsettings class which is just waiting to be removed
tottaly when its functionality moves to the new classes
--the new layout is loaded without closing
Latte and with properly loading globalSettings
and screen from the layout file. The layout
new files are updated when Latte is closing
--users reported that when activating an external screen
as primary and at the same time disabling the original
screen e.g. the laptop one, latte wasnt showing docks at
all. This could also occur on startup. This commit
fixes this and improves more the multi-screen code in
various corner cases
--the new implementation possibly fixes two crashes
that could occur occasionaly. First it is ensured
that the new dock in created after the old one has been
removed. We also use directly the containment instead
of using a reference for it which could create a crash
in some cases. One more fix, setting dock visible to false
had no reason as long as it is going to be deleted either
--this was a rare crash when changing to default
session from the alternative one through the context
menu of the Tasks plasmoid there was a crash sometimes
--improve the signaling between the configuration window
and the dockview concerning freeEdges for current screens
and docks count. Now the docks counting is different
between screens and in general
--the new algorithms are using QScreen* values
from dockviews instead of the containment screen()
which can not be trusted at the first minutes
of a dock creation
--this commit is the last for this to be supported.
It checks if the globalLauncherList is empty and in
such case when syncing is enabled the current dock
launchers are used
--doing so fixes a wrong loading issue that
was creating shadows for secondary, third dock
and losing also the focus out event to close
the configuration windows
--draw the wayland surfaces for docks and config
views earlier. That way we are certain that the
signals wont mess up the experience. This way
positioning config views and getting the focusOut
event works correctly
--disable in waylandinterface any x specific code.
In order to be ready that class to accept only
wayland centered code
--in X11 now the globalshortcuts class takes into
account if the user presses any modifier in order
to hide the dock
--if the dock is hidden whenever a relevant global
shortcut is triggered the dock is shown and number
indicators for the tasks are shown
--the global shortcut class now identify if the user
has release the shortcuts modifiers and then release
the dock to hide. The code was found first in the
plasma activity switcher
--the globalshortcuts class contains all the relevant
code and includes also some functions that were used
from corona to trigger changes into the Latte Tasks
--disable quiting the app when there are no windows
shown. There are cases that between states some
windows may not exist. E.g. when changing sessions
and when activating/deactivating screens
--all the functionality concerning the internal separator
is moved completely into the plasmoid. Now the add/remove
of the internal separator can be found through the Tasks
contextmenu as long as we are in editMode (that is showing
the configuration window)
--improve applets shadows, now the shadows used
are using the backgroundColor when a transparent
panel is forced
--identify better when shadows should be drawn
--after Qt 5.8 the way the ungrabMouseItem works
has changed this introduced a bug:
plasma devs found a solution for this, that this
commit provides. The issue occurs when a user
right clicks (creates a context menu) and to
release it, he clicks in alternative area
outside the QuickWindow that created the previous
--update translation scripts to include translatable
metadata for the appstream file. new dependencies for
the scripts are:
- xmlstarlet
- itstool
--added also greek translation for the appstream file
--update the desktop file naming in order to comply with
new guidelines. Concerning also wayland. The new desktop
file is named to org.kde.latte-dock.desktop
--this patch adds an external config file in
order to store the user layouts. Adds also in
the globalSettings the layouts mechanism
--todo: the confirmation dialog is not working
correctly for some reason. It doesnt return
the accept value and on the exec() function
is crashing
--the commit the records the user the first time
it changes the autostart option to false. When
this happens then latte is not recreating the
autostart file when starting
--this way the right click we always take into account
the visual appearance space that latte provides for it
and not the applets internal geometry. So now spacers
also are considered as applet area
--this patch supports activation through shortcuts
--Meta+number, activates the relevant task, for
groups by default it activates the next available
window in the group
--Meta+Ctrl+number, create a new instance for that task
or launcher
--the user should know that must first enable these
shortcuts at plasma global shortcuts configuration
If I overrride the method event I should call to implementation parent, however VisibilityManagerPrivate is triggered from view and VisibilityManagerPriavte is not owner of QEvent
--the delay during creating dockview and setting
its dock window flags from visibilitymanager creates
a situation that the window manager temporary creates
a normal window with no special flags for the docks
--if the user was adding docks too fast then
some of them were added at the bottom because
that was conflicting with the session
implementation. The fix fixes the situation
and preserves the alternative session functionality
--in KF5.32 FrameSvg returns many times a mask
that is an empty QRegion(). this patch makes
sure that at least our rectangular metrics
for masks and effectsarea are used instead.
Of course this means that themes with rounded
corners dont look as they should in !compositing
--first all the code concerning exposeAltSession
is moved in it and in the future also the autostart
and currentSession can follow. This will improve
both dockview and configview
--this needs from the user side to add
in the .config/kwinrc
--the user is able to change into another
session/profile called "On The Road" for
which can set up its docks and applets
differently according to its needs. For
example hide its name, status, place
living etc.
--when dock is changing screens and dock is using
an automatic calculated icon size based on contents
the automatic icon size must be recalculated for the
new proportion icon size
--in order for a dock to be above KeepAbove
windows must contain flag BypassWindowManagerHint.
Unfortunately this flag breaks the experience with
AlwaysVisible state especially the struts and
snapping behavior. This patch recreates a
dockView when a mode is changed and an
update for the flags is needed.
--at the same time move the localGeometry to
dockView in order to trigger properly the
updateAbsGeometry when it is needed, on
window's geometry changes not only when there
is local geometry change
--when a dock is created through corona, the
addDock function reads the mode which is going
to be used and specifys this way the flags that
have to be set during docks creation
--support also an edge case where a top and left dock
overlap each other but there is also a free space in them.
This case hasnt been taken into account into the previous
--this is especial useful for plasma themes with big
transparency. Latte can not support blur and background
contrast kwin effects for panel backgrounds that are drawn
inside its qml side.
--this commit reduces into half the calculations
needed from the vertical docks in order to position
themselves based on horizontal docks. More specific
it makes the QRegion calculations only once for
each dock instead of two times
--this commit uses free region from corona instead
of free rectangle in order to calculate size and
positioning for the docks. This way is possible to
be positioned more intelligently.
--refer to last 6-7 commits that contain this new
multi-screen behavior
--the new multi-screen behavior becomes more intelligent.
Latte trys to never let you without a dock containing
tasks plasmoid. It trys to do that intelligently not
depending on how many docks you have registered and if
they are set to explicit or primary ones