@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
, {{"d", "debug"}, i18nc("command line", "Show the debugging messages on stdout.")}
, {"graphics", i18nc("command line", "Draw boxes around of the applets.")}
, {"with-window", i18nc("command line", "Open a window with much debug information.")}
, {"layouts", i18nc("command line", "Print available layouts")}
, {"default-layout", i18nc("command line", "Import and load default layout.")}
, {"import", i18nc("command line", "Import full configuration."), i18nc("command line: import", "file_name")}
, {"mask", i18nc("command line" , "Show messages of debugging for the mask (Only useful to devs).")}
@ -92,6 +93,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (parser.isSet(QStringLiteral("layouts"))) {
QStringList layouts = Latte::Importer::availableLayouts();
if (layouts.count() > 0) {
qInfo() << i18n("Available layouts that can be used to start Latte:");
foreach (auto layout, layouts) {
qInfo() << " " << layout;
} else {
qInfo() << i18n("There are no available layouts, during startup Default will be used.");
return 0;
QLockFile lockFile {QDir::tempPath() + "/latte-dock.lock"};
int timeout {100};