Richard Barry
Add SAMV7 (Cortex-M7) demo for Atmel Studio.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update library files used in STM32F7 demo to the latest version released by ST.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise MSP43FR5969 IAR and CCS demos (hopefully).
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Add CCS project for MSP430FR5969 demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Change some data types in heap_4.c to allow it to be used on hardware that has 16-bit pointers without generating compiler warnings.
Add a small data model configuration to the MSP43FR5969 IAR demo.
Correct some code comments in the SAMA5D4 demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename /Demo/MSP430FR5969_LaunchPad to /Demo/MSP430X_MSP430FR5969_LaunchPad for consistency with other MSP430 demo directory names.
Fixed typos in comments repeated in multiple source files.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete large memory model MSP430FR5969 demo - including CLI and run-time stats.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Start of an MSP430FR5969 IAR project - currently running Blinky only.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TimerDemo.c to test the new vTimerSetTimerID() function.
Update WinPCap NetworkInterface.c for FreeRTOS+UDP to correctly store a pointer to the network buffer structure at the beginning of the network buffer.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Final V8.2.1 release ready for tagging:
+ Added MSP432 (ARM Cortex-M4F MSP430!) demos for IAR, Keil and CCS.
+ Renamed directory containing demo for STM32F7 ARM Cortex-M7.
+ Renamed directory containing demo for SAMV71 ARM Cortex-M7.
+ Introduced xTaskNotifyAndQuery().
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for V8.2.1 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel changes:
Exclude the entire croutine.c file when configUSE_CO_ROUTINES is 0.
New ports:
Added Cortex-M7 IAR and Keil port layers that include a minor errata workaround r0p1 Cortex-M7 devices.
Added Cortex-M4F port layer for CCS.
New demo applications:
Added demo application for STM32F7.
Added demo application for SAMv71.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates relating to formatting and comments only.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates to the Microblaze KC702 demo to allow easier connection from a Telnet server.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Add networking option to the Microblaze Kintex demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Work-in-progress check in of MicroBlaze Kintex7 demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel code:
+ Added mtCOVERAGE_TEST_DELAY() macro to facilitate getting better code coverage during testing.
+ Update prvNotifyQueueSetContainer() so it does not call xTaskRemoveFromEventList() if it is called from an interrupt, and the queue is locked.
Demo apps:
Added QueueSetPolling.c/h demo/test functions.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel updates:
+ Added vTimerSetTimerID() to compliment vTimerGetTimerID(). Now the timer ID can be used as timer local storage.
+ Updated comments and added some additional assert() calls.
Win32 port:
+ Some changes to allow easier 64-bit builds
PIC24/dsPIC port:
+ Added NOP after disable interrupt instruction.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel updates:
- Add user configurable thread local storage array, with get/set access function.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Add run-time stats to the Kintex7 Microblaze demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the beginnings of a Microblaze project for the KC705.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for official V8.2.0 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo app changes:
Add a "query heap" command to the standard sample CLI commands.
Remove casting from configMAX_PRIORITIES setting in Win32 simulator demos as it was preventing a clean build.
Source code changes.
General tidy up and addition of assert points.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Release candidate - this will be tagged as FreeRTOS V8.2.0rc1 and a zip file provided.
Minor lint changes.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename SAM4E demo directory to include the 'F' in 'M4F' - minor point for the sake of consistency.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for V8.2.0 release candidate 1.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel changes:
+ Made xTaskNotifyGiveFromISR() its own function, rather than a macro that calls xTaskNotifyFromISR() (minor performance improvement).
+ GCC and Keil Cortex-M4F ports now use vPortRaiseBASEPRI() in place of ulPortRaiseBASEPRI() where the return value is not required (minor performance improvement).
Demo changes:
Change the [very basic] FreeRTOS+UDP SAM4E driver to use task notifications rather than a semaphore (execution time now 55% what it was in FreeRTOS V8.1.2!).
Robustness improvements to IntQueue.c standard demo task.h.
Added the latest standard demo tasks, reg test tasks and int q tasks to the SAM4E demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel changes:
+ Do not attempt to free the stack of a deleted task if the stack was statically allocated.
+ Introduce configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES - which optionally writes known values into the list and list item data structures in order to assist with the detection of memory corruptions.
Microblase port:
+Change occurrences of #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU == 1 to #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU != 0 as the value can also be 2 or 3.
Demo app modifications:
+ Update Zynq project to use the 2014.4 tools and add in tests for the new task notification feature.
+ Update SAM4S project to include tests for the new task notification feature.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
+ Update demos that use FreeRTOS+Trace to work with the latest trace recorder library.
+ Fix a few compiler warnings.
+ Add TickType_t specific critical sections so critical sections are not used when accessing the tick count in cases where the access is atomic (32-bit tick count, 32-bit architecture).
10 years ago
Richard Barry
+ New feature added: Task notifications.
+ Optimise Cortex-M4F ports by inlining some critical section macros.
+ Original ports used a #define to set the path to portmacro.h - that method has been obsolete for years and now all the old definitions have been moved into a separate header files called deprecated_definitions.h.
+ Cortex-M port now check the active vector bits against 0xff when determining if a function is called from an interrupt - previously only a subset of the bits (0x1f) were checked.
+ Add in new standard demo/test files TaskNotify.c/h and include the files in the simulator demos.
+ Update trace recorder code, and some demos to use the new version (more to do).
+ Introduce uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR().
+ Minor typo corrections.
+ Update MingW simulator demo to match the MSVC simulator demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Core kernel code:
Allow the stats formatting functions to be built in without stdio.h being included inside tasks.c.
Kernel port code:
- Slight change to the Cortex-A GIC-less port to move all non portable code to the application level.
SAMA5D4 demo project:
- Update the Atmel provided library to V1.1.
- Create a DDR build configuration.
- Ensure interrupts are all edge sensitive.
- Update the regtest code to use all 32 flop registers.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo projects only:
+ Remove some #warnings messages from the Cycle 5 - which were left in the code as reminders of tests that were not yet completed but are now.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Core kernel files:
+ Change how queues are allocated and deleted so only one pvPortMalloc() or vPortFree() is required in place of the previous 2.
+ Where the TCB is allocated in relation to the stack is now dependent on the stack growth direction. The stack will not grow into the TCB.
+ Introduce the configAPPLICATION_ALLOCATED_HEAP constant to allow the application to provide the array used by heap_4.c as its heap. This allows the application writer to use qualifiers on the array to, for example, force the memory into faster RAM.
Demo application:
+ Add demo for SAMA5D4 using IAR.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
MSP430 Demo projects only:
Update project format to new IAR version.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo project only:
Added comprehensive demo including FreeRTOS+CLI to the Cyclone V SoC project.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo project only: Cyclone V SoC now running from external RAM.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Added project for Altera Cyclone V SoC, currently running from internal RAM.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Core kernel code:
+ Introduce xSemaphoreGenericGiveFromISR() as an optimisation when giving semaphores and mutexes from an interrupt.
Demo applications:
+ Update IntSemTest.c to provide more code coverage in xSemaphoreGenericGiveFromISR().
+ Ensure the MMU is turned on in the RZ IAR demo. It was already on in the RZ ARM demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
SAM4L tickless implementation: Bug fix and update the demo project to exercise the fix.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo project only:
Add the new IntSem test/demo code into the MSVC demo project.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo tasks only, with the aim of improving test coverage:
+ Split out the code that uses a mutex from an interrupt from GenQTest.c and add to new common demo task IntSemTest.c.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.2 after moving the defaulting of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION into individual port layers so it does not affect ports that do not support the definition.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo code only:
Add the IntQ standard test to the SAM4S project.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.1 for patch release that re-enables mutexes to be given from an interrupt.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Core kernel code:
- Re-introduce the ability to give a mutex from an ISR.
Common demo code:
- Add additional tests into the GenQTest files for priority inheritance and using a mutex from an ISR.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Lower the minimum stack size used by the ATSAMA5 demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor edits prior to tagging V8.1.0.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for FreeRTOS V8.1.0 release in about 10 days.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo application related:
+ Update the RZ IAR project so it targets the RZ RSK rather than custom hardware.
+ Update the RZ ARM/DS-5 project so it targets the RZ RSK rather than custom hardware.
+ Updated RX64M demos to use the new iodefine.h naming.
Cortex-A9 port related:
+ Update IAR, ARM and GCC Cortex-A9 port layers to include a 'task exit error' function which is called if a task attempts to incorrectly exit its implementing function.
+ Moved the instruction which switches into system mode out of the restore context macro, as it is only needed when starting the first task.
Core kernel files related:
+ Ensure there are no references to the mutexes held count when mutexes are excluded from the build.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Common demo tasks:
- Add additional tests to GenQTest.c to test the updated priority inheritance mechanism.
- Slightly increase some delays in recmutex.c to prevent it reporting false errors in high load test cases.
SAMA5D3 Xplained IAR demo:
- Remove space being allocated for stacks that are not used.
- Remove explicit enabling of interrupts in ISR handers as this is now done from the central ISR callback before the individual handers are invoked.
- Reduce both the allocated heap size and the stack allocated to each task.
- Enable I cache.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Carry on working on SAMA5D3 demo:
- Add full interrupt nesting tests.
- Add additional critical section/context switching tests.
- Set interrupt priorities so everything can run at once without any software watchdog errors.
- Re-enable interrupts in each IRQ handler.
- Add in run-time stats.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
SAMA5D3 demo: Add CDC driver code and use CDC to create a simple command console.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Re-test Zynq demo now it is using the latest tools.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add back Zynq demo - this time using SDK V14.2.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove Zynq demo project ready to recreate the project using the 14.2 version of Xilinx's SDK.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add 'full' demo to the SAMA5 Xplained demo - but so far without interrupt nesting tests or CLI.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
SAMA5D3 Xplained demo blinky running.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Start of SAMA5D3 XPlained demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the MSVC simulator demo to demonstrate heap_5 allocator and pdTICKS_TO_MS macro being used.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update timer demo in PIC32MZ demo to remove multiple extern definition created by adding in the macro that checks non ISR safe functions are not called from ISRs.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional comments to the Zynq lwIP demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Zynq demo: Fix Xilinx network driver by deferring the function that allocated memory from the interrupt into a task. Add DHCP option.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove some of the lwip asserts to allow use with 64-bit alignment.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Switch to using the private watchdog as the run time stats timer in the Zynq demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Reorganise Zynq project after spitting lwIP example into a separate configuration.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Move the Zynq's lwIP example from the Full demo into its own configuration as having the lwIP tasks at a high priority made the self checking test tasks report failures, while having the lwIP tasks at a low priority slugged the throughput.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update lwIP byte alignment to make Zynq pings more reliable.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RL78 GCC demo application after testing with fixed compiler.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete RX64M GCC demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add -nomessage command line option to RX64M demo to suppress warning about the yield function being defined when it is not called directly.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure demo app files are using FreeRTOS V8 names - a few were missed previously.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
A few additional casts to keep the Renesas RX compiler happy.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add lwIP driver into Zynq demo - not yet fully functional.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add brackets in lwIP assert statement to prevent compiler warnings.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add some missing volatiles to __asm statements in the CA9 GCC port.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update demos that use FreeRTOS+FAT SL to have correct version numbers after the update of FreeRTOS+FAT SL itself.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update IAR XMC4200 project to fix link error that resulted from updating the IAR version to 7.x.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add test and correct code for the unusual case of a task using an event group to synchronise only with itself.
Add critical sections around call to prvResetNextTaskUnblockTime() that can occur from within a task.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the pcTimerGetTimerName() API function.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add interrupt nesting test code into RX64M demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add RSK definition and LED flash tasks into RX64M demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Started to create RX64M GCC project - building but not yet converted to new core.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Delete old RL78 launch configurations.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add RL78/L1C configuration into e2studio demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
RL78/L1C configuration added to the IAR RL78 demo projects.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Working but incomplete RXv2 demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
RXv1 tests running before updating to RXv2.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Start to create an RX64M demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add event group code to the PIC32MZ demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add #define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState 1 to the demos that use the int queue test.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove test of trace functions from the Win32/GCC build as it messes up the trace recorder.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove test of trace functions from the Win32 build as it messes up the trace recorder.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add event groups demo to SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add event group tests to IAR LM3S demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Follow instructions on to manually prevent MSVC from incorrectly reporting the MSVC demo project as being out of date.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the demo directory to use the version 8 type naming conventions.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Replace xTaskIsTaskSuspended() call with eTaskGetState() call in IntQueue.c as the former is now a private function.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add a small amount of randomisation into the Zynq demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add event groups demo to Zynq demo.
Add C implementations of some standard library functions to the Zynq demo to prevent the GCC libraries (which use floating point registers as scratch registers) being linked in.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update IAR RL78 demo regtest tasks to make use of SKZ instructions as the latest IAR linker didn't seem to like the previous version.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove inclusion of now removed header file from the RZ/IAR LowLevelInitialise.c file.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Third attempt: Improve how TimerDemo.c manages differences between the tick count and its own internal tick count, which can temporarily differ when the tick hook is called while the scheduler is suspended.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the Win32/MingW demo to match the latest Win32/MSVC demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Second attempt: Improve how TimerDemo.c manages differences between the tick count and its own internal tick count, which can temporarily differ when the tick hook is called while the scheduler is suspended.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Improve how TimerDemo.c manages differences between the tick count and its own internal tick count, which can temporarily differ when the tick hook is called while the scheduler is suspended.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Related to Zynq demo: Remove compiler warnings when configASSERT() is not defined and set the type of the assembly functions to allow them to be called when the C code is compiled to THUMB instructions.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Finish the Zynq demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add in interrupt nesting test.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Check in working IntQueueTimer.c for Zynq before overhauling to ensure it conforms to the FreeRTOS style and coding standard.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Zynq serial.c to be interrupt driven.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add very basic serial CLI to the Zynq demo - needs a lot of tidy up yet!
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Uncheck the "Do not search standard system directories for header files" compiler option in two RX600 project to ensure stdint.h can be found correctly.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add main_full.c to Zynq demo. Still a work in progress.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue Zynq demo - ParTest.c now working (with single LED), but still very much a work in progress.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue working on Zynq demo - tick interrupt now working but needs tidy up.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Carry on working on the Zynq demo - still a work in progress.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Beginnings of a project to build the GCC Cortex-A port targeting a Zynq.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add extern 'C' to FreeRTOS.h.
Remove obsolete extern declaration of vTaskSwitchContext() from the MPX430X IAR portmacro.h (other older portmacro.h header files contain the same declaration).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY to allow the #defines that provide backward compatibility with FreeRTOS version prior to V8 to be optionally omitted.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove obsolete OpenOCD driver.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor tidy ups that don't effect code generation, plus:
When a task is unblocked the need for a context switch is only signalled if the unblocked task has a priority higher than the currently running task, instead of higher than or equal to the priority of the currently running task.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor comment corrections prior to tagging.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the event group interrupt tests to the Win32 demo projects.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Comment the event groups standard demo files.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS+ more demos that use FreeRTOS+CLI to remove casting to int8_t * from strings.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update demos that use FreeRTOS+CLI to remove casting to int8_t * from strings.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates to demo projects to ensure correct building with V8 rc1.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove casting from definition of configMAX_PRIORITIES to allow its use in pre-processor defined conditional compilation.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates to demo projects to ensure correct building with V8 rc1.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Revert some library files back to using standard types as they are not FreeRTOS files.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Replace use of legacy portTYPE macros from old demos and standard demo files.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change 'signed char *pcTaskName) to 'char *pcTaskName' in vApplicationStackOverflowHook().
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue to remove unnecessary 'signed char *' casts from strings that are now just plain char * types.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Start to remove unnecessary 'signed char *' casts from strings that are now just plain char * types.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Move the event groups single tasks test out of the common demo file (they are now part of the module tests).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change some task priorities in the MingW simulator demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update GCC/Eclipse Win32 simulator port to make better use of Eclipse resource filters and match the functionality of the MSVC equivalent.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change the configCPU_CLOCK_HZ setting in the SAM4E demo to use the SystemCoreClock variable.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the ucQueueNumber member of the queue structure (used with FreeRTOS+Trace to be an unsigned portBASE_TYPE instead of an unsigned char.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Comment typo correction only.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete STM32L low power demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove [unused] touch library files from the STM32L discovery demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove unused files from STM32L discovery board demo directory structure and build.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up STM32L low power demo and add 'comprehensive demo' option.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove duplication of comments at the top of the file.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
STM32L discovery demo is now demonstrating three low power modes - still needs clean up.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor change to SAM4L_low_power_tick_management.c to ensure the alarm value cannot be set to zero.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Spelling corrections in comments only.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Checked in header file missed form previous checkin.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional event group tests - and update implementation as required by test results.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add event groups test/demo tasks.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue work on STM32L demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add STM32L Discovery board project as a starting point to adapt to an RTOS demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change conf_eth.h to provide additional Rx buffers in SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Final tidy up before V7.6.0 zip file creation.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add link to documentation page inside main_full() of the SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional comments to SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add graphics to the SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add UDP related commands to SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add standard demo tasks to SAM4E demo.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add SAM4E-EK demo with UDP and CLI. Not yet complete.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the SAM4L low power demo to use the ASF enable/disable interrupts functions rather than manipulating the PIRMASK directly - and in so doing allow other ASF functions to be called with the interrupt enable bit nesting.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure the Win32 demo runs in co-operative mode.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update some standard demo task implementations so they can be used with the cooperative scheduler.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update semtest.c to use xSemaphoreCreateBinary() in place of vSemaphoreCreateBinary.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure PIC32MX MPLAB 8 project builds with XC.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update PIC32 MPLAB8 project so it builds with the new partest file names.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update PIC32MX demo:
Change configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 3 to also check the interrupt stack.
Add a build configuration to allow use on the PIC32 USBII starter kit.
Increase some delays when talking to the LCD to ensure it always displays correctly.
Rewrite the register test tasks.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Set the MSVC Win32 demo back to create the simply blinky demo by default.
Set the MingW Wind32 demo back to include the #error to remind people to run the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure batch file.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the Eclipse/MingW project to account for the new Win32 simulator port layer (which has better timing).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the main Win32 MSVC demo to account for the changes to the Win32 port layer (more accurate timing).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the SVC handler from the XMC1000 demo as it is no longer used by the Cortex-M0 port layer.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the SVC handler from the SAMD20 FreeRTOSConfig.h as the GCC Cortex-M0 port no longer uses it.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Added an additional configASSERT() to test the new eTaskGetState() behaviour (see previous checking comment).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove maths library dependency form SAMD20 project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete XMC4000 Tasking project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix broken link in Atmel Studio SAMD20 project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Increase minimal stack size for the SAMD20 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete tidy up of SAMD20 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete SAMD20 demo - still needs tidy up.
Add comments to the XMC1000 reg test files.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Clear up a few compiler warnings.
Correct header comments in the UARTCommandConsole.c file used in the SmartFusion2 demo.
Exercise the new xQueueSpacesAvailable() function in the MSVC demo.
Add defaults for the new traceMALLOC and traceFREE trace macros.
Catch tasks trying to exit their functions in the Cortex-M0 ports.
Add additional comments to timers.c in response to a support forum question.
Initialise _impure_ptr prior to the first task being started.
Prior to V7.5.0 a yield pended in the tick hook would have occurred during the same tick interrupt. Return pdTRUE from xTaskIncrementTick() if a yield is pending to revert to that behaviour.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete CLI demo on SAMD20.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Get CLI functioning in SAMD20 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Starting point for the SAMD20 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 GCC demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 IAR demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 Keil demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS parameter to a couple of FreeRTOSConfig.h header files that got missed out when the parameter was introduced.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the math library as a build dependency in the SAM4L demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Move the #error message about running the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure batch file from FreeRTOSConfig.h to main.c so it shows when the batch file has not been executed (XMC4000 Dave and Tasking projects).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Make self monitoring in QueueSet.c more robust to prevent false positives.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Enable RX62N_RDK project to build with the blink configuration.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add #error into Tasking project to remind users that they need to run the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure batch file.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Keil XMC1000 to later version.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC1000 GCC demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC1000 IAR demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC1000 Keil demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 Dave/GCC demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 Keil demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Finalise XMC4000 IAR demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add build configurations for the XMC4400 and XMC4200 to the Tasking demo project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update XMC4000 tasking project to use latest system files.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename directories with XMC4500 in their name that now contain XMC4200 and XMC4000 build configurations to instead say XMC4000.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename directories with XMC4500 in their name that now contain XMC4200 and XMC4000 build configurations to instead say XMC4000.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Reworked XMC4500 IAR project to use latest system files and include build configurations for the XMC4200 and XMC4400 parts.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add XMC4200 and XMC4400 build configurations to the XMC4000 Dave project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add Dave project for the XMC4500.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the Keil XMC4500 demo project to include build configurations for the XMC4200 and XMC4400 application boards.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Make the QueueSet.c standard demo task a little friendlier to lower priority tasks.
Allow the priority of the controlling task in the recmutex.c standard demo tasks to be overridden by a setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add a build configuration for the XMC1100 boot kit.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RX600/Renesas compiler build configurations to use the latest compiler version.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RX600 blinky build configuration to include missing linker section.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue work on XMC1000 demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional configASSERTS() to some standard demo tasks.
Use own rand() function in QueueSet.c to prevent library versions being referenced.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename CORTEX_M)_Infineion_Boot_Kits_IAR_Keil to CORTEX_M0_Infineon_XMC1000_IAR_Keil_GCC as it now contains projects for all three compilers.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add a GCC project to the the XMC1000 demo directory.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Move files common to IAR and Keil projects from compiler specific directories under the XMC demo directory into the XMC demo directory itself.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue work on Get clock settings in Keil and IAR XMC1000 demo working.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue work on XCM1200 Keil demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Create full Keil project for XMC boot kit (not yet tested).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Starting point for XMC1000 Keil demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix a few typos and remove the "register" keyword.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove duplicate definition from FreeRTOSConfig.h.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename xTaskGetSystemState() uxTaskGetSystemState().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove large and unnecessary .docx files.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update PIC32 serial.c slightly to add volatile qualifier and update to coding standard.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix compiler warning.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update compiler version and add configASSERT() to PIC32 MPLAB X project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove commented out code.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct comment only.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove compiler warnings.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove compiler warnings.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the new configINCLUDE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS configuration parameter to FreeRTOS demo application that make use of vTaskStats() or vTaskGetRunTimeStats().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the queue overwrite demo to the RZ demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Win32 MSVC demo to include a simple blinky build option. The demo as it was is now the "full/comprehensive" build option.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update QueueOverwrite.c to include a call to xQueuePeekFromISR().
Default new QueuePeekFromISR() trace macros.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xQueueOverwriteFromISR() and update the QueueOverwrite.c to demonstrate its use.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xQueueOverwrite() and a common demo task to demonstrate its use.
Update MSVC Win32 demo to include the xQueueOverwrite() common demo tasks.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Re-implement the LPC18xx and SmartFusion2 run time stats implementation to use the free running Cortex-M cycle counter in place of the systick.
Correct the run-time stats counter implementation in the RZ demo.
Guard against run time counters going backwards in tasks.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add extra debug comment into list.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add retarget.c to RVDS project to ensure semihosting is not used.
12 years ago