You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
6.9 KiB

"labels": {
"paste": "Coller",
"selectAll": "Tout sélectionner",
"copy": "Copier",
"copyAsPng": "Copier dans le presse-papier en PNG",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"copyAsSvg": "Copier dans le presse-papier en SVG",
"bringForward": "Envoyer vers l'avant",
"sendToBack": "Mettre en arrière-plan",
"bringToFront": "Mettre au premier plan",
"sendBackward": "Envoyer vers l'arrière",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"copyStyles": "Copier les styles",
"pasteStyles": "Coller les styles",
"stroke": "Contour",
"background": "Arrière-plan",
"fill": "Remplissage",
"strokeWidth": "Largeur du contour",
"sloppiness": "Style de tracé",
"opacity": "Opacité",
"textAlign": "Alignement du texte",
"fontSize": "Taille de la police",
"fontFamily": "Police",
"onlySelected": "Uniquement la sélection",
"withBackground": "Avec arrière-plan",
"handDrawn": "Manuscrite",
"normal": "Normale",
"code": "Code",
"small": "Petit",
"medium": "Moyen",
"large": "Grand",
"veryLarge": "Très grand",
"solid": "Solide",
"hachure": "Hachure",
"crossHatch": "Hachure croisée",
"thin": "Fin",
"bold": "Épais",
"left": "Gauche",
"center": "Centre",
"right": "Droite",
"extraBold": "Très épais",
"architect": "Architecte",
"artist": "Artiste",
"cartoonist": "Caricaturiste",
"fileTitle": "Titre du fichier",
"colorPicker": "Sélecteur de couleur",
"canvasBackground": "Fond du canevas",
"drawingCanvas": "Canevas de dessin",
"layers": "Calques",
"actions": "Actions",
"language": "Langue",
"createRoom": "Partager une session de collaboration en direct",
"duplicateSelection": "Dupliquer",
"untitled": "Sans titre",
New Crowdin translations (#1344) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Polish)
5 years ago
"name": "Nom"
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "Effacer le canvas & réinitialiser la couleur d'arrière-plan",
"export": "Exporter",
"exportToPng": "Exporter en PNG",
"exportToSvg": "Exporter en SVG",
"copyToClipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"copyPngToClipboard": "Copier le PNG dans le presse-papier",
"save": "Sauvegarder",
"load": "Ouvrir",
"getShareableLink": "Obtenir un lien de partage",
"close": "Fermer",
"selectLanguage": "Choisir une langue",
"scrollBackToContent": "Revenir au contenu",
"zoomIn": "Zoomer",
"zoomOut": "Dézoomer",
"resetZoom": "Réinitialiser le zoom",
"menu": "Menu",
"done": "Terminé",
"edit": "Modifier",
"undo": "Annuler",
"redo": "Rétablir",
"roomDialog": "Démarrer le collaboration en temps réel",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"createNewRoom": "Créer un nouveau salon",
"toggleFullScreen": "Mode plein-écran"
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "L'intégralité du canvas va être effacé. Êtes-vous sur ?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "Impossible de créer un lien de partage.",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "Impossible de charger un fichier invalide",
"importBackendFailed": "L'import depuis le backend a échoué.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Impossible d'exporter un canvas vide.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Impossible de copier dans le presse-papier. Essayez d'utiliser le navigateur Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Les données n'ont pas pu être déchiffrées.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Le téléchargement a été sécurisé avec un chiffrement de bout en bout, ce qui signifie que ni Excalidraw ni personne d'autre ne peut en lire le contenu."
"toolBar": {
"selection": "Sélection",
"rectangle": "Rectangle",
"diamond": "Losange",
"ellipse": "Ellipse",
"arrow": "Flèche",
"line": "Ligne",
"text": "Texte",
"lock": "Garder l'outil sélectionné actif après le dessin"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "Actions du canevas",
"selectedShapeActions": "Actions pour la forme sélectionnée",
"shapes": "Formes"
"hints": {
"linearElement": "Cliquez pour démarrer plusieurs points, faites glisser pour une seule ligne",
"linearElementMulti": "Cliquez sur le dernier point ou appuyez sur Échap ou Entrée pour terminer",
"resize": "Vous pouvez contraindre les proportions en maintenant la touche MAJ enfoncée tout en redimensionnant",
"rotate": "Vous pouvez contraindre les angles en maintenant MAJ enfoncé pendant la rotation"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Une erreur est survenue. Essayez ",
"headingMain_button": "de recharger la page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "Si le rechargement ne résout pas l'erreur, essayez ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "d'effacer le canevas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " Cela entraînera une perte du travail ",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "L'erreur ",
"trackedToSentry_post": " a été enregistrée dans notre système.",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Nous avons été très prudents de ne pas inclure les informations de votre scène dans l'erreur. Si votre scène n'est pas privée, veuillez envisager de poursuivre sur notre ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "outil de suivi des bugs.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Veuillez inclure les informations ci-dessous en les copiant-collant dans le ticket GitHub.",
"sceneContent": "Contenu de la scène :"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "Vous pouvez inviter des personnes dans votre scène actuelle à collaborer avec vous.",
"desc_privacy": "Ne vous inquiétez pas, la session utilise le chiffrement de bout en bout, donc tout ce que vous dessinez restera privé. Même notre serveur ne sera pas en mesure de voir ce que vous faites.",
"button_startSession": "Démarrer la session",
"button_stopSession": "Arrêter la session",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "La session de collaboration en direct est maintenant en cours.",
"desc_persistenceWarning": "Notez que les données de la scène sont partagées entre collaborateurs de manière P2P et ne sont pas enregistrés sur notre serveur. Ainsi, si tous les participants se déconnecte, vous perdrez les données à moins de les exporter vers un fichier ou un lien partageable.",
"desc_shareLink": "Partagez ce lien avec ceux avec qui vous souhaitez collaborer :",
"desc_exitSession": "Arrêter la session vous déconnectera du salon, mais vous pourrez continuer à travailler avec la scène, localement. Notez que cela n'affectera pas les autres personnes, et ils seront toujours en mesure de collaborer sur leur version."
"errorDialog": {
"title": "Erreur"
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"shortcutsDialog": {
"title": "Raccourcis clavier",
"shapes": "Formes",
"or": "ou",
"click": "cliquer",
"drag": "glisser",
"curvedArrow": "Flèche courbée",
"curvedLine": "Ligne courbée",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"editor": "Éditeur",
"view": "Afficher",
"blog": "Lisez notre blog",
"howto": "Suivez notre guides",
"github": "Vous avez trouvé un problème ? Envoyer",
New Crowdin translations (#1344) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Polish)
5 years ago
"textNewLine": "Ajouter une nouvelle ligne (texte)",
New Crowdin translations (#1449) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Japanese) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Japanese) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (German)
5 years ago
"textFinish": "Terminer l'édition (texte)",
"zoomToFit": ""
"encrypted": {
"tooltip": ""