You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
8.1 KiB

"labels": {
"paste": "Paste",
"selectAll": "Select all",
"multiSelect": "Add element to selection",
"moveCanvas": "Move canvas",
"copy": "Copy",
"copyAsPng": "Copy to clipboard as PNG",
"copyAsSvg": "Copy to clipboard as SVG",
"bringForward": "Bring forward",
"sendToBack": "Send to back",
"bringToFront": "Bring to front",
"sendBackward": "Send backward",
"delete": "Delete",
"copyStyles": "Copy styles",
"pasteStyles": "Paste styles",
"stroke": "Stroke",
"background": "Background",
"fill": "Fill",
"strokeWidth": "Stroke width",
"strokeStyle": "Stroke style",
"strokeStyle_solid": "Solid",
"strokeStyle_dashed": "Dashed",
"strokeStyle_dotted": "Dotted",
"sloppiness": "Sloppiness",
"opacity": "Opacity",
"textAlign": "Text align",
"edges": "Edges",
"sharp": "Sharp",
"round": "Round",
"fontSize": "Font size",
"fontFamily": "Font family",
"onlySelected": "Only selected",
"withBackground": "With Background",
"exportEmbedScene": "Embed scene into exported file",
"exportEmbedScene_details": "Scene data will be saved into the exported PNG/SVG file so that the scene can be restored from it.\nWill increase exported file size.",
"addWatermark": "Add \"Made with Excalidraw\"",
"handDrawn": "Hand-drawn",
"normal": "Normal",
"code": "Code",
"small": "Small",
"medium": "Medium",
"large": "Large",
"veryLarge": "Very large",
"solid": "Solid",
"hachure": "Hachure",
"crossHatch": "Cross-hatch",
"thin": "Thin",
"bold": "Bold",
"left": "Left",
"center": "Center",
"right": "Right",
"extraBold": "Extra bold",
"architect": "Architect",
"artist": "Artist",
"cartoonist": "Cartoonist",
"fileTitle": "File title",
"colorPicker": "Color picker",
"canvasBackground": "Canvas background",
"drawingCanvas": "Drawing canvas",
"layers": "Layers",
"actions": "Actions",
"language": "Language",
"createRoom": "Share a live-collaboration session",
"duplicateSelection": "Duplicate",
"untitled": "Untitled",
"name": "Name",
"yourName": "Your name",
"madeWithExcalidraw": "Made with Excalidraw",
"group": "Group selection",
"ungroup": "Ungroup selection",
"collaborators": "Collaborators",
"toggleGridMode": "Toggle grid mode",
"addToLibrary": "Add to library",
"removeFromLibrary": "Remove from library",
"libraryLoadingMessage": "Loading library...",
"loadingScene": "Loading scene..."
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "Reset the canvas",
"export": "Export",
"exportToPng": "Export to PNG",
"exportToSvg": "Export to SVG",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"copyPngToClipboard": "Copy PNG to clipboard",
"scale": "Scale",
"save": "Save",
"saveAs": "Save as",
"load": "Load",
"getShareableLink": "Get shareable link",
"close": "Close",
"selectLanguage": "Select language",
"scrollBackToContent": "Scroll back to content",
"zoomIn": "Zoom in",
"zoomOut": "Zoom out",
"resetZoom": "Reset zoom",
"menu": "Menu",
"done": "Done",
"edit": "Edit",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"roomDialog": "Start live collaboration",
"createNewRoom": "Create new room",
"toggleFullScreen": "Toggle full screen",
"toggleDarkMode": "Toggle dark mode",
"toggleZenMode": "Toggle zen mode",
"exitZenMode": "Exit zen mode"
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "This will clear the whole canvas. Are you sure?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "Couldn't create shareable link.",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "Couldn't load invalid file",
"importBackendFailed": "Importing from backend failed.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Cannot export empty canvas.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Couldn't copy to clipboard. Try using Chrome browser.",
basic implementation of collaborative editing (#879) * Enable collaborative syncing for elements * Don't fall back to local storage if using a room, as that is confusing * Use remote socket server * Send updates to new users when they join * ~ * add mouse tracking * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * Add Live button and app state to support tracking collaborator counts * Enable collaborative syncing for elements * add mouse tracking * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * Add Live button and app state to support tracking collaborator counts * prettier * Fix bug with remote pointers not changing on scroll * Enable collaborative syncing for elements * add mouse tracking * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * Add Live button and app state to support tracking collaborator counts * enable collaboration, rooms, and mouse tracking * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * fix syncing bugs and add a button to start syncing mid session * Fix bug with remote pointers not changing on scroll * remove UI for collaboration * remove link * clean up lingering unused UI * set random IV passed per encrypted message, reduce room id length, refactored socket broadcasting API, rename room_id to room, removed throttling of pointer movement * fix package.json conflict
5 years ago
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "The upload has been secured with end-to-end encryption, which means that Excalidraw server and third parties can't read the content.",
"loadSceneOverridePrompt": "Loading external drawing will replace your existing content. Do you wish to continue?",
"errorLoadingLibrary": "There was an error loading the third party library.",
"confirmAddLibrary": "This will add {{numShapes}} shape(s) to your library. Are you sure?",
"imageDoesNotContainScene": "Image file doesn't contain scene data. Have you enabled this during export?",
"cannotRestoreFromImage": "Scene couldn't be restored from this image file"
"toolBar": {
"selection": "Selection",
"draw": "Free draw",
"rectangle": "Rectangle",
"diamond": "Diamond",
"ellipse": "Ellipse",
"arrow": "Arrow",
"line": "Line",
"text": "Text",
"library": "Library",
"lock": "Keep selected tool active after drawing"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "Canvas actions",
"selectedShapeActions": "Selected shape actions",
"shapes": "Shapes"
"hints": {
"linearElement": "Click to start multiple points, drag for single line",
"freeDraw": "Click and drag, release when you're finished",
"text": "Tip: you can also add text by double-clicking anywhere with the selection tool",
"linearElementMulti": "Click on last point or press Escape or Enter to finish",
"resize": "You can constrain proportions by holding SHIFT while resizing,\nhold ALT to resize from the center",
"rotate": "You can constrain angles by holding SHIFT while rotating",
"lineEditor_info": "Double-click or press Enter to edit points",
"lineEditor_pointSelected": "Press Delete to remove point, CtrlOrCmd+D to duplicate, or drag to move",
"lineEditor_nothingSelected": "Select a point to move or remove, or hold Alt and click to add new points"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "The error with identifier ",
"trackedToSentry_post": " was tracked on our system.",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "We were very cautious not to include your scene information on the error. If your scene is not private, please consider following up on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include information below by copying and pasting into the GitHub issue.",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "You can invite people to your current scene to collaborate with you.",
"desc_privacy": "Don't worry, the session uses end-to-end encryption, so whatever you draw will stay private. Not even our server will be able to see what you come up with.",
"button_startSession": "Start session",
"button_stopSession": "Stop session",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "Live-collaboration session is now in progress.",
"desc_shareLink": "Share this link with anyone you want to collaborate with:",
"desc_exitSession": "Stopping the session will disconnect you from the room, but you'll be able to continue working with the scene, locally. Note that this won't affect other people, and they'll still be able to collaborate on their version."
"errorDialog": {
"title": "Error"
"shortcutsDialog": {
"title": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"shapes": "Shapes",
"or": "or",
"click": "click",
"drag": "drag",
"curvedArrow": "Curved arrow",
"curvedLine": "Curved line",
"editor": "Editor",
"view": "View",
"blog": "Read our blog",
"howto": "Follow our guides",
"github": "Found an issue? Submit",
"textNewLine": "Add new line (text)",
"textFinish": "Finish editing (text)",
"zoomToFit": "Zoom to fit all elements",
"preventBinding": "Prevent arrow binding"
"encrypted": {
"tooltip": "Your drawings are end-to-end encrypted so Excalidraw's servers will never see them."
"charts": {
"noNumericColumn": "You pasted a spreadsheet without a numeric column.",
"tooManyColumns": "You pasted a spreadsheet with more than two columns."