@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import React from "react";
import { Popover } from "./Popover" ;
import "./ColorPicker.css" ;
import { KEYS } from "../keys" ;
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next" ;
import { TFunction } from "i18next" ;
// This is a narrow reimplementation of the awesome react-color Twitter component
// https://github.com/casesandberg/react-color/blob/master/src/components/twitter/Twitter.js
@ -10,29 +13,71 @@ const Picker = function({
colors ,
color ,
onChange ,
onClose ,
label ,
t ,
} : {
colors : string [ ] ;
color : string | null ;
onChange : ( color : string ) = > void ;
onClose : ( ) = > void ;
label : string ;
t : TFunction ;
} ) {
const firstItem = React . useRef < HTMLButtonElement > ( ) ;
const colorInput = React . useRef < HTMLInputElement > ( ) ;
React . useEffect ( ( ) = > {
// After the component is first mounted
// focus on first input
if ( firstItem . current ) firstItem . current . focus ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
const handleKeyDown = ( e : React.KeyboardEvent ) = > {
if ( e . key === KEYS . TAB ) {
const { activeElement } = document ;
if ( e . shiftKey ) {
if ( activeElement === firstItem . current ) {
colorInput . current ? . focus ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} else {
if ( activeElement === colorInput . current ) {
firstItem . current ? . focus ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} else if ( e . key === KEYS . ESCAPE ) {
onClose ( ) ;
e . nativeEvent . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
} ;
return (
< div className = "color-picker" >
< div
className = "color-picker"
role = "dialog"
aria - modal = "true"
aria - label = { t ( "labels.colorPicker" ) }
onKeyDown = { handleKeyDown }
< div className = "color-picker-triangle-shadow" > < / div >
< div className = "color-picker-triangle" > < / div >
< div className = "color-picker-content" >
< div className = "colors-gallery" >
{ colors . map ( color = > (
{ colors . map ( ( color , i ) = > (
< button
className = "color-picker-swatch"
onClick = { ( ) = > {
onChange ( color ) ;
} }
title = { color }
tabIndex = { 0 }
aria- label = { color }
style = { { backgroundColor : color } }
key = { color }
ref = { el = > {
if ( i === 0 && el ) firstItem . current = el ;
} }
{ color === "transparent" ? (
< div className = "color-picker-transparent" > < / div >
@ -48,49 +93,59 @@ const Picker = function({
onChange = { color = > {
onChange ( color ) ;
} }
ref = { colorInput }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
) ;
} ;
function ColorInput ( {
color ,
onChange ,
label ,
} : {
color : string | null ;
onChange : ( color : string ) = > void ;
label : string ;
} ) {
const colorRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6}|[0-9a-f]{8}|transparent)$/ ;
const [ innerValue , setInnerValue ] = React . useState ( color ) ;
const ColorInput = React . forwardRef (
color ,
onChange ,
label ,
} : {
color : string | null ;
onChange : ( color : string ) = > void ;
label : string ;
} ,
ref ,
) = > {
const colorRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6}|[0-9a-f]{8}|transparent)$/ ;
const [ innerValue , setInnerValue ] = React . useState ( color ) ;
const inputRef = React . useRef ( null ) ;
React . useEffect ( ( ) = > {
setInnerValue ( color ) ;
} , [ color ] ) ;
React . useEffect ( ( ) = > {
setInnerValue ( color ) ;
} , [ color ] ) ;
return (
< div className = "color-input-container" >
< div className = "color-picker-hash" > # < / div >
< input
spellCheck = { false }
className = "color-picker-input"
aria - label = { label }
onChange = { e = > {
const value = e . target . value ;
if ( value . match ( colorRegex ) ) {
onChange ( value === "transparent" ? "transparent" : "#" + value ) ;
setInnerValue ( value ) ;
} }
value = { ( innerValue || "" ) . replace ( /^#/ , "" ) }
onPaste = { e = > onChange ( e . clipboardData . getData ( "text" ) ) }
onBlur = { ( ) = > setInnerValue ( color ) }
/ >
< / div >
) ;
React . useImperativeHandle ( ref , ( ) = > inputRef . current ) ;
return (
< div className = "color-input-container" >
< div className = "color-picker-hash" > # < / div >
< input
spellCheck = { false }
className = "color-picker-input"
aria - label = { label }
onChange = { e = > {
const value = e . target . value ;
if ( value . match ( colorRegex ) ) {
onChange ( value === "transparent" ? "transparent" : "#" + value ) ;
setInnerValue ( value ) ;
} }
value = { ( innerValue || "" ) . replace ( /^#/ , "" ) }
onPaste = { e = > onChange ( e . clipboardData . getData ( "text" ) ) }
onBlur = { ( ) = > setInnerValue ( color ) }
ref = { inputRef }
/ >
< / div >
) ;
} ,
) ;
export function ColorPicker ( {
type ,
@ -103,7 +158,10 @@ export function ColorPicker({
onChange : ( color : string ) = > void ;
label : string ;
} ) {
const { t } = useTranslation ( ) ;
const [ isActive , setActive ] = React . useState ( false ) ;
const pickerButton = React . useRef < HTMLButtonElement > ( null ) ;
return (
< div >
@ -113,6 +171,7 @@ export function ColorPicker({
aria - label = { label }
style = { color ? { backgroundColor : color } : undefined }
onClick = { ( ) = > setActive ( ! isActive ) }
ref = { pickerButton }
/ >
< ColorInput
color = { color }
@ -131,7 +190,12 @@ export function ColorPicker({
onChange = { changedColor = > {
onChange ( changedColor ) ;
} }
onClose = { ( ) = > {
setActive ( false ) ;
pickerButton . current ? . focus ( ) ;
} }
label = { label }
t = { t }
/ >
< / Popover >
) : null }