"uploadedSecurly":"The upload has been secured with end-to-end encryption, which means that Excalidraw server and third parties can't read the content."
"trackedToSentry_pre":"The error with identifier ",
"trackedToSentry_post":" was tracked on our system.",
"openIssueMessage_pre":"We were very cautious not to include your scene information on the error. If your scene is not private, please consider following up on our ",
"desc_intro":"You can invite people to your current scene to collaborate with you.",
"desc_privacy":"Don't worry, the session uses end-to-end encryption, so whatever you draw will stay private. Not even our server will be able to see what you come up with.",
"button_startSession":"Start session",
"button_stopSession":"Stop session",
"desc_inProgressIntro":"Live-collaboration session is now in progress.",
"desc_persistenceWarning":"Note that the scene data is shared across collaborators in a P2P fashion, and not persisted to our server. Thus, if all of you disconnect, you will loose the data unless you export it to a file or a shareable link.",
"desc_shareLink":"Share this link with anyone you want to collaborate with:",
"desc_exitSession":"Stopping the session will disconnect your from the room, but you'll be able to continue working with the scene, locally. Note that this won't affect other people, and they'll still be able to collaborate on their version."