* Copyright 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
* Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
* This file is part of Latte - Dock
* Latte - Dock is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Latte - Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// local
# include "config-latte.h"
# include "apptypes.h"
# include "lattecorona.h"
# include "layouts/importer.h"
// C++
# include <memory>
# include <csignal>
// Qt
# include <QApplication>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QQuickWindow>
# include <QCommandLineParser>
# include <QCommandLineOption>
# include <QDir>
# include <QLockFile>
# include <QSharedMemory>
// KDE
# include <KCrash>
# include <KLocalizedString>
# include <KAboutData>
# include <KDBusService>
# include <KQuickAddons/QtQuickSettings>
# define CNORMAL "\e[0m"
# define CIGREEN "\e[1;32m"
# define CGREEN "\e[0;32m"
# define CICYAN "\e[1;36m"
# define CCYAN "\e[0;36m"
# define CIRED "\e[1;31m"
# define CRED "\e[0;31m"
inline void configureAboutData ( ) ;
inline void detectPlatform ( int argc , char * * argv ) ;
inline void filterDebugMessageOutput ( QtMsgType type , const QMessageLogContext & context , const QString & msg ) ;
QString filterDebugMessageText ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
//Plasma scales itself to font DPI
//on X, where we don't have compositor scaling, this generally works fine.
//also there are bugs on older Qt, especially when it comes to fractional scaling
//there's advantages to disabling, and (other than small context menu icons) few advantages in enabling
//On wayland, it's different. Everything is simpler as all co-ordinates are in the same co-ordinate system
//we don't have fractional scaling on the client so don't hit most the remaining bugs and
//even if we don't use Qt scaling the compositor will try to scale us anyway so we have no choice
if ( ! qEnvironmentVariableIsSet ( " PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING " ) ) {
qunsetenv ( " QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO " ) ;
QCoreApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_DisableHighDpiScaling ) ;
} else {
QCoreApplication : : setAttribute ( Qt : : AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps ) ;
QQuickWindow : : setDefaultAlphaBuffer ( true ) ;
const bool qpaVariable = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet ( " QT_QPA_PLATFORM " ) ;
detectPlatform ( argc , argv ) ;
QApplication app ( argc , argv ) ;
if ( ! qpaVariable ) {
// don't leak the env variable to processes we start
qunsetenv ( " QT_QPA_PLATFORM " ) ;
KQuickAddons : : QtQuickSettings : : init ( ) ;
KLocalizedString : : setApplicationDomain ( " latte-dock " ) ;
app . setWindowIcon ( QIcon : : fromTheme ( QStringLiteral ( " latte-dock " ) ) ) ;
//protect from closing app when changing to "alternative session" and back
app . setQuitOnLastWindowClosed ( false ) ;
configureAboutData ( ) ;
QCommandLineParser parser ;
parser . addHelpOption ( ) ;
parser . addOptions ( {
{ { " r " , " replace " } , i18nc ( " command line " , " Replace the current Latte instance. " ) }
, { { " d " , " debug " } , i18nc ( " command line " , " Show the debugging messages on stdout. " ) }
, { { " cc " , " clear-cache " } , i18nc ( " command line " , " Clear qml cache. It can be useful after system upgrades. " ) }
, { " default-layout " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Import and load default layout on startup. " ) }
, { " available-layouts " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Print available layouts " ) }
, { " layout " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Load specific layout on startup. " ) , i18nc ( " command line: load " , " layout_name " ) }
, { " import-layout " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Import and load a layout. " ) , i18nc ( " command line: import " , " file_name " ) }
, { " import-full " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Import full configuration. " ) , i18nc ( " command line: import " , " file_name " ) }
, { " single " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Single layout memory mode. Only one layout is active at any case. " ) }
, { " multiple " , i18nc ( " command line " , " Multiple layouts memory mode. Multiple layouts can be active at any time based on Activities running. " ) }
} ) ;
//! START: Hidden options for Developer and Debugging usage
QCommandLineOption graphicsOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " graphics " ) ) ;
graphicsOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Draw boxes around of the applets. " ) ) ;
graphicsOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( graphicsOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption withWindowOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " with-window " ) ) ;
withWindowOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Open a window with much debug information " ) ) ;
withWindowOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( withWindowOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption maskOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " mask " ) ) ;
maskOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show messages of debugging for the mask (Only useful to devs). " ) ) ;
maskOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( maskOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption timersOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " timers " ) ) ;
timersOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show messages for debugging the timers (Only useful to devs). " ) ) ;
timersOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( timersOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption spacersOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " spacers " ) ) ;
spacersOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show visual indicators for debugging spacers (Only useful to devs). " ) ) ;
spacersOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( spacersOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption overloadedIconsOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " overloaded-icons " ) ) ;
overloadedIconsOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show visual indicators for debugging overloaded applets icons (Only useful to devs). " ) ) ;
overloadedIconsOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( overloadedIconsOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption edgesOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " kwinedges " ) ) ;
edgesOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show visual window indicators for hidden screen edge windows. " ) ) ;
edgesOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( edgesOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption localGeometryOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " localgeometry " ) ) ;
localGeometryOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show visual window indicators for calculated local geometry. " ) ) ;
localGeometryOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( localGeometryOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption layouterOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " layouter " ) ) ;
layouterOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show visual debug tags for items sizes. " ) ) ;
layouterOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
parser . addOption ( layouterOption ) ;
QCommandLineOption filterDebugTextOption ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " debug-text " ) ) ;
filterDebugTextOption . setDescription ( QStringLiteral ( " Show only debug messages that contain specific text. " ) ) ;
filterDebugTextOption . setFlags ( QCommandLineOption : : HiddenFromHelp ) ;
filterDebugTextOption . setValueName ( i18nc ( " command line: debug-text " , " filter_debug_text " ) ) ;
parser . addOption ( filterDebugTextOption ) ;
//! END: Hidden options
parser . process ( app ) ;
//! print available-layouts
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " available-layouts " ) ) ) {
QStringList layouts = Latte : : Layouts : : Importer : : availableLayouts ( ) ;
if ( layouts . count ( ) > 0 ) {
qInfo ( ) < < i18n ( " Available layouts that can be used to start Latte: " ) ;
for ( const auto & layout : layouts ) {
qInfo ( ) < < " " < < layout ;
} else {
qInfo ( ) < < i18n ( " There are no available layouts, during startup Default will be used. " ) ;
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
bool defaultLayoutOnStartup = false ;
int memoryUsage = - 1 ;
QString layoutNameOnStartup = " " ;
//! --default-layout option
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " default-layout " ) ) ) {
defaultLayoutOnStartup = true ;
} else if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " layout " ) ) ) {
layoutNameOnStartup = parser . value ( QStringLiteral ( " layout " ) ) ;
if ( ! Latte : : Layouts : : Importer : : layoutExists ( layoutNameOnStartup ) ) {
qInfo ( ) < < i18nc ( " layout missing " , " This layout doesn't exist in the system. " ) ;
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
//! --replace option
QString username = qgetenv ( " USER " ) ;
if ( username . isEmpty ( ) )
username = qgetenv ( " USERNAME " ) ;
QLockFile lockFile { QDir : : tempPath ( ) + " /latte-dock. " + username + " .lock " } ;
int timeout { 100 } ;
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " replace " ) ) | | parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " import-full " ) ) ) {
qint64 pid { - 1 } ;
if ( lockFile . getLockInfo ( & pid , nullptr , nullptr ) ) {
kill ( static_cast < pid_t > ( pid ) , SIGINT ) ;
timeout = - 1 ;
if ( ! lockFile . tryLock ( timeout ) ) {
qInfo ( ) < < i18n ( " An instance is already running!, use --replace to restart Latte " ) ;
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
//! clear-cache option
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " clear-cache " ) ) ) {
QDir cacheDir ( QDir : : homePath ( ) + " /.cache/lattedock/qmlcache " ) ;
if ( cacheDir . exists ( ) ) {
cacheDir . removeRecursively ( ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < " Cache directory found and cleared... " ;
//! import-full option
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " import-full " ) ) ) {
bool imported = Latte : : Layouts : : Importer : : importHelper ( parser . value ( QStringLiteral ( " import-full " ) ) ) ;
if ( ! imported ) {
qInfo ( ) < < i18n ( " The configuration cannot be imported " ) ;
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
//! import-layout option
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " import-layout " ) ) ) {
QString importedLayout = Latte : : Layouts : : Importer : : importLayoutHelper ( parser . value ( QStringLiteral ( " import-layout " ) ) ) ;
if ( importedLayout . isEmpty ( ) ) {
qInfo ( ) < < i18n ( " The layout cannot be imported " ) ;
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
layoutNameOnStartup = importedLayout ;
//! memory usage option
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " multiple " ) ) ) {
memoryUsage = ( int ) ( Latte : : MemoryUsage : : MultipleLayouts ) ;
} else if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " single " ) ) ) {
memoryUsage = ( int ) ( Latte : : MemoryUsage : : SingleLayout ) ;
//! text filter for debug messages
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " debug-text " ) ) ) {
filterDebugMessageText = parser . value ( QStringLiteral ( " debug-text " ) ) ;
//! debug/mask options
if ( parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " debug " ) ) | | parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " mask " ) ) | | parser . isSet ( QStringLiteral ( " debug-text " ) ) ) {
qInstallMessageHandler ( filterDebugMessageOutput ) ;
} else {
const auto noMessageOutput = [ ] ( QtMsgType , const QMessageLogContext & , const QString & ) { } ;
qInstallMessageHandler ( noMessageOutput ) ;
auto signal_handler = [ ] ( int ) {
qGuiApp - > exit ( ) ;
} ;
std : : signal ( SIGKILL , signal_handler ) ;
std : : signal ( SIGINT , signal_handler ) ;
KCrash : : setDrKonqiEnabled ( true ) ;
KCrash : : setFlags ( KCrash : : AutoRestart | KCrash : : AlwaysDirectly ) ;
Latte : : Corona corona ( defaultLayoutOnStartup , layoutNameOnStartup , memoryUsage ) ;
KDBusService service ( KDBusService : : Unique ) ;
return app . exec ( ) ;
inline void filterDebugMessageOutput ( QtMsgType type , const QMessageLogContext & context , const QString & msg )
if ( msg . endsWith ( " QML Binding: Not restoring previous value because restoreMode has not been set.This behavior is deprecated.In Qt < 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBinding.In Qt >= 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue. " ) ) {
//! block that warning because it will be needed only after qt6.0 support. Currently Binding.restoreMode can not be supported because
//! qt5.9 is the minimum supported version.
return ;
if ( ! filterDebugMessageText . isEmpty ( ) & & ! msg . contains ( filterDebugMessageText ) ) {
return ;
const char * function = context . function ? context . function : " " ;
QString typeStr ;
switch ( type ) {
case QtDebugMsg :
typeStr = " Debug " ;
break ;
case QtInfoMsg :
typeStr = " Info " ;
break ;
case QtWarningMsg :
typeStr = " Warning " ;
break ;
case QtCriticalMsg :
typeStr = " Critical " ;
break ;
case QtFatalMsg :
typeStr = " Fatal " ;
break ;
} ;
const char * TypeColor ;
if ( type = = QtInfoMsg | | type = = QtWarningMsg ) {
TypeColor = CGREEN ;
} else if ( type = = QtCriticalMsg | | type = = QtFatalMsg ) {
TypeColor = CRED ;
} else {
TypeColor = CIGREEN ;
qDebug ( ) . nospace ( ) < < TypeColor < < " [ " < < typeStr . toStdString ( ) . c_str ( ) < < " : " < < CGREEN < < QTime : : currentTime ( ) . toString ( " h:mm:ss.zz " ) . toStdString ( ) . c_str ( ) < < TypeColor < < " ] " < < CNORMAL
# ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
< < CIRED < < " [ " < < CCYAN < < function < < CIRED < < " : " < < CCYAN < < context . line < < CIRED < < " ] "
# endif
< < CICYAN < < " - " < < CNORMAL < < msg ;
inline void configureAboutData ( )
KAboutData about ( QStringLiteral ( " lattedock " )
, QStringLiteral ( " Latte Dock " )
, QStringLiteral ( VERSION )
, i18n ( " Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and "
" intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents "
" by using parabolic zoom effect and tries to be there only when it is needed. "
" \n \n \" Art in Coffee \" " )
, KAboutLicense : : GPL_V2
, QStringLiteral ( " \251 2016-2017 Michail Vourlakos, Smith AR " ) ) ;
about . setHomepage ( WEBSITE ) ;
about . setProgramLogo ( QIcon : : fromTheme ( QStringLiteral ( " latte-dock " ) ) ) ;
about . setDesktopFileName ( QStringLiteral ( " latte-dock " ) ) ;
// Authors
about . addAuthor ( QStringLiteral ( " Michail Vourlakos " ) , QString ( ) , QStringLiteral ( " mvourlakos@gmail.com " ) ) ;
about . addAuthor ( QStringLiteral ( " Smith AR " ) , QString ( ) , QStringLiteral ( " audoban@openmailbox.org " ) ) ;
KAboutData : : setApplicationData ( about ) ;
//! used the version provided by PW:KWorkspace
inline void detectPlatform ( int argc , char * * argv )
if ( qEnvironmentVariableIsSet ( " QT_QPA_PLATFORM " ) ) {
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < argc ; i + + ) {
if ( qstrcmp ( argv [ i ] , " -platform " ) = = 0 | |
qstrcmp ( argv [ i ] , " --platform " ) = = 0 | |
QByteArray ( argv [ i ] ) . startsWith ( " -platform= " ) | |
QByteArray ( argv [ i ] ) . startsWith ( " --platform= " ) ) {
return ;
const QByteArray sessionType = qgetenv ( " XDG_SESSION_TYPE " ) ;
if ( sessionType . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( qstrcmp ( sessionType , " wayland " ) = = 0 ) {
qputenv ( " QT_QPA_PLATFORM " , " wayland " ) ;
} else if ( qstrcmp ( sessionType , " x11 " ) = = 0 ) {
qputenv ( " QT_QPA_PLATFORM " , " xcb " ) ;