Richard Barry
Add missing +TCP code.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Added +TCP code to main repo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TriCore port to work with latest GCC compiler.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update trace recorder source to fix some compile time warnings.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add MSVC .vs directory to keep the IDE's windows layout.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct long time mis-spelled portINITIAL_EXEC_RETURN to portINITIAL_EXC_RETURN
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update linker script so main stack starts on 8-byte alignment.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update IAR project for MSP432 to IAR version 8.11.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
FreeRTOS.h changes to go with the last tasks.c checkin.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove obsolete code from prvCheckTasksWaitingTermination().
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix typo in comment that got copied into multiple main.c file.s
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the FreeRTOS_Plus_CLI_with_Trace_Windows_Simulator demo to use the latest FreeRTOS+Trace recorder code.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the MSVC and MingW demos to use the latest FreeRTOS+Trace recorder library.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to the latest trace recorder library.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove configurations other than 'debug' from the Win32 demo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Cosmetic changes only.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updated name of CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_Keil_GCC to CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Added traceQUEUE_CREATE_FAILED() trace macros into the queue create functions.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add more "memory" clobbers into the MPU ports to make them robust to more aggressive optimisation in newer GCC version.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add more "memory" clobbers into asm code of GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC port to make it robust with higher optimisation in newer versions of GCC.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updates to prevent warnings when compiled with LLVM.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure the PIC32 interrupt stack is 8 byte aligned for all values of configISR_STACK_SIZE.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
PIC32MZ project using later MPLAB X tools.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Change name of the CEC and MEC directory to CORTEX_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC as it is also applicable to the MEC5105 part.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Change name of the CEC and MEC directory to CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC as it is also applicable to the MEC5105 part.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updates to the Cortex-M tickless idle code to reduce clock slippage.
Updates to prevent the vTaskSwitchContext() function being removed from GCC builds when link time optimisation is used.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Enable button interrupts in the MSP432 demos in order to test code paths when an MCU exits low power mode for a reason other than a tick interrupt.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure vTaskGetInfo() sets the sate of the currently running task to eRunning - previously it was set to eReady.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Maintenance on MSP432 demo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Housekeeping check-in, no code changes.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add CEC and MEC 17xx demo that is completely statically allocated. NOT FULLY TESTED YET.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional memory barriers into ARM GCC asm code to ensure no re-ordering across asm code as optimisers get more aggressive.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce vTaskInternalSetTimeOutState() which does not have a critical section, and add a critical section to the public version of the same.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add SimpleLink CC3220SF demo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Reliance Edge fail safe file system to the latest version.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for maintenance release.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update UltraScale R5 hardware definition and BSP for 2016.4 SDK tools.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Zynq MPSoC hardware definition and BSP files to be those shipped with the 2016.4 SDK.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update BSP source files for UltraScale Cortex-A53 and Cortex-R5 and Microblaze to the 2016.4 versions.
Correct alignment issue in GCC Cortex-R port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the UltraScale R5 demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct alignment issue in GCC and RVDS Cortex-A9 port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the Zynq demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Enhanced priority dis-inheritance functionality in the case where a task that caused another task to inherit its priority times out before obtain a mutex.
Added test code to GenQTest to test the new priority dis-inheritance functionality.
Allow the default names given to the Idle and Timer tasks to be overwridden by definitions in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename the CORTEX_MPU_MEC17xx_KEIL_GCC directory to CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_Keil_GCC as it is also applicable to the CEC17xx parts.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Change how volatile is used in some of the standard demos to remove compiler warnings in the latest GCC versions.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Increase the priority of the Windows threads used by the FreeRTOS Windows port, and, because the threads have high priority and run on the same core, prevent the port running on single core hosts so as to avoid locking up the host.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add MPU project for multiple MEC17xx devices.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TaskNotify.c to test the condition where a direct to task notification is sent to a suspended task.
Introduce configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE so the application writer change the type used to specify a stack size from uint16_t to whatever they like. Defaults to uint16_t if not defined.
Introduce configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT to allow users to start the tick count at something other than 0. Used for testing, but overflows can be better tested by setting configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS to 1.
Split xQueueGenericReceive() into xQueueReceive(), xQueuePeek() and xQueueSemaphoreTake() as the first step in refactoring xQueueGenericReceive().
Add Cortex-M3 port layer for Code Composer Studio - previously there was only a Cortex-M4F port.
Introduce configPRE_SUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP_PROCESSING() to allow applications to prevent portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() being called. Previously the portPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() macro could only be used to abort entry into sleep time after clocks had been re-programmed for the distant wake time.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version of Reliance Edge.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add support for statically allocated memory protected tasks - previously only dynamically allocated tasks could be memory protected.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct the definition of StaticTask_t and add additional configASSERT() statements to catch future errors.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS, which when set will result in both limits of the stack being saved in the TCB to allow enhanced debug capabilities.
Introduce configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H, which allows a user provided header file to be included at the bottom of the tasks.c source file, which can add user functions and access file scope data.
Replace global on/off switches used for lint errors with save/restore switches.
9 years ago