Richard Barry
Change version and license text in RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1_GCC FreeRTOSConfig.h file.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up main_full.c and change alignment of variable accesses in RegTest.S for the RISC-V_Renode_Emulator_SoftConsole demo.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Rework RISC-V QEMU example to use vanilla Eclipse in place of Freedom Studio. NOTE: RISC-V QEMU mtime interrupts are not generated consistently.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Add some asserts into the common demo tasks to catch scenarios where the tasks are not being used but the part of the demo/test that gets called from the tick hook is called resultant in an access to objects that were not created.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RISK-V GCC port to ensure the first task starts with interrupts enabled - previously its interrupts were only enabled after it yielded for the first time.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the miv-basic.resc reNode script into the RISC-V_Renode_Emulator_SoftConsole demo as it is no longer shipped with the Microsemi tools.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename RISC-V-Qemu-sive_e_Freedom_Studio directory to RISC-V-Qemu-sifive_e-Eclipse-GCC as it is now using Vanilla Eclipse and vanilla GCC in place of Freedom Studio.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Recreate the RISC-V-Qemu demo using Vanilla Eclipse in place of Freedom Studio as there is not a new Freedom Studio project that targets the HiFive1 board, and the updated Freedom Studio version didn't work with this project any more anyway.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Move the call to traceTASK_DELETE() to before port portPRE_TASK_DELETE_HOOK() as in the Windows port portPRE_TASK_DELETE_HOOK() never returns.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Add IAR demo for the SiFive RISC-V HiFive Rev B board.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the RegTest.S file used by several GCC RISC-V demos to ensure correct alignment of constant loads from assembly code.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up the RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1_GCC demo ready for its eventual release.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Added the "full" demo to the RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1_GCC demo - backup check in only as still a work in progress.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
RIS-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1_GCC project now running the blinky demo - still a work in progress.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Formatting changes only.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
RISC-V-RV32_SiFive_HiFive1_GCC project is now also building the FreeRTOS kernel code - but not using it yet - still a work in progress.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Base project to replace existing Freedom Studio project using latest Freedom Studio project format - builds and executes but does not yet include RTOS code.
5 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor formatting change in comment only.
5 years ago
Update FreeRTOS.h with the version in GitHub. This is also to test submodule.
6 years ago
Nordic port. Notes for Richard -- the work items we discussed about for nrf52840-dk and Wiced_CY still remain. The only reason for this commit is we want to test out submodule.
6 years ago
Revert 2728. Not because the files are still needed, but because we want to test out submodule.
Before further updating project files in GitHub, keeping an additional copy.
6 years ago
Wiced_CY port is not needed anymore. Use GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC instead.
6 years ago
Adding tickless hooks to GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC port.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct code comments that referred to taskYIELD_FROM_ISR to portYIELD_FROM_ISR.
Update RV32 port to use 16 byte-alignment all the time (only strictly necessary when using FLOP instructions).
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: this version of atomic.h does not have compiler specific symbols. compiler specific optimization is to be merged in each port/<compiler>/<arch> directory.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: Xtensa GCC as-is.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: Wiced_CY for AFR Cypress ports.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: documentation for RISC-V. This may be a temporary parking location.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: Renasas/RX100 #pragma _VECT()
6 years ago
Richard Barry
RISC-V port updates: The machine timer compare register can now be for any HART, and correct the sequence used to update the 64-bit machine timer compare register on 32-bit cores.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor bug fix in NTPDemo.c -> use of FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET in place of NULL.
Update trace recorder code to account for uxPendedTicks renaming to xPendedTicks.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add IAR RISC-V port to SVN - a work in progress.
6 years ago
Yuhui Zheng
Atollic project update for CORTEX_M0_Infineon_XMC1000_IAR_Keil_GCC, GCC port.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct alignment of stack top in RISC-V port when configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS is defined to a non zero value.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
+ Moved the History.txt file from the website git repo into the source code SVN repo.
+ Added xTaskCatchUpTicks() which corrects the tick count value after the application code has held interrupts disabled for an extended period.
+ Updated the xTaskResumeAll() implementation so it uses the new xTaskCatchUpTicks() function mentioned above to unwind ticks that were pended while the scheduler was suspended.
+ Various maintenance on the message buffer, stream buffer and abort delay demos.
+ Change type of uxPendedTicks from UBaseType_t to TickType_t to ensure it has same type as variables it is compared to, and therefore also rename the variable xPendingTicks.
+ Correct spelling mistake within a comment that was common to all the ARMv7-M ports.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Starting point for IAR RISC-V project created some time ago - checking in now so it can be completed - currently work in progress.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up Win32 port layer - include addition of new variable that prevents recursive attempts to obtain a mutex when the trace recorder is used inside an interrupt.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Update the FreeRTOS version number in task.h
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Add the default definition of configPRECONDITION to FreeRTOS.h.
This is needed for CBMC proofs.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Delete obsolete makefiles that were causing confusion from RISC-V-Qemu-sifive_e-FreedomStudio demo.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Continued to work on the MQTT demo project.
A few review comments added into the MQTT implementation.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Reduce warning level in Visual Studio project as it generates lots of warnings in the library files.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Revert a couple of changes in Win32 demo that should not have been checked in.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Only partially implemented and may get reverted - updates to the Win32 port that uses a per-task event to prevent the task proceeding past its yield point if the SuspendThread() call used to stop the task does not take effect immediately. This is intended to fix issues reported by users, although we have been unable to replicate them ourselves.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Exercise the new vPortGetHeapStats() function from the Win32 demo projects.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add link to dual core blog post into STM32H745I demo.
Doxygen corrections in list.h.
Use #error to check FreeRTOS.h is included before message_buffer.h and stream_buffer.h.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add vPortGetHeapStats() function to query heap statistics.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Only check once before re-setting ready priority
The macro taskRESET_READY_PRIORITY checks if the task being removed from the
ready list is the last one and only then resets the top ready priority
by calling portRESET_READY_PRIORITY. If we already know that it is the
last ready task being removed then there is no need to perform the check
again and the macro portRESET_READY_PRIORITY can be called directly. We were
doing the unnecessary check at two places and this commit fixes them.
This commit also increases the time period of check task to ensure that all
the demo tasks get a chance to run before the check is performed.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Use ARMCM33_DSP_FP_TZ_config.txt which comes with the MDS installation
We had a copy of ARMCM33_DSP_FP_TZ_config.txt file within the project directory
and it used to get outdated with each release of MDK because of non-backward
compatible changes in MDK. This change removes the copy in the project and
instead uses the one shipped with the MDK installation.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Added additional xMessageBufferSpacesAvailable() (plural) to existing xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable() (singular) macro as the documentation muddled both.
Added #define portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE uint64_t to the 64-bit RISC-V port layer.
6 years ago