Richard Barry
Change version numbers to V7.1.0.
13 years ago
Richard Barry
Update headers for the FreeRTOS V7.0.2 release.
14 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V7.0.1.
14 years ago
Richard Barry
Update headers for Version 7.0.0 release.
14 years ago
Richard Barry
WIN32 simulator port: Allow the configTICK_RATE_HZ to be increased without making the sleep time in the simulated timer peripheral too small.
14 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to V6.1.1
14 years ago
Richard Barry
Change the terminology from 'pseudo' to 'simulated' in the Win32 port layer.
14 years ago
Richard Barry
Win32 port:
Separate out the interrupt handlers into separate functions so they can be installed into the array of interrupt handlers.
Reverse the priorities of the pseudo interrupt handler and tick generate threads so the extra hand shaking event can be removed.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Lowered the thread priorities used by the Win32 port, and added in a method to delete tasks in the Win32 port.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Greatly simplified the Win32 port by only allowing threads to run on a single CPU core.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Just changed the comments only for the Win32 port.c file.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Changed vPortCheckCorrectThreadIsRunning() in the Win32 port layer to use the Win32 thread ID rather than its handle.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Added vPortCheckCorrectThreadIsRunning() function to the Win32 port layer to trap when Windows is not running the correct thread and try and catch it.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the trace lines from the Win32 port.c.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Work on Win32 port layer - removing the need to store the critical section nesting count as part of the Win32 thread context.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Win32 port.c - working ok in co-operative mode, but pre-emptive thread scheduling still problematic.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Spell check Win32 port.c only.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Replace waitable timer with sleep function in Win32 port layer.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Updated Win32 port layer so that end of interrupt events are only sent to threads that are actually waiting for them.
15 years ago
Richard Barry
Start of new Win32 emulator project. Currently working but not well tested, and does not include a method for shutting down the generated processes.
15 years ago