@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ static DWORD WINAPI prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer( LPVOID lpParameter );
static void prvProcessPseudoInterrupts ( void ) ;
* Interrupt handlers used by the kernel itself . These are executed from the
* pseudo interrupt handler thread .
static unsigned long prvProcessDeleteThreadInterrupt ( void ) ;
static unsigned long prvProcessYieldInterrupt ( void ) ;
static unsigned long prvProcessTickInterrupt ( void ) ;
/* The WIN32 simulator runs each task in a thread. The context switching is
@ -100,9 +108,6 @@ static void *pvInterruptEvent = NULL;
by multiple threads . */
static void * pvInterruptEventMutex = NULL ;
/* Events used to manage sequencing. */
static void * pvTickAcknowledgeEvent = NULL ;
/* The critical nesting count for the currently executing task. This is
initialised to a non - zero value so interrupts do not become enabled during
the initialisation phase . As each task has its own critical nesting value
@ -115,7 +120,7 @@ static unsigned long ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL;
/* Handlers for all the simulated software interrupts. The first two positions
are used for the Yield and Tick interrupts so are handled slightly differently ,
all the other interrupts can be user defined . */
static void ( * v IsrHandler[ portMAX_INTERRUPTS ] ) ( void ) = { 0 } ;
static unsigned long ( * ul IsrHandler[ portMAX_INTERRUPTS ] ) ( void ) = { 0 } ;
/* Pointer to the TCB of the currently executing task. */
extern void * pxCurrentTCB ;
@ -147,10 +152,8 @@ static DWORD WINAPI prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer( LPVOID lpParameter )
SetEvent ( pvInterruptEvent ) ;
/* Give back the mutex so the pseudo interrupt handler unblocks
and can access the interrupt handler variables . This high priority
task will then loop back round after waiting for the lower priority
pseudo interrupt handler thread to acknowledge the tick . */
SignalObjectAndWait ( pvInterruptEventMutex , pvTickAcknowledgeEvent , INFINITE , FALSE ) ;
and can access the interrupt handler variables . */
ReleaseMutex ( pvInterruptEventMutex ) ;
# ifdef __GNUC__
@ -189,13 +192,17 @@ void *pvHandle;
long lSuccess = pdPASS ;
xThreadState * pxThreadState ;
/* Install the interrupt handlers used by the scheduler itself. */
vPortSetInterruptHandler ( portINTERRUPT_YIELD , prvProcessYieldInterrupt ) ;
vPortSetInterruptHandler ( portINTERRUPT_TICK , prvProcessTickInterrupt ) ;
vPortSetInterruptHandler ( portINTERRUPT_DELETE_THREAD , prvProcessDeleteThreadInterrupt ) ;
/* Create the events and mutexes that are used to synchronise all the
threads . */
pvInterruptEventMutex = CreateMutex ( NULL , FALSE , NULL ) ;
pvInterruptEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL , FALSE , FALSE , NULL ) ;
pvTickAcknowledgeEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL , FALSE , FALSE , NULL ) ;
if ( ( pvInterruptEventMutex = = NULL ) | | ( pvInterruptEvent = = NULL ) | | ( pvTickAcknowledgeEvent = = NULL ) )
if ( ( pvInterruptEventMutex = = NULL ) | | ( pvInterruptEvent = = NULL ) )
lSuccess = pdFAIL ;
@ -211,7 +218,7 @@ xThreadState *pxThreadState;
if ( lSuccess = = pdPASS )
if ( SetThreadPriority ( pvHandle , THREAD_PRIORITY_ BELOW_ NORMAL ) = = 0 )
if ( SetThreadPriority ( pvHandle , THREAD_PRIORITY_ NORMAL ) = = 0 )
lSuccess = pdFAIL ;
@ -222,11 +229,13 @@ xThreadState *pxThreadState;
if ( lSuccess = = pdPASS )
/* Start the thread that simulates the timer peripheral to generate
tick interrupts . */
tick interrupts . The priority is set below that of the pseudo
interrupt handler so the interrupt event mutex is used for the
handshake / overrun protection . */
pvHandle = CreateThread ( NULL , 0 , prvSimulatedPeripheralTimer , NULL , 0 , NULL ) ;
if ( pvHandle ! = NULL )
SetThreadPriority ( pvHandle , THREAD_PRIORITY_ NORMAL ) ;
SetThreadPriority ( pvHandle , THREAD_PRIORITY_ BELOW_ NORMAL ) ;
SetThreadPriorityBoost ( pvHandle , TRUE ) ;
SetThreadAffinityMask ( pvHandle , 0x01 ) ;
@ -252,12 +261,45 @@ xThreadState *pxThreadState;
static unsigned long prvProcessDeleteThreadInterrupt ( void )
return pdTRUE ;
static unsigned long prvProcessYieldInterrupt ( void )
return pdTRUE ;
static unsigned long prvProcessTickInterrupt ( void )
unsigned long ulSwitchRequired ;
/* Process the tick itself. */
vTaskIncrementTick ( ) ;
# if( configUSE_PREEMPTION != 0 )
/* A context switch is only automatically performed from the tick
interrupt if the pre - emptive scheduler is being used . */
ulSwitchRequired = pdTRUE ;
# else
ulSwitchRequired = pdFALSE ;
# endif
return ulSwitchRequired ;
static void prvProcessPseudoInterrupts ( void )
long lSwitchRequired , lCurrentTaskBeingDeleted ;
unsigned long u lSwitchRequired, i;
xThreadState * pxThreadState ;
void * pvObjectList [ 2 ] ;
unsigned long i ;
/* Going to block on the mutex that ensured exclusive access to the pseudo
interrupt objects , and the event that signals that a pseudo interrupt
@ -271,8 +313,7 @@ unsigned long i;
/* Used to indicate whether the pseudo interrupt processing has
necessitated a context switch to another task / thread . */
lSwitchRequired = pdFALSE ;
lCurrentTaskBeingDeleted = pdFALSE ;
ulSwitchRequired = pdFALSE ;
/* For each interrupt we are interested in processing, each of which is
represented by a bit in the 32 bit ulPendingInterrupts variable . */
@ -281,65 +322,22 @@ unsigned long i;
/* Is the pseudo interrupt pending? */
if ( ulPendingInterrupts & ( 1UL < < i ) )
switch ( i )
/* Is a handler installed? */
if ( ulIsrHandler [ i ] ! = NULL )
lSwitchRequired = pdTRUE ;
/* Clear the interrupt pending bit. */
ulPendingInterrupts & = ~ ( 1UL < < portINTERRUPT_YIELD ) ;
break ;
/* Process the tick itself. */
vTaskIncrementTick ( ) ;
# if( configUSE_PREEMPTION != 0 )
/* A context switch is only automatically
performed from the tick interrupt if the
pre - emptive scheduler is being used . */
lSwitchRequired = pdTRUE ;
# endif
/* Clear the interrupt pending bit. */
ulPendingInterrupts & = ~ ( 1UL < < portINTERRUPT_TICK ) ;
SetEvent ( pvTickAcknowledgeEvent ) ;
break ;
lCurrentTaskBeingDeleted = pdTRUE ;
/* Clear the interrupt pending bit. */
ulPendingInterrupts & = ~ ( 1UL < < portINTERRUPT_DELETE_THREAD ) ;
break ;
default :
/* Is a handler installed? */
if ( vIsrHandler [ i ] ! = NULL )
lSwitchRequired = pdTRUE ;
/* Run the actual handler. */
vIsrHandler [ i ] ( ) ;
/* Clear the interrupt pending bit. */
ulPendingInterrupts & = ~ ( 1UL < < i ) ;
/* TODO: Need to have some sort of handshake
event here for non - tick and none yield
interrupts . */
break ;
/* Run the actual handler. */
if ( ulIsrHandler [ i ] ( ) ! = pdFALSE )
ulSwitchRequired | = ( 1 < < i ) ;
/* Clear the interrupt pending bit. */
ulPendingInterrupts & = ~ ( 1UL < < i ) ;
if ( ( lSwitchRequired ! = pdFALSE ) | | ( lCurrentTaskBeingDeleted ! = pdFALSE ) )
if ( ulSwitchRequired ! = pdFALSE )
void * pvOldCurrentTCB ;
@ -355,7 +353,7 @@ unsigned long i;
/* Suspend the old thread. */
pxThreadState = ( xThreadState * ) * ( ( unsigned long * ) pvOldCurrentTCB ) ;
if ( lCurrentTaskBeingDeleted ! = pdFALSE )
if ( ( ulSwitchRequired & ( 1 < < portINTERRUPT_DELETE_THREAD ) ) ! = pdFALSE )
TerminateThread ( pxThreadState - > pvThread , 0 ) ;
@ -433,19 +431,19 @@ xThreadState *pxThreadState;
void vPortSetInterruptHandler ( unsigned long ulInterruptNumber , void ( * pvHandler ) ( void ) )
void vPortSetInterruptHandler ( unsigned long ulInterruptNumber , unsigned long ( * pvHandler ) ( void ) )
if ( ulInterruptNumber < portMAX_INTERRUPTS )
if ( pvInterruptEventMutex ! = NULL )
WaitForSingleObject ( pvInterruptEventMutex , INFINITE ) ;
v IsrHandler[ ulInterruptNumber ] = pvHandler ;
ul IsrHandler[ ulInterruptNumber ] = pvHandler ;
ReleaseMutex ( pvInterruptEventMutex ) ;
v IsrHandler[ ulInterruptNumber ] = pvHandler ;
ul IsrHandler[ ulInterruptNumber ] = pvHandler ;