Commit Graph

216 Commits (8bd1813446f6cd8fcee87f5a68dfccbd1857f671)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Richard Barry ac78adae4b Added INCLUDE_xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder() default.
Changed eTaskStateGet() to eTaskGetState() and added #define to ensure backward compatibility.
Added configEXPECTED_IDLE_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP definition - was previously hard coded to 2.
Slight change to the default CM3 tickless sleep function to allow the idle time to be set to zero in the pre-sleep processing macro.
Changed stack alignment for the FreeRTOS-MPU port to ensure it didn't trigger the assert() in the generic create function.
12 years ago
Richard Barry 0d421482d8 Default configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE to 0 when it is not defined.
Move location of traceTASK_CREATE() macro call.
Remove obsolete handling of trmCOMMAND_PROCESS_TIMER_OVERFLOW as the command was never used in release versions.
12 years ago
Richard Barry 96f93690ce Add warning suppression to IAR header. 13 years ago
Richard Barry ba686260ca Make CM3/4 tick configuration a weak function to allow application writers to use an alternative tick source. 13 years ago
Richard Barry f5c52bdb1d Re-jig some of the new functions to correctly assign them public or private linkage, and remove some functions that were added in but never used. 13 years ago
Richard Barry f06a945444 Prepare for V7.3.0 release. 13 years ago
Richard Barry e03ab659f3 Add tickless idle support in Cortex-M ports.
Change CCS R4 directory name.
13 years ago
Richard Barry c403e974ee Update PIC32 port to make use of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION.
Make small modification in GCC CM3 port when configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION is set to 1 to remove compiler warning.
13 years ago
Richard Barry 42a11edef8 Replace the need for taskCHECK_READY_LIST() by instead making vListRemove() return the number of items that remain in the list once the list item has been removed. 13 years ago
Richard Barry 18a4b00a18 Rename listLIST_ITEM_CONTAINED to listLIST_ITEM_CONTAINER. 13 years ago
Richard Barry 670d172cfc Introduced configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION, and updated the MSVC simulator port as the first implementation. 13 years ago
Richard Barry 8ef7f03536 Add eTaskStateGet() to FreeRTOS-MPU. 13 years ago
Richard Barry eb1f7bc166 Added eTaskStateGet().
Added default value for INCLUDE_eTaskStateGet.
13 years ago
Richard Barry e0bab5981a Prepare for V7.2.0 release. 13 years ago
Richard Barry 73ad4387e2 Remove the remnants of the legacy trace functionality (since replaced with FreeRTOS+Trace).
Replaced the #error that traps configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY being set to 0 with a configASSERT() for GCC Cortex-M3/4 ports as the #error does not work if configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY includes any casting.  Not a problem for other compilers as they cannot have casting anyway as that would break the assembly code.
13 years ago
Richard Barry f508a5f653 Add FreeRTOS-Plus directory. 13 years ago