Richard Barry
Add link to dual core blog post into STM32H745I demo.
Doxygen corrections in list.h.
Use #error to check FreeRTOS.h is included before message_buffer.h and stream_buffer.h.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add vPortGetHeapStats() function to query heap statistics.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Added additional xMessageBufferSpacesAvailable() (plural) to existing xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable() (singular) macro as the documentation muddled both.
Added #define portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE uint64_t to the 64-bit RISC-V port layer.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for next release.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Do not strip required symbols when LTO is on
Link time optimization was stripping off some symbols which were
accessed from assembly code.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix potential memory leak in the Win32 FreeRTOS+TCP network interface initialisation sequence.
Introduce portMEMORY_BARRIER() macro to assist with memory access ordering when suspending the scheduler if link time optimization is used.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Export port architecture name for COrtex-M33. This can be used by debuggers to find the port in-use to be able to correctly decode the context stored on the stack.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Fix warning portHAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECKING not defined
portHAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECKING was getting defined too late before
being used in portable.h for the platforms that do not have stack
overflow checking registers. This commit ensures that it is defined
before it is used.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Change type of usStackDepth to configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add instructions on building the Cortex-M33 secure and non secure projects into the comments of that project and into a readme.txt file.
Enable configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES setting to be used in statically allocated systems.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Set default value of configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY to 0.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
First Official Release of ARMV8M Support. This release removes Pre-Release from all the ARMv8M files licensees.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in readiness for V10.2.0 release.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE was not correctly defined resulting in
dynamically allocated TCB not being freed when MPU was enabled. This commit fixes
the definition to ensure that dynamically allocated RAM (Stack and TCB) is freed
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter() API function to return the run time stats counter for the idle task - useful for POSIX time implementations.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Move the 'generic' version of freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h back to a sub-directory as having it in the RISC-V port's base directory was causing SoftConsole to pick up the wrong version (for an unknown reason).
Add a project for the Vega board's RI5CY core.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove "FromISR' functions from the list of functions that switch to a privileged mode as IRQs are privileged already.
Add the vTimerSetReloadMode() API function.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
First task running in RISC-V-Qemu-sifive_e-FreedomStudio demo.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the method used to detect if a timer is active. Previously the timer was deemed to be inactive if it was not referenced from a list. However, when a timer is updated it is temporarily removed from, then re-added to a list, so now the timer's active status is stored separately.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xTaskGetApplicationTaskTagFromISR(), which is an interrupt safe version of xTaskGetApplicationTaskTagFrom().
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Added uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2(), which is the same as uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() other than the return type.
Allows the task name parameter passed into xTaskCreate() to be NULL.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor synching - no functional changes.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update trace recorder code to the latest.
Some minor changes to enable the configREMOVE_STATIC_QUALIFIER constant to be used by those debuggers that cannot cope with statics being used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Two minor updates in the comments to fix html formatting that was preventing doxygen creating documents correctly.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates to fix issues with the Segger kernel aware plug since V10.1.0.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Changes required for the IAR StateViewer plug-in to work with FreeRTOS V10.1.0.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update copyright date ready for tagging V10.1.0.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for a new release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update demo project for Tensilita - work in progres..
Add support for POSIX style errno - work in progress.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the option to specify a stack size in the standard demo MessageBuffer tests.
Add stream and message buffer tests into the Zynq demo project.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix misra violations in queue.c by introducing a union that allows the correct data types to be used in place of void *, then tidy up where the union is used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
TimerHandle_t is now type safe instead of void *.
Remove casts that are no longer required not type safe handles are used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue updating to MISRA 2012 from 2004 - currently working on queue.c and committing as working copy prior to making larger change.
Change QueueHandle_t to be typesafe from void *.
Change StreamBuffer_t to be typesafe from void *.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove casts from EventGroupHandle_t to EventGroup_t, and corresponding lint comments, which are not required now EventGroupHandle_t is type safe.
Fix the prototype of prvTimerCallback() in the MPU simulator demo (caught due to the new type safety in tasks.c).
7 years ago
Richard Barry
First pass at updating from MISRA 2004 to MISRA 2012:
Updated pvContainer member of list items to List_t * rather than void * as they are always contained in a list if anywhere.
Made EventGroupHandle_t typesafe pointer to forward referenced struct rather than void pointer.
Made TaskHandle_t typesafe pointer to forward referenced struct, rather than a void pointer.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update definition of StaticTimer_t so its size is correct on MSP403X large memory model builds.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce sbBYTES_TO_STORE_MESSAGE_LENGTH to allow the number of bytes used to hold a message length in a message buffer to be reduced if 4 bytes is always too many (save a little RAM).
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce xMessageBufferNextLengthBytes() and tests for the same.
Add call to traceTASK_SWITCHED_IN() in vTaskStartScheduler() so trace tools can see the first task to run.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure data cannot be sent to a TCP socket if the socket is in the process of closing.
Correct definition of StaticTask_t in the case that portUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS is set to 1.
prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() now returns configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE to allow return values greater than max uint16_t value if required.
xStreamBufferSend() and xStreamBufferReceive() no longer clear task notification bits - clearing was unnecessary as only the task notification state is used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct out of date comment in tasks.c.
Fix typo in comment in queue.h.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Roll up the minor changes checked into svn since V10.0.0 into new V10.0.1 ready for release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
FreeRTOS+TCP: Added ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_WAKE_CALLBACK configuration option so the user can specify a callback to execute when data arrives.
FreeRTOS+TCP: Improve print output when using WinPCap to assist in selecting the correct network interface.
FreeRTOS kernel: Fix extern "C" { in stream_buffer.h.
FreeRTOS kernel: Correct tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER and tskKERNEL_VERSION_MAJOR constants for V10.
Ensure the currently executing task is printed correctly in vTaskList().
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to MIT licensed FreeRTOS V10.0.0 - see
7 years ago
Richard Barry
FreeRTOS.h changes to go with the last tasks.c checkin.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce vTaskInternalSetTimeOutState() which does not have a critical section, and add a critical section to the public version of the same.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for maintenance release.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Enhanced priority dis-inheritance functionality in the case where a task that caused another task to inherit its priority times out before obtain a mutex.
Added test code to GenQTest to test the new priority dis-inheritance functionality.
Allow the default names given to the Idle and Timer tasks to be overwridden by definitions in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TaskNotify.c to test the condition where a direct to task notification is sent to a suspended task.
Introduce configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE so the application writer change the type used to specify a stack size from uint16_t to whatever they like. Defaults to uint16_t if not defined.
Introduce configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT to allow users to start the tick count at something other than 0. Used for testing, but overflows can be better tested by setting configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS to 1.
Split xQueueGenericReceive() into xQueueReceive(), xQueuePeek() and xQueueSemaphoreTake() as the first step in refactoring xQueueGenericReceive().
Add Cortex-M3 port layer for Code Composer Studio - previously there was only a Cortex-M4F port.
Introduce configPRE_SUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP_PROCESSING() to allow applications to prevent portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() being called. Previously the portPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() macro could only be used to abort entry into sleep time after clocks had been re-programmed for the distant wake time.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add support for statically allocated memory protected tasks - previously only dynamically allocated tasks could be memory protected.
9 years ago