@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
.global vPortTrapHandler
.global vPortTrapHandler
.extern pxCurrentTCB
.extern pxCurrentTCB
.extern ulPortTrapHandler
.extern ulPortTrapHandler
.extern vTaskSwitchContext
.extern Timer_IRQHandler
.extern pullMachineTimerCompareRegister
.extern pullNextTime
.extern ulTimerIncrementsForOneTick
@ -129,13 +137,45 @@ vPortTrapHandler:
csrr a0, mcause
csrr a0, mcause
csrr a1, mepc
csrr a1, mepc
mv a2, sp
mv a2, sp
/*_RB_ Does stack need aligning here? */
jal ulPortTrapHandler
csrw mepc, a0
/* Save exception return address. */
sw a0, 0( sp )
li t0, 11 /* 11 == environment call when using qemu. */
bne a0, t0, test_if_timer
addi a1, a1, 4 /* Synchronous so return to the instruction after the environment call. */
sw a1, 0( sp ) /* Save updated exception return address. */
/*_RB_ Does stack need aligning here? */
jal vTaskSwitchContext
j processed_source
sw a1, 0( sp ) /* Asynch so save unmodified exception return address. */
lui t0, 0x80000
addi t1,t0, 7 /* 0x80000007 == machine timer interrupt. */
bne a0, t1, as_yet_unhandled
lw t0, pullMachineTimerCompareRegister /* Load address of compare register into t0. */
lw t1, pullNextTime /* Load the address of ullNextTime into t1. */
lw t2, 0(t1) /* Load the low word of ullNextTime into t2. */
lw t3, 4(t1) /* Load the high word of ullNextTime into t3. */
sw t2, 0(t0) /* Store low word of ullNextTime into compare register. */
sw t3, 4(t0) /* Store high word of ullNextTime into compare register. */
lw t0, ulTimerIncrementsForOneTick /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */
add t4, t0, t2 /* Add the low word of ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick (assumes timer increment for one tick fits in 32-bits. */
sltu t5, t4, t2 /* See if the sum of low words overflowed (what about the zero case?). */
add t6, t3, t5 /* Add overflow to high word of ullNextTime. */
sw t4, 0(t1) /* Store new low word of ullNextTime. */
sw t6, 4(t1) /* Store new high word of ullNextTime. */
jal xTaskIncrementTick
beqz a0, processed_source /* Don't switch context if incrementing tick didn't unblock a task. */
jal vTaskSwitchContext
j processed_source
j as_yet_unhandled /* External interrupt? */
lw sp, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
lw sp, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
lw sp, 0( sp ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */
lw sp, 0( sp ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */