* Extract app component from entrypoint (index)
- Use refs to refer to canvas and rough context
- Remove ReactDOM double rendering
* Extract keys and key related utils into their own module
* Move everything back to entrypoint
* Make panels collapsible
- Add Panel component with collapse logic
- Use the component in all the necessary panel groups
* Remove unnecessary container from PanelCanvas
* Add "hide property" to Pane component to hide Panel contents using a prop
- Instead of doing conditional rendering, pass the condition to Panel as props
* Change collapse icon rotation for closed
- Use one icon and use CSS transforms to rotate it
* Remove unnecessary imports from PanelSelection
* Snap to element center
* Fixed typo
* Added comment
* Reduced threshold to 30
* Skip snapping if alt key is pressed
* Fixed creating text with shape tool
* Add IDs to elements
- Move round rect function within the renderer
* Generate IDs using nanoid
* If element ID does not exist, add the ID during restoration
* Remove `generatedraw` from element object
- Create a function that renders a single element
- Refactor rendering selected elements
* Replace getElementAbsoluteXY with getElementAbsoluteCoords
Looks like excalidraw.com is an SSL error, but www.excalidraw.com
works great. It's possible the github pages config could be changed
to make both work, but this seemed easier to fix.
* Extract History into its own module
* Encapsulate undo and redo actions within history
* Encapsulate clearing redo stack within History
* Add private access modifiers to scene history class member variables
* Remove duplicate files
* Move math and random files into their respective modules
- Move distanceBetweenPointAndSegment to math module
- Move LCG, randomSeed, and withCustomMathRandom to random module
* Add everything else back