@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import { PanelSelection } from "./components/panels/PanelSelection";
import { PanelColor } from "./components/panels/PanelColor" ;
import { PanelExport } from "./components/panels/PanelExport" ;
import { PanelCanvas } from "./components/panels/PanelCanvas" ;
import { Panel } from "./components/Panel" ;
import "./styles.scss" ;
@ -381,112 +382,110 @@ class App extends React.Component<{}, AppState> {
this . forceUpdate ( ) ;
} }
/ >
{ someElementIsSelected ( elements ) && (
< div className = "panelColumn" >
< PanelSelection
onBringForward = { this . moveOneRight }
onBringToFront = { this . moveAllRight }
onSendBackward = { this . moveOneLeft }
onSendToBack = { this . moveAllLeft }
/ >
< PanelColor
title = "Stroke Color"
onColorChange = { this . changeStrokeColor }
colorValue = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . strokeColor
) }
/ >
{ hasBackground ( elements ) && (
< >
< PanelColor
title = "Background Color"
onColorChange = { this . changeBackgroundColor }
colorValue = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . backgroundColor
) }
/ >
< h5 > Fill < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : "solid" , text : "Solid" } ,
{ value : "hachure" , text : "Hachure" } ,
{ value : "cross-hatch" , text : "Cross-hatch" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . fillStyle
) }
onChange = { value = > {
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . fillStyle = value ;
} ) ;
} }
/ >
< / >
< Panel title = "Selection" hide = { ! someElementIsSelected ( elements ) } >
< PanelSelection
onBringForward = { this . moveOneRight }
onBringToFront = { this . moveAllRight }
onSendBackward = { this . moveOneLeft }
onSendToBack = { this . moveAllLeft }
/ >
< PanelColor
title = "Stroke Color"
onColorChange = { this . changeStrokeColor }
colorValue = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . strokeColor
) }
/ >
{ hasBackground ( elements ) && (
< >
< PanelColor
title = "Background Color"
onColorChange = { this . changeBackgroundColor }
colorValue = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . backgroundColor
) }
/ >
< h5 > Fill < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : "solid" , text : "Solid" } ,
{ value : "hachure" , text : "Hachure" } ,
{ value : "cross-hatch" , text : "Cross-hatch" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . fillStyle
) }
onChange = { value = > {
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . fillStyle = value ;
} ) ;
} }
/ >
< / >
) }
{ hasStroke ( elements ) && (
< >
< h5 > Stroke Width < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : 1 , text : "Thin" } ,
{ value : 2 , text : "Bold" } ,
{ value : 4 , text : "Extra Bold" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . strokeWidth
) }
onChange = { value = > {
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . strokeWidth = value ;
} ) ;
} }
/ >
< h5 > Sloppiness < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : 0 , text : "Draftsman" } ,
{ value : 1 , text : "Artist" } ,
{ value : 3 , text : "Cartoonist" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . roughness
) }
onChange = { value = >
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . roughness = value ;
} )
/ >
< / >
) }
< h5 > Opacity < / h5 >
< input
type = "range"
min = "0"
max = "100"
onChange = { this . changeOpacity }
value = {
getSelectedAttribute ( elements , element = > element . opacity ) ||
0 /* Put the opacity at 0 if there are two conflicting ones */
/ >
{ hasStroke ( elements ) && (
< >
< h5 > Stroke Width < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : 1 , text : "Thin" } ,
{ value : 2 , text : "Bold" } ,
{ value : 4 , text : "Extra Bold" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . strokeWidth
) }
onChange = { value = > {
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . strokeWidth = value ;
} ) ;
} }
/ >
< h5 > Sloppiness < / h5 >
< ButtonSelect
options = { [
{ value : 0 , text : "Draftsman" } ,
{ value : 1 , text : "Artist" } ,
{ value : 3 , text : "Cartoonist" }
] }
value = { getSelectedAttribute (
elements ,
element = > element . roughness
) }
onChange = { value = >
this . changeProperty ( element = > {
element . roughness = value ;
} )
/ >
< / >
) }
< h5 > Opacity < / h5 >
< input
type = "range"
min = "0"
max = "100"
onChange = { this . changeOpacity }
value = {
getSelectedAttribute ( elements , element = > element . opacity ) ||
0 /* Put the opacity at 0 if there are two conflicting ones */
/ >
< button onClick = { this . deleteSelectedElements } >
Delete selected
< / button >
< / div >
) }
< button onClick = { this . deleteSelectedElements } >
Delete selected
< / button >
< / Panel >
< PanelCanvas
onClearCanvas = { this . clearCanvas }
onViewBackgroundColorChange = { val = >