* fix: remove dependency of t from clipboard and image
* pass errorMessage to copyTextToSystemClipboard where needed
* wrap copyTextToSystemClipboard and rethrow translated error in caller
* review fix
* typo
"fileTooBig":"File is too big. Maximum allowed size is {{maxSize}}.",
"fileTooBig":"File is too big. Maximum allowed size is {{maxSize}}.",
"svgImageInsertError":"Couldn't insert SVG image. The SVG markup looks invalid.",
"svgImageInsertError":"Couldn't insert SVG image. The SVG markup looks invalid.",
"failedToFetchImage":"Failed to fetch image.",
"failedToFetchImage":"Failed to fetch image.",
"invalidSVGString":"Invalid SVG.",
"cannotResolveCollabServer":"Couldn't connect to the collab server. Please reload the page and try again.",
"cannotResolveCollabServer":"Couldn't connect to the collab server. Please reload the page and try again.",
"importLibraryError":"Couldn't load library",
"importLibraryError":"Couldn't load library",
"collabSaveFailed":"Couldn't save to the backend database. If problems persist, you should save your file locally to ensure you don't lose your work.",
"collabSaveFailed":"Couldn't save to the backend database. If problems persist, you should save your file locally to ensure you don't lose your work.",