New Crowdin translations (#893)

Lipis 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 83a2f5de28
commit aa9a6b0909
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Import vom Server ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Leere Zeichenfläche kann nicht exportiert werden.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Konnte nicht in die Zwischenablage kopieren. Versuch es mit dem Chrome Browser.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Der Upload wurde mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung gespeichert, sodass weder Excalidraw-Server noch Dritte den Inhalt einsehen können."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Klicken für Linie mit mehreren Punkten, Ziehen für einzelne Linie",
"linearElementMulti": "Drücke zum Beenden Escape- oder Eingabetaste",
"resize": "Zum Beibehalten der Proportionen bei der Größenänderung SHIFT gedrückt halten"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "La importación falló.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "No se puede exportar un lienzo vació",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "No se ha podido copiar al portapapeles, intente usar Chrome como navegador.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "La carga ha sido asegurada con cifrado de extremo a extremo, lo que significa que el servidor de Excalidraw y terceros no pueden leer el contenido."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Haga clic para iniciar varios puntos, arrastre para una sola línea",
"linearElementMulti": "Presione Escape o Enter para finalizar",
"resize": "Puede restringir las proporciones manteniendo presionado SHIFT mientras cambia el tamaño"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"background": "Arrière-plan",
"fill": "Remplissage",
"strokeWidth": "Épaisseur contour",
"sloppiness": "Laisser-aller",
"sloppiness": "Style de tracé",
"opacity": "Opacité",
"fontSize": "Taille police",
"fontFamily": "Police",
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "L'import depuis le backend a échoué.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Impossible d'exporter un canvas vide.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Impossible de copier dans le presse-papier. Essayez d'utiliser le navigateur Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Le téléchargement a été sécurisé avec un chiffrement de bout en bout, ce qui signifie que ni Excalidraw ni personne d'autre ne peut en lire le contenu."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Cliquez pour démarrer plusieurs points, faites glisser pour une seule ligne",
"linearElementMulti": "Appuyez sur Échap ou Entrée pour terminer",
"resize": "Pour maintenir les proportions, appuyez sur MAJ pendant le redimensionnement"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Gagal mengimpor dari backend",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Tidak bisa mengekspor kanvas kosong",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Tidak bisa menyalin ke papan klip. Coba gunakan Browser Chrome",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Pengunggahan ini telah diamankan menggunakan enkripsi end-to-end, artinya server Excalidraw dan pihak ketiga tidak data membaca nya"
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Klik untuk memulai banyak poin, seret untuk satu baris",
"linearElementMulti": "Tekan Escape atau Enter untuk menyelesaikan",
"resize": "Anda dapat membatasi proporsi dengan menahan SHIFT sambil mengubah ukuran"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Importering av backend feilet.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Kan ikke eksportere et tomt lerret.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Kunne ikke kopiere til utklippstavlen. Prøv med nettleseren Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Opplastingen er kryptert og kan ikke leses av Excalidraw-serveren eller tredjeparter."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Klikk for å starte linje med flere punkter, eller dra for en enkel linje",
"linearElementMulti": "Trykk Escape eller Enter for å fullføre",
"resize": "Du kan låse proporsjonene ved å holde nede Shift mens du endrer størrelsen"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Wystąpił błąd podczas importowania pliku.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Najpierw musisz coś narysować, aby zapisać dokument.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Błąd podczas kopiowania. Spróbuj użyć Google Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "By zapewnić Ci prywatność, udostępnianie projektu jest zabezpieczone szyfrowaniem end-to-end, co oznacza, że poza tobą i osobą z którą podzielisz się linkiem, nikt nie ma dostępu do tego co udostępniasz."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Naciśnij, aby zrobić punkt, przeciągnij, aby narysować linię",
"linearElementMulti": "Naciśnij Escape albo Enter, aby zakończyć",
"resize": "Możesz zachować proporcję trzymając wciśnięty SHIFT"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "O carregamento no servidor falhou.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Não é possível exportar um canvas vazío.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Não foi possível copiar no clipboard. Experimente no navegador Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "O upload foi protegido com criptografia de ponta a ponta, o que significa que o servidor do Excalidraw e terceiros não podem ler o conteúdo."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Clique para iniciar vários pontos, arraste para uma única linha",
"linearElementMulti": "Pressione Escape ou Enter para concluir",
"resize": "Você pode restringir proporções segurando SHIFT durante o redimensionamento"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Не удалось импортировать из бэкэнда.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Не может экспортировать пустой холст.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Не удалось скопировать в буфер обмена. Попробуйте использовать веб-браузер Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Загружаемые данные защищена сквозным шифрованием, что означает, что сервер Excalidraw и третьи стороны не могут прочитать содержимое."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Нажмите, чтобы начать несколько точек, перетащите для одной линии",
"linearElementMulti": "Нажмите Escape или Enter, чтобы закончить",
"resize": "Вы можете ограничить пропорции, удерживая SHIFT во время изменения размера"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Sunucudan içe aktarma başarısız.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Boş canvas dışarıya aktarılamaz.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Panoya kopyalanamadı. Chrome tarayıcısını deneyiniz.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Yükleme uçtan uca şifreleme ile korunmaktadır. Excalidraw sunucusu ve üçüncül şahıslar içeriği okuyamayacaktır."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Birden fazla nokta için tıklayın, tek çizgi için sürükleyin",
"linearElementMulti": "Bitirmek için Escape veya Enter tuşuna basınız",
"resize": "SHIFT'e basılı tutarak orantılı şekilde boyutlandırabilirsiniz"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"importBackendFailed": "Importing from backend failed.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Cannot export empty canvas.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Couldn't copy to clipboard. Try using Chrome browser.",
"decryptFailed": "Couldn't decrypt data.",
"uploadedSecurly": "The upload has been secured with end-to-end encryption, which means that Excalidraw server and third parties can't read the content."
"toolBar": {
@ -91,5 +92,18 @@
"linearElement": "Click to start multiple points, drag for single line",
"linearElementMulti": "Press Escape or Enter to finish",
"resize": "You can constraint proportions by holding SHIFT while resizing"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Encountered an error. Try ",
"headingMain_button": "reloading the page.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "If reloading doesn't work, try ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "clearing the canvas.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " This will result in loss of work ",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Before doing so, we'd appreciate if you opened an issue on our ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Please include the following error stack trace (and if it's not private, also the scene content):",
"errorStack": "Error stack trace:",
"errorStack_loading": "Loading data. please wait...",
"sceneContent": "Scene content:"
