@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import { Excalidraw } from "../index";
import type { NormalizedZoomValue } from "../types";
import { ROUNDNESS } from "../constants";
import { vi } from "vitest";
import * as blob from "../data/blob";
import { KEYS } from "../keys";
import { getBoundTextElementPosition } from "../element/textElement";
import { createPasteEvent } from "../clipboard";
@ -33,15 +32,15 @@ import { point, type Radians } from "../../math";
const { h } = window;
const mouse = new Pointer("mouse");
// This needs to fixed in vitest mock, as when importActual used with mock
// the tests hangs - https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest/issues/546.
// But fortunately spying and mocking the return value of spy works :p
const resizeImageFileSpy = vi.spyOn(blob, "resizeImageFile");
const generateIdFromFileSpy = vi.spyOn(blob, "generateIdFromFile");
resizeImageFileSpy.mockImplementation(async (imageFile: File) => imageFile);
generateIdFromFileSpy.mockImplementation(async () => "fileId" as FileId);
vi.mock("../data/blob", async (actual) => {
const orig: Object = await actual();
return {
resizeImageFile: (imageFile: File) => imageFile,
generateIdFromFile: () => "fileId" as FileId,
beforeEach(async () => {
// Unmount ReactDOM from root