@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ import {
const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "excalidraw" ;
const LOCAL_STORAGE_SCENE_PREVIOUS_KEY = "excalidraw-previos-scenes" ;
const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE = "excalidraw-state" ;
const BACKEND_POST = "https://json.excalidraw.com/api/v1/post/" ;
const BACKEND_GET = "https://json.excalidraw.com/api/v1/" ;
const BACKEND_V2_POST = "https://json.excalidraw.com/api/v2/post/" ;
const BACKEND_V2_GET = "https://json.excalidraw.com/api/v2/" ;
// TODO: Defined globally, since file handles aren't yet serializable.
// Once `FileSystemFileHandle` can be serialized, make this
// part of `AppState`.
@ -146,25 +148,54 @@ export async function exportToBackend(
elements : readonly ExcalidrawElement [ ] ,
appState : AppState ,
) {
let response ;
const json = serializeAsJSON ( elements , appState ) ;
const encoded = new TextEncoder ( ) . encode ( json ) ;
const key = await window . crypto . subtle . generateKey (
name : "AES-GCM" ,
length : 128 ,
} ,
true , // extractable
[ "encrypt" , "decrypt" ] ,
) ;
// The iv is set to 0. We are never going to reuse the same key so we don't
// need to have an iv. (I hope that's correct...)
const iv = new Uint8Array ( 12 ) ;
// We use symmetric encryption. AES-GCM is the recommended algorithm and
// includes checks that the ciphertext has not been modified by an attacker.
const encrypted = await window . crypto . subtle . encrypt (
name : "AES-GCM" ,
iv : iv ,
} ,
key ,
encoded ,
) ;
// We use jwk encoding to be able to extract just the base64 encoded key.
// We will hardcode the rest of the attributes when importing back the key.
const exportedKey = await window . crypto . subtle . exportKey ( "jwk" , key ) ;
try {
response = await fetch ( BACKEND_POST , {
const response = await fetch ( BACKEND _V2 _POST, {
method : "POST" ,
headers : { "Content-Type" : "application/json" } ,
body : serializeAsJSON ( elements , appState ) ,
body : encrypted ,
} ) ;
const json = await response . json ( ) ;
// TODO: comment following
// const json = {id: '1234'}
// console.log("new Uint8Array([" + new Uint8Array(encrypted).join(",") + "])");
if ( json . id ) {
const url = new URL ( window . location . href ) ;
url . searchParams . append ( "id" , json . id ) ;
// We need to store the key (and less importantly the id) as hash instead
// of queryParam in order to never send it to the server
url . hash = ` json= ${ json . id } , ${ exportedKey . k ! } ` ;
const urlString = url . toString ( ) ;
try {
await copyTextToSystemClipboard ( url . toString ( ) ) ;
window . alert (
t ( "alerts.copiedToClipboard" , {
url : url.toString ( ) ,
} ) ,
) ;
await copyTextToSystemClipboard ( urlString ) ;
window . alert ( t ( "alerts.copiedToClipboard" , { url : urlString } ) ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
// TODO: link will be displayed for user to copy manually in later PR
@ -172,31 +203,73 @@ export async function exportToBackend(
window . alert ( t ( "alerts.couldNotCreateShareableLink" ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
window . alert ( t ( "alerts.couldNotCreateShareableLink" ) ) ;
export async function importFromBackend ( id : string | null ) {
export async function importFromBackend (
id : string | null ,
k : string | undefined ,
) {
let elements : readonly ExcalidrawElement [ ] = [ ] ;
let appState : AppState = getDefaultAppState ( ) ;
const data = await fetch ( ` ${ BACKEND_GET } ${ id } .json ` )
. then ( response = > {
try {
const response = await fetch (
k ? ` ${ BACKEND_V2_GET } ${ id } ` : ` ${ BACKEND_GET } ${ id } .json ` ,
) ;
if ( ! response . ok ) {
window . alert ( t ( "alerts.importBackendFailed" ) ) ;
return restore ( elements , appState , { scrollToContent : true } ) ;
return response ;
} )
. then ( response = > response . clone ( ) . json ( ) ) ;
if ( data != null ) {
try {
let data ;
if ( k ) {
const buffer = await response . arrayBuffer ( ) ;
const key = await window . crypto . subtle . importKey (
"jwk" ,
alg : "A128GCM" ,
ext : true ,
k : k ,
key_ops : [ "encrypt" , "decrypt" ] ,
kty : "oct" ,
} ,
name : "AES-GCM" ,
length : 128 ,
} ,
false , // extractable
[ "decrypt" ] ,
) ;
const iv = new Uint8Array ( 12 ) ;
const decrypted = await window . crypto . subtle . decrypt (
name : "AES-GCM" ,
iv : iv ,
} ,
key ,
buffer ,
) ;
// We need to convert the decrypted array buffer to a string
const string = String . fromCharCode . apply (
null ,
new Uint8Array ( decrypted ) as any ,
) ;
data = JSON . parse ( string ) ;
} else {
// Legacy format
data = await response . json ( ) ;
elements = data . elements || elements ;
appState = data . appState || appState ;
} catch ( error ) {
window . alert ( t ( "alerts.importBackendFailed" ) ) ;
console . error ( error ) ;
} finally {
return restore ( elements , appState , { scrollToContent : true } ) ;
export async function exportCanvas (
@ -394,7 +467,7 @@ export function loadedScenes(): PreviousScene[] {
* Append id to the list of Previous Scenes in Local Storage if not there yet
* @param id string
* /
export function addToLoadedScenes ( id : string ): void {
export function addToLoadedScenes ( id : string , k : string | undefined ): void {
const scenes = [ . . . loadedScenes ( ) ] ;
const newScene = scenes . every ( scene = > scene . id !== id ) ;
@ -402,6 +475,7 @@ export function addToLoadedScenes(id: string): void {
scenes . push ( {
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
id ,
k ,
} ) ;