Since _Excalidraw_ doesn't support server side rendering, you should render the component once the host is `mounted`.
Since Excalidraw doesn't support `server side rendering` so it should be rendered only on `client`. The way to achieve this in next.js is using `next.js dynamic import`.
Here are two ways on how you can render **Excalidraw** on **Next.js**.
1. Using **Next.js Dynamic** import [Recommended].
Since Excalidraw doesn't support server side rendering so you can also use `dynamic import` to render by setting `ssr` to `false`.
If you want to only import `Excalidraw` component you can do :point_down:
```jsx showLineNumbers
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
@ -55,25 +49,88 @@ export default function App() {
Here is a working [demo](
However the above component only works for named component exports. If you want to import some util / constant or something else apart from Excalidraw, then this approach will not work. Instead you can write a wrapper over Excalidraw and import the wrapper dynamically.
If you are using `pages router` then importing the wrapper dynamically would work, where as if you are using `app router` then you will have to also add `useClient` directive on top of the file in addition to dynamically importing the wrapper as shown :point_down:
Here is a [source code]( for the example with app and pages router. You you can try it out [here](
Here is a working [demo](
The `types` are available at `@excalidraw/excalidraw/types`, you can view [example for typescript](