@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Please add the latest change on the top under the correct section.
#### Features
#### Features
- Export API to [set](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#setCursor) and [reset](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#resetCursor) mouse cursor on the canvas [#5215](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/5215).
- Export [`sceneCoordsToViewportCoords`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#onPointerDown) and [`viewportCoordsToSceneCoords`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#onPointerDown) utilities [#5187](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/5187).
- Export [`sceneCoordsToViewportCoords`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#onPointerDown) and [`viewportCoordsToSceneCoords`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#onPointerDown) utilities [#5187](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/5187).
- Added [`useHandleLibrary`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#useHandleLibrary) hook to automatically handle importing of libraries when `#addLibrary` URL hash key is present, and potentially for initializing library as well [#5115](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/5115).
- Added [`useHandleLibrary`](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/packages/excalidraw/README.md#useHandleLibrary) hook to automatically handle importing of libraries when `#addLibrary` URL hash key is present, and potentially for initializing library as well [#5115](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/5115).
@ -495,6 +495,8 @@ You can pass a `ref` when you want to access some excalidraw APIs. We expose the
| [id](#id) | string | Unique ID for the excalidraw component. |
| [id](#id) | string | Unique ID for the excalidraw component. |
| [getFiles](#getFiles) | <code>() => <ahref="https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/types.ts#L64">files</a></code> | This API can be used to get the files present in the scene. It may contain files that aren't referenced by any element, so if you're persisting the files to a storage, you should compare them against stored elements. |
| [getFiles](#getFiles) | <code>() => <ahref="https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/types.ts#L64">files</a></code> | This API can be used to get the files present in the scene. It may contain files that aren't referenced by any element, so if you're persisting the files to a storage, you should compare them against stored elements. |
| [setActiveTool](#setActiveTool) | <code>(tool: { type: typeof <ahref="https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/shapes.tsx#L4">SHAPES</a>[number]["value"] | "eraser" } | { type: "custom"; customType: string }) => void</code> | This API can be used to set the active tool |
| [setActiveTool](#setActiveTool) | <code>(tool: { type: typeof <ahref="https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/blob/master/src/shapes.tsx#L4">SHAPES</a>[number]["value"] | "eraser" } | { type: "custom"; customType: string }) => void</code> | This API can be used to set the active tool |
| [setCursor](#setCursor) | <code>(cursor: string) => void </code> | This API can be used to set customise the mouse cursor on the canvas |
| [resetCursor](#resetCursor) | <code>() => void </code> | This API can be used to reset to default mouse cursor on the canvas |
#### `readyPromise`
#### `readyPromise`
@ -707,6 +709,18 @@ This API has the below signature. It sets the `tool` passed in param as the acti
This API can be used to customise the mouse cursor on the canvas and has the below signature. It sets the mouse cursor to the cursor passed in param.
(cursor: string) => void
#### `resetCursor`
This API can be used to reset to default mouse cursor.
#### `detectScroll`
#### `detectScroll`
Indicates whether Excalidraw should listen for `scroll` event on the nearest scrollable container in the DOM tree and recompute the coordinates (e.g. to correctly handle the cursor) when the component's position changes. You can disable this when you either know this doesn't affect your app or you want to take care of it yourself (calling the [`refresh()`](#ref) method).
Indicates whether Excalidraw should listen for `scroll` event on the nearest scrollable container in the DOM tree and recompute the coordinates (e.g. to correctly handle the cursor) when the component's position changes. You can disable this when you either know this doesn't affect your app or you want to take care of it yourself (calling the [`refresh()`](#ref) method).