You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
6.3 KiB

"labels": {
"paste": "Einfügen",
"selectAll": "Alle auswählen",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyAsPng": "In Zwischenablage als PNG kopieren",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"copyAsSvg": "",
"bringForward": "Nach vorne",
"sendToBack": "In den Hintergrund",
"bringToFront": "In den Vordergrund",
"sendBackward": "Nach hinten",
"delete": "Löschen",
"copyStyles": "Stile kopieren",
"pasteStyles": "Stile einfügen",
"stroke": "Strich",
"background": "Hintergrund",
"fill": "Füllung",
"strokeWidth": "Strichstärke",
"sloppiness": "Sauberkeit",
"opacity": "Sichtbarkeit",
"fontSize": "Schriftgröße",
"fontFamily": "Schriftart",
"onlySelected": "Nur ausgewählte",
"withBackground": "Mit Hintergrund",
"handDrawn": "Handschrift",
"normal": "Normal",
"code": "Code",
"small": "Klein",
"medium": "Mittel",
"large": "Groß",
"veryLarge": "Sehr Groß",
"solid": "Solide",
"hachure": "Schraffiert",
"crossHatch": "Kreuzschraffiert",
"thin": "Dünn",
"bold": "Fett",
"extraBold": "Extra Fett",
"architect": "Architekt",
"artist": "Künstler",
"cartoonist": "Karikaturist",
"fileTitle": "Dateiname",
"colorPicker": "Farbauswähler",
"canvasBackground": "Zeichenflächenhintergrund",
"drawingCanvas": "Zeichenfläche",
"layers": "Ebenen",
"actions": "Aktionen",
"language": "Sprache",
"createRoom": "Live-Kollaborationssitzung teilen",
"duplicateSelection": "Markierte Elemente duplizieren"
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "Zeichenfläche löschen & Hintergrundfarbe zurücksetzen",
"export": "Exportieren",
"exportToPng": "Als PNG exportieren",
"exportToSvg": "Als SVG exportieren",
"copyToClipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"copyPngToClipboard": "PNG in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"save": "Speichern",
"load": "Laden",
"getShareableLink": "Teilbaren Link erhalten",
"close": "Schließen",
"selectLanguage": "Sprache auswählen",
"scrollBackToContent": "Zurück zum Inhalt",
"zoomIn": "Vergrößern",
"zoomOut": "Verkleinern",
"resetZoom": "Zoom zurücksetzen",
"menu": "Menü",
"done": "Fertig",
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"undo": "Rückgängig machen",
"redo": "Wiederholen",
"roomDialog": "Live-Kollaborationssitzung starten",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"createNewRoom": "Neuen Raum erstellen",
"toggleFullScreen": ""
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "Dies wird die ganze Zeichenfläche löschen. Bist du dir sicher?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "Konnte keinen teilbaren Link erstellen.",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "Ungültige Datei konnte nicht geladen werden",
"importBackendFailed": "Import vom Server ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Leere Zeichenfläche kann nicht exportiert werden.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Konnte nicht in die Zwischenablage kopieren. Versuch es mit dem Chrome Browser.",
"decryptFailed": "Daten konnten nicht entschlüsselt werden.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Der Upload wurde mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung gespeichert, sodass weder Excalidraw-Server noch Dritte den Inhalt einsehen können."
"toolBar": {
"selection": "Auswahl",
"rectangle": "Rechteck",
"diamond": "Raute",
"ellipse": "Ellipse",
"arrow": "Pfeil",
"line": "Linie",
"text": "Text",
"lock": "Ausgewähltes Werkzeug nach Zeichnen aktiv lassen"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "Aktionen für Zeichenfläche",
"selectedShapeActions": "Aktionen für Auswahl",
"shapes": "Formen"
"hints": {
"linearElement": "Klicken für Linie mit mehreren Punkten, Ziehen für einzelne Linie",
"linearElementMulti": "Zum Beenden auf den letzten Punkt klicken oder Escape oder Eingabe drücken",
"resize": "Zum Beibehalten der Proportionen bei der Größenänderung SHIFT gedrückt halten",
"rotate": "Du kannst Winkel einschränken, indem du SHIFT während der Drehung gedrückt hältst"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Versuche ",
"headingMain_button": "die Seite neu zu laden.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "Wenn das Neuladen nicht funktioniert, versuche ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "die Zeichenfläche zu löschen.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " Dies wird zum Verlust von Daten führen ",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "Der Fehler mit der Kennung ",
"trackedToSentry_post": " wurde in unserem System registriert.",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "Wir waren sehr vorsichtig und haben deine Zeichnungsinformationen nicht in den Fehler aufgenommen. Wenn deine Zeichnung nicht privat ist, unterstütze uns bitte über unseren ",
"openIssueMessage_button": "Bug-Tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": " Bitte geben Sie die Informationen unten durch Kopieren und Einfügen im GitHub Issue mit an.",
"sceneContent": "Zeichnungsinhalt:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "Du kannst Leute zur Zusammenarbeit an deiner aktuellen Zeichnung einladen.",
"desc_privacy": "Keine Sorge, die Sitzung verwendet Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, so dass alles, was du zeichnest, privat bleibt. Nicht einmal unser Server kann einsehen was du dir einfallen lässt.",
"button_startSession": "Sitzung starten",
"button_stopSession": "Sitzung beenden",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "Die Live-Kollaborationssitzung wird nun ausgeführt.",
"desc_persistenceWarning": "Beachte, dass die Zeichnungsdaten bei der Zusammenarbeit über P2P geteilt und nicht auf unserem Server gespeichert werden. Wenn ihr alle die Verbindung trennt, gehen eure Daten verloren, es sei denn, ihr exportiert sie in eine Datei oder einen gemeinsam nutzbaren Link.",
"desc_shareLink": "Teile diesen Link mit allen, mit denen du zusammenarbeiten möchtest:",
"desc_exitSession": "Wenn du die Sitzung beendest, wird deine Verbindung zum Raum getrennt, du kannst jedoch lokal weiter an der Zeichnung arbeiten. Beachte, dass dieses keine Auswirkungen auf andere Personen hat und diese weiterhin gemeinsam an ihrer Version arbeiten können."
"errorDialog": {
"title": "Fehler"
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"shortcutsDialog": {
"title": "Tastaturkürzel",
"shapes": "Formen",
"editor": "Editor",
"view": "Ansicht",
"blog": "Unseren Blog lesen",
"howto": "Folgen Sie unseren Anleitungen",
"github": "Ein Problem gefunden? Informieren Sie uns"