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# SRS(Simple Realtime Server)
SRS/5.0([Bee]( is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, SRT, MPEG-DASH and GB28181.
[![SRS Overview](](
> Note: The single node architecture for SRS, for detail please see [here](
SRS is licenced under [MIT]( by default, and SRS is also licensed
under [MIT]( or [MulanPSL-2.0](
Please note that [MulanPSL-2.0 is compatible with Apache-2.0](,
and some third-party libraries are distributed under their [licenses](
<a name="product"></a> <a name="usage-docker"></a>
## Usage
Please refer to the [Getting Started]( or [中文文档:起步]( guide.
To build SRS from source:
git clone -b 5.0release &&
cd srs/trunk && ./configure && make && ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Open [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/) to check it, then publish
by [FFmpeg]( or [OBS]( as:
ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv -y rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
Play the following streams by [players](
* RTMP (by [VLC]( rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
* H5(HTTP-FLV): [http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv](http://localhost:8080/players/srs_player.html?autostart=true&stream=livestream.flv&port=8080&schema=http)
* H5(HLS): [http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8](http://localhost:8080/players/srs_player.html?autostart=true&stream=livestream.m3u8&port=8080&schema=http)
Note that if convert RTMP to WebRTC, please use [`rtmp2rtc.conf`](
* H5(WebRTC): [webrtc://localhost/live/livestream](http://localhost:8080/players/rtc_player.html?autostart=true)
> Note: Besides of FFmpeg or OBS, it's also able to [publish by H5](http://localhost:8080/players/rtc_publisher.html?autostart=true)
> if **WebRTC([CN](, [EN](** is enabled,
> please remember to set the **CANDIDATE([CN]( or [EN](** for WebRTC.
> Highly recommend that directly run SRS by
> **docker([CN]( / [EN](**,
> **Cloud Virtual Machine([CN]( / [EN](**,
> or **K8s([CN]( / [EN](**,
> however it's also easy to build SRS from source code, for detail please see
> **Getting Started([CN]( / [EN](**.
> Note: In addition to FFmpeg or OBS, it is possible to [publish by H5](http://localhost:8080/players/whip.html) via WHIP as well.
> To enable WebRTC to publish and convert it to RTMP, please refer to the wiki([CN](, [EN]( documentation.
> It is essential to ensure the candidate([CN]( or [EN](
> is set correctly for WebRTC to avoid potential issues, as it can cause significant problems.
> Note: It is highly recommended to run SRS directly with docker([CN]( / [EN](,
> CVM([CN]( / [EN](,
> or K8s([CN]( / [EN](
> However, compiling SRS from source code is also possible and easy. For detailed instructions, please refer to the
> "Getting Started"([CN]( / [EN]( guide.
> Note: If you require HTTPS for WebRTC and modern browsers, please refer to the HTTPS API([CN]( / [EN](,
> HTTPS Callback([CN]( / [EN](,
> and HTTPS Live Streaming([CN]( / [EN](
> documentation. Additionally, SRS works perfectly with an HTTPS proxy like Nginx.
<a name="srs-40-wiki"></a> <a name="wiki"></a>
From here, please read wikis:
* What are the steps to deliver RTMP streaming? ([CN](, [EN](
* What is the process for delivering WebRTC streaming? ([CN](, [EN](
* What are the steps to convert RTMP to HTTP-FLV streaming? ([CN](, [EN](
* How can RTMP be converted to HLS streaming? ([CN](, [EN](
* What is the best approach for delivering low-latency streaming? ([CN](, [EN](
* How can an RTMP Edge-Cluster be constructed? ([CN](, [EN](
* What is the process for building an RTMP Origin-Cluster? ([CN](, [EN](
* How can an HLS Edge-Cluster be set up?([CN](, [EN](
Other important wiki:
* Usage: What is the method for delivering DASH (Experimental)? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: How can an RTMP stream be transcoded using FFMPEG? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: What is the process for setting up an HTTP FLV Live Streaming Cluster? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: How can HLS be delivered using an NGINX Cluster? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: What steps are to ingest a file, stream, or device to RTMP? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: How can a stream be forwarded to other servers? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: What are the strategies for improving edge performance on multiple CPUs? ([CN](, [EN](
* Usage: How can bugs be reported or contact be made with us? ([CN](, [EN](
## Sponsor
Would you like additional assistance from us? By becoming a sponsor or backer of SRS, we can provide you
with the support you need:
* Backer: $5 per month, online text chat support through Discord.
* Sponsor: $100 per month, online text chat plus online meeting support.
Please visit [OpenCollective]( to become a backer or sponsor, and send
us a direct message on [Discord]( We are currently providing support to the
developers listed below:
We at SRS aim to establish a non-profit, open-source community that assists developers worldwide in creating
your own high-quality streaming and RTC platforms to support your businesses.
The [TOC(Technical Oversight Committee)](trunk/ and [contributors](trunk/
* [Winlin]( Focus on [ST]( and [Issues/PR](
* [ZhaoWenjie]( Focus on [HDS]( and [Windows](
* [ShiWei]( Focus on [SRT]( and [H.265](
* [XiaoZhihong]( Focus on [WebRTC/QUIC]( and [SRT](
* [WuPengqiang]( Focus on [H.265](
* [XiaLixin]( Focus on [GB28181](
* [LiPeng]( Focus on [WebRTC](
* [ChenGuanghua]( Focus on [WebRTC/QoS](
* [ChenHaibo]( Focus on [GB28181]( and [API](
A big `THANK YOU` also goes to:
* All [contributors](trunk/ of SRS.
* All friends of SRS for [big supports](
* [Genes](, [Mabbott]( and [Michael Talyanksy]( for creating and introducing [st](
## Contributing
We are grateful to the community for contributing bugfix and improvements, please follow the
[![FOSSA Status](](
SRS is licenced under [MIT]( or [MulanPSL-2.0](,
and note that [MulanPSL-2.0 is compatible with Apache-2.0](,
but some third-party libraries are distributed using their [own licenses](
## Releases
* 2023-11-19, [Release v5.0-b7](, v5.0-b7, 5.0 beta7, v5.0.200, 163305 lines.
* 2023-10-25, [Release v5.0-b6](, v5.0-b6, 5.0 beta6, v5.0.195, 163303 lines.
* 2023-09-28, [Release v5.0-b5](, v5.0-b5, 5.0 beta5, v5.0.185, 163254 lines.
* 2023-08-31, [Release v5.0-b4](, v5.0-b4, 5.0 beta4, v5.0.176, 162919 lines.
* 2023-08-02, [Release v5.0-b3](, v5.0-b3, 5.0 beta3, v5.0.170, 162704 lines.
* 2023-07-09, [Release v5.0-b2](, v5.0-b2, 5.0 beta2, v5.0.166, 162520 lines.
* 2023-06-11, [Release v5.0-b1](, v5.0-b1, 5.0 beta1, v5.0.157, 162494 lines.
* 2023-05-14, [Release v5.0-b0](, v5.0-b0, 5.0 beta0, v5.0.155, 162600 lines.
* 2023-03-23, [Release v5.0-a5](, v5.0-a5, 5.0 alpha5, v5.0.148, 162066 lines.
* 2023-02-12, [Release v5.0-a4](, v5.0-a4, 5.0 alpha4, v5.0.141, 161897 lines.
* 2023-01-02, [Release v5.0-a3](, v5.0-a3, 5.0 alpha3, v5.0.128, 161327 lines.
* 2022-12-18, [Release v5.0-a2](, v5.0-a2, 5.0 alpha2, v5.0.112, 161233 lines.
* 2022-12-01, [Release v5.0-a1](, v5.0-a1, 5.0 alpha1, v5.0.100, 160817 lines.
* 2022-11-25, [Release v5.0-a0](, v5.0-a0, 5.0 alpha0, v5.0.98, 159813 lines.
* 2022-11-22, Release [v4.0-r4](, v4.0-r4, 4.0 release4, v4.0.268, 145482 lines.
* 2022-09-16, Release [v4.0-r3](, v4.0-r3, 4.0 release3, v4.0.265, 145328 lines.
* 2022-08-24, Release [v4.0-r2](, v4.0-r2, 4.0 release2, v4.0.257, 144890 lines.
* 2022-06-29, Release [v4.0-r1](, v4.0-r1, 4.0 release1, v4.0.253, 144680 lines.
* 2022-06-11, Release [v4.0-r0](, v4.0-r0, 4.0 release0, v4.0.252, 144680 lines.
* 2020-06-27, [Release v3.0-r0](, 3.0 release0, 3.0.141, 122674 lines.
* 2020-02-02, [Release v3.0-b0](, 3.0 beta0, 3.0.112, 121709 lines.
* 2019-10-04, [Release v3.0-a0](, 3.0 alpha0, 3.0.56, 107946 lines.
* 2017-03-03, [Release v2.0-r0](, 2.0 release0, 2.0.234, 86373 lines.
* 2016-08-06, [Release v2.0-b0](, 2.0 beta0, 2.0.210, 89704 lines.
* 2015-08-23, [Release v2.0-a0](, 2.0 alpha0, 2.0.185, 89022 lines.
* 2014-12-05, [Release v1.0-r0](, all bug fixed, 1.0.10, 59391 lines.
* 2014-10-09, [Release v0.9.8](, all bug fixed, 1.0.0, 59316 lines.
* 2014-04-07, [Release v0.9.1](, live streaming. 30000 lines.
* 2013-10-23, [Release v0.1.0](, rtmp. 8287 lines.
* 2013-10-17, Created.
## Features
Please read [FEATURES](trunk/doc/
<a name="history"></a> <a name="change-logs"></a>
## Changelog
Please read [CHANGELOG](trunk/doc/
## Performance
Please read [PERFORMANCE](trunk/doc/
## Architecture
Please read [ARCHITECTURE](trunk/doc/
## Ports
Please read [PORTS](trunk/doc/
## APIs
Please read [APIS](trunk/doc/
## Mirrors
Please read [MIRRORS](trunk/doc/
## Dockers
Please read [DOCKERS](trunk/doc/
Beijing, 2013.10<br/>