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SRS(Simple Realtime Server)
SRS/5.0 is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT.
SRS/5.0,Bee 是一个简单高效的实时视频服务器,支持RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT。
SRS is licenced under MIT or MulanPSL-2.0, and note that MulanPSL-2.0 is compatible with Apache-2.0, but some third-party libraries are distributed using their own licenses.
Note: If image load fail, please see it at here.
Build SRS from source:
git clone -b develop https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git &&
cd srs/trunk && ./configure && make && ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Open http://localhost:8080/ to check it, then publish by FFmpeg or OBS as:
ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv -y rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
Play the following streams by players:
- RTMP (by VLC): rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
- H5(HTTP-FLV): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv
- H5(HLS): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8
Note that if convert RTMP to WebRTC, please use rtmp2rtc.conf
- H5(WebRTC): webrtc://localhost/live/livestream
Note: Besides of FFmpeg or OBS, it's also able to publish by H5 if WebRTC(CN, EN) is enabled, please remember to set the CANDIDATE(CN or EN) for WebRTC.
Highly recommend that directly run SRS by docker(CN / EN), Cloud Virtual Machine(CN / EN), or K8s(CN / EN), however it's also easy to build SRS from source code, for detail please see Getting Started(CN / EN).
Note: If need HTTPS, by which WebRTC and modern browsers require, please read HTTPS API(CN / EN) and HTTPS Callback(CN / EN) and HTTPS Live Streaming(CN / EN), however HTTPS proxy also works perfect with SRS such as Nginx.
From here, please read wikis:
- Getting Started, please read Wiki first.
- 中文文档:起步,不读Wiki一定扑街,不读文档请不要提Issue,不读文档请不要提问题,任何文档中明确说过的疑问都不会解答。
Fast index for Wikis:
- Overview? (CN, EN)
- How to deliver RTMP streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Edge-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Origin-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HTTP-FLV streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HLS streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver low-latency streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to use WebRTC? (CN, EN)
Other important wiki:
- Usage: How to delivery DASH(Experimental)?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to transode RTMP stream by FFMPEG?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to delivery HTTP FLV Live Streaming Cluster?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to ingest file/stream/device to RTMP?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to forward stream to other servers?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to improve edge performance for multiple CPUs? (CN, EN)
- Usage: How to file a bug or contact us? (CN, EN)
Thank you to all our contributors! 🙏
Note: You may provide financial support for this project by donating via Open Collective. Thank you for your support!
The TOC(Technical Oversight Committee) and contributors:
- Winlin: Focus on ST and Issues/PR.
- ZhaoWenjie: Focus on HDS and Windows.
- ShiWei: Focus on SRT and H.265.
- XiaoZhihong: Focus on WebRTC/QUIC and SRT.
- WuPengqiang: Focus on H.265.
- XiaLixin: Focus on GB28181.
- LiPeng: Focus on WebRTC.
- ChenGuanghua: Focus on WebRTC/QoS.
- ChenHaibo: Focus on GB28181 and API.
also goes to:
- All contributors of SRS.
- All friends of SRS for big supports.
- Genes, Mabbott and Michael Talyanksy for creating and introducing st.
We are grateful to the community for contributing bugfix and improvements, please follow the guide.
- 2022-02-11, Release v4.0-b8, v4.0-b8, 4.0 beta8, v4.0.241, 144445 lines.
- 2022-02-09, Release v4.0-b7, v4.0-b7, 4.0 beta7, v4.0.240, 144437 lines.
- 2022-02-04, Release v4.0-b6, v4.0-b6, 4.0 beta6, v4.0.238, 144437 lines.
- 2022-01-30, Release v4.0-b5, v4.0-b5, 4.0 beta5, v4.0.236, 144416 lines.
- 2022-01-17, Release v4.0-b4, v4.0-b4, 4.0 beta4, v4.0.230, 144393 lines.
- 2022-01-13, Release v4.0-b3, v4.0-b3, 4.0 beta3, v4.0.229, 144393 lines.
- 2022-01-03, Release v4.0-b2, v4.0-b2, 4.0 beta2, v4.0.215, 144278 lines.
- 2021-12-19, Release v4.0-b1, v4.0-b1, 4.0 beta1, v4.0.206, 144126 lines.
- 2021-12-01, Release v4.0-b0, v4.0-b0, 4.0 beta0, v4.0.201, 144022 lines.
- 2021-11-15, Release v4.0.198, 4.0 dev8, v4.0.198, 144010 lines.
- 2021-11-02, Release v4.0.191, 4.0 dev7, v4.0.191, 143890 lines.
- 2021-10-12, Release v4.0.177, 4.0 dev6, v4.0.177, 143686 lines.
- 2021-09-05, Release v4.0.161, 4.0 dev5, v4.0.161, 145865 lines.
- 2021-08-15, Release v4.0.156, 4.0 dev4, v4.0.156, 145490 lines.
- 2021-08-14, Release v4.0.153, 4.0 dev3, v4.0.153, 145506 lines.
- 2021-08-07, Release v4.0.150, 4.0 dev2, v4.0.150, 145289 lines.
- 2021-07-25, Release v4.0.146, 4.0 dev1, v4.0.146, 144026 lines.
- 2021-07-04, Release v4.0.139, 4.0 dev0, v4.0.139, 143245 lines.
- 2020-06-27, Release v3.0-r0, 3.0 release0, 3.0.141, 122674 lines.
- 2020-02-02, Release v3.0-b0, 3.0 beta0, 3.0.112, 121709 lines.
- 2019-10-04, Release v3.0-a0, 3.0 alpha0, 3.0.56, 107946 lines.
- 2017-03-03, Release v2.0-r0, 2.0 release0, 2.0.234, 86373 lines.
- 2016-08-06, Release v2.0-b0, 2.0 beta0, 2.0.210, 89704 lines.
- 2015-08-23, Release v2.0-a0, 2.0 alpha0, 2.0.185, 89022 lines.
- 2014-12-05, Release v1.0-r0, all bug fixed, 1.0.10, 59391 lines.
- 2014-10-09, Release v0.9.8, all bug fixed, 1.0.0, 59316 lines.
- 2014-04-07, Release v0.9.1, live streaming. 30000 lines.
- 2013-10-23, Release v0.1.0, rtmp. 8287 lines.
- 2013-10-17, Created.
Please read FEATURES.
Please read CHANGELOG.
Comparing with other media servers, SRS is much better and stronger, for details please read Product(CN/EN).
Please read PERFORMANCE.
Please read PORTS.
Please read APIS.
Please read MIRRORS.
Beijing, 2013.10