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SRS(Simple Realtime Server)
SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT.
Note: Please see https://www.processon.com/view/link/619f29791efad425fd699fd2
SRS is licenced under MIT, but some depended libraries are distributed using their own licenses.
Build SRS from source or docker(CN / EN), please read Wiki: Gettting Started(CN / EN):
git clone -b 4.0release https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git &&
cd srs/trunk && ./configure && make && ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Open http://localhost:8080/ to check it, then publish by FFmpeg or OBS as:
ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv -y rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
Note: It's also able to publish by H5 if WebRTC is enabled.
Play the following streams by players:
- RTMP (by VLC): rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
- H5(HTTP-FLV): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv
- H5(HLS): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8
- H5(WebRTC): webrtc://localhost/live/livestream
From here, please read wikis:
- Getting Started, please read Wiki first.
- 中文文档:起步,不读Wiki一定扑街,不读文档请不要提Issue,不读文档请不要提问题,任何文档中明确说过的疑问都不会解答。
Fast index for Wikis:
- Overview? (CN, EN)
- How to deliver RTMP streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Edge-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Origin-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HTTP-FLV streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HLS streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver low-latency streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to use WebRTC? (CN, EN)
Other important wiki:
- Usage: How to delivery DASH(Experimental)?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to transode RTMP stream by FFMPEG?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to delivery HTTP FLV Live Streaming Cluster?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to ingest file/stream/device to RTMP?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to forward stream to other servers?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to improve edge performance for multiple CPUs? (CN, EN)
- Usage: How to file a bug or contact us? (CN, EN)
There are two types of people that have contributed to the SRS project:
- Maintainers: Contribute and maintain important features. SRS always remembers and thanks you by writing your names in stream metadata.
- Contributors: Submit patches, report bugs, add translations, help answer newbie questions, and generally make SRS much better.
Maintainers of SRS project:
- Winlin: Focus on issues/PR and tests now.
- ZhaoWenjie: Focus on HDS module.
- ShiWei: Focus on SRT module.
- XiaoZhihong: Focus on WebRTC module.
- WuPengqiang: Focus on WebRTC module.
- XiaLixin: Focus on GB28181 module.
- LiPeng: Focus on WebRTC module.
- ChenGuanghua: Focus on WebRTC module.
- ChenHaibo: Focus on GB28181 and API module.
A big THANK YOU goes to:
- All friends of SRS for big supports.
- Genes amd Mabbott for creating st(state-threads).
- Michael Talyanksy for introducing ST to us.
- 2021-11-15, Release v4.0.198, 4.0 dev8, v4.0.198, 144010 lines.
- 2021-11-02, Release v4.0.191, 4.0 dev7, v4.0.191, 143890 lines.
- 2021-10-12, Release v4.0.177, 4.0 dev6, v4.0.177, 143686 lines.
- 2021-09-05, Release v4.0.161, 4.0 dev5, v4.0.161, 145865 lines.
- 2021-08-15, Release v4.0.156, 4.0 dev4, v4.0.156, 145490 lines.
- 2021-08-14, Release v4.0.153, 4.0 dev3, v4.0.153, 145506 lines.
- 2021-08-07, Release v4.0.150, 4.0 dev2, v4.0.150, 145289 lines.
- 2021-07-25, Release v4.0.146, 4.0 dev1, v4.0.146, 144026 lines.
- 2021-07-04, Release v4.0.139, 4.0 dev0, v4.0.139, 143245 lines.
- 2020-06-27, Release v3.0-r0, 3.0 release0, 3.0.141, 122674 lines.
- 2020-02-02, Release v3.0-b0, 3.0 beta0, 3.0.112, 121709 lines.
- 2019-10-04, Release v3.0-a0, 3.0 alpha0, 3.0.56, 107946 lines.
- 2017-03-03, Release v2.0-r0, 2.0 release0, 2.0.234, 86373 lines.
- 2016-08-06, Release v2.0-b0, 2.0 beta0, 2.0.210, 89704 lines.
- 2015-08-23, Release v2.0-a0, 2.0 alpha0, 2.0.185, 89022 lines.
- 2014-12-05, Release v1.0-r0, all bug fixed, 1.0.10, 59391 lines.
- 2014-10-09, Release v0.9.8, all bug fixed, 1.0.0, 59316 lines.
- 2014-04-07, Release v0.9.1, live streaming. 30000 lines.
- 2013-10-23, Release v0.1.0, rtmp. 8287 lines.
- 2013-10-17, Created.
Please read FEATURES.
Please read CHANGELOG.
Comparing with other media servers, SRS is much better and stronger, for details please read Product(CN/EN).
Please read PERFORMANCE.
Please read PORTS.
Please read APIS.
Please read MIRRORS.
Beijing, 2013.10