37 KiB
SRS(Simple Realtime Server)
SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT.
SRS is licenced under MIT, but some depended libraries are distributed using their own licenses.
Build SRS from source, please read Wiki: Gettting Started( EN / CN ):
git clone -b 4.0release https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git &&
cd srs/trunk && ./configure && make && ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Open http://localhost:8080/ to check it, then publish by FFmpeg or OBS as:
ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv -y rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
Note: It's also able to publish by H5 if WebRTC is enabled.
Play the following streams by players:
- RTMP (by VLC): rtmp://localhost/live/livestream
- H5(HTTP-FLV): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv
- H5(HLS): http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8
- H5(WebRTC): webrtc://localhost/live/livestream
From here, please read wikis:
- Getting Started, please read Wiki first.
- 中文文档:起步,不读Wiki一定扑街,不读文档请不要提Issue,不读文档请不要提问题,任何文档中明确说过的疑问都不会解答。
Fast index for Wikis:
- How to deliver RTMP streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Edge-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to build RTMP Origin-Cluster?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HTTP-FLV streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver HLS streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to deliver low-latency streaming?(CN, EN)
- How to use WebRTC? (CN, EN)
Other important wiki:
- Usage: How to delivery DASH(Experimental)?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to transode RTMP stream by FFMPEG?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to delivery HTTP FLV Live Streaming Cluster?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to ingest file/stream/device to RTMP?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to forward stream to other servers?(CN, EN)
- Usage: How to improve edge performance for multiple CPUs? (CN, EN)
- Usage: How to file a bug or contact us? (CN, EN)
There are two types of people that have contributed to the SRS project:
- Maintainers: Contribute and maintain important features. SRS always remembers and thanks you by writing your names in stream metadata.
- Contributors: Submit patches, report bugs, add translations, help answer newbie questions, and generally make SRS much better.
Maintainers of SRS project:
- Winlin: All areas of streaming server and documents.
- Wenjie: The focus of his work is on the HDS module.
- Runner365: The focus of his work is on the SRT module.
- John: Focus on WebRTC module.
- B.P.Y(Bepartofyou): Focus on WebRTC module.
- Lixin: Focus on GB28181 module.
- Mozhan: Focus on WebRTC module.
- Jinxue: Focus on WebRTC module.
A big THANK YOU goes to:
- All friends of SRS for big supports.
- Genes amd Mabbott for creating st(state-threads).
- Michael Talyanksy for introducing ST to us.
The ports used by SRS, kernel services:
, for RTMP live streaming server(CN,EN).tcp://1985
, HTTP API server, for HTTP-API(CN, EN), WebRTC(CN, EN), etc.tcp://8080
, HTTP live streaming server, HTTP-FLV(CN, EN), HLS(CN, EN) as such.udp://8000
, WebRTC Media(CN, EN) server.
For optional HTTPS services, which might be provided by other web servers:
, HTTPS live streaming server.tcp://1990
, HTTPS API server.
For optional stream caster services, to push streams to SRS:
, Stream Caster: Push MPEGTS over UDP server.tcp://554
, Stream Caster: Push RTSP server.tcp://8936
, Stream Caster: Push HTTP-FLV server.udp://10080
, Stream Caster: Push SRT Media server.
For external services to work with SRS:
, WebRTC Signaling server.
The API used by SRS:
The HTTP API path./rtc/v1/
The HTTP API path for RTC./sig/v1/
The demo signaling API.
Other API used by ossrs.net:
The statistic API./service/v1/
The latest available version API./ws-service/v1/
The latest available version API, by websocket./im-service/v1/
The latest available version API, by IM./code-service/v1/
The latest available version API, by Code verification.
- Using coroutine by ST, it's really simple and stupid enough.
- Support cluster which consists of origin (CN,EN) and edge(CN, EN) server and uses RTMP as default transport protocol.
- Origin server supports remuxing RTMP to HTTP-FLV(CN, EN) and HLS(CN, EN).
- Edge server supports remuxing RTMP to HTTP-FLV(CN, EN). As for HLS(CN, EN) edge server, recomment to use HTTP edge server, such as NGINX.
- Support HLS with audio-only(CN, EN), which need to build the timestamp from AAC samples, so we enhanced it please read #547.
- Support HLS with mp3(h.264+mp3) audio codec, please read bug #301.
- Support transmux RTMP to HTTP-FLV/MP3/AAC/TS, please read wiki(CN, EN).
- Support ingesting(CN, EN) other protocols to SRS by FFMPEG.
- Support RTMP long time(>4.6hours) publishing/playing, with the timestamp corrected.
- Support native HTTP server(CN, EN) for http api and http live streaming.
- Support HTTP CORS for js in http api and http live streaming.
- Support HTTP API(CN, EN) for system management.
- Support HTTP callback(CN, EN) for authentication and integration.
- Support DVR(CN, EN) to record live streaming to FLV file.
- Support DVR control module like NGINX-RTMP, please read #459.
- Support EXEC like NGINX-RTMP, please read bug #367.
- Support security strategy including allow/deny publish/play IP(CN, EN).
- Support low latency(0.1s+) transport model, please read bug #257.
- Support gop-cache(CN, EN) for player fast startup.
- Support Vhost(CN, EN) and __defaultVhost__.
- Support reloading(CN, EN) to apply changes of config.
- Support listening at multiple ports.
- Support forwarding(CN, EN) to other RTMP servers.
- Support transcoding(CN, EN) by FFMPEG.
- All wikis are writen in Chinese and English.
- Enhanced json, replace NXJSON(LGPL) with json-parser(BSD), read #904.
- Support valgrind and latest ARM by patching ST, read ST#1 and ST#2.
- Support traceable and session-based log(CN, EN).
- High performance(CN, EN) RTMP/HTTP-FLV, 6000+ connections.
- Enhanced complex error code with description and stack, read #913.
- Enhanced RTMP url which supports vhost in stream, read #1059.
- Support origin cluster, please read #464, RTMP 302.
- Support listen at IPv4 and IPv6, read #460.
- Improve test coverage for core/kernel/protocol/service.
- Support docker by srs-docker.
- Support multiple processes by ReusePort(CN, EN), #775.
- Support a simple mgmt console, please read srs-console.
- [Experimental] Support playing stream by WebRTC, #307.
- [Experimental] Support publishing stream by WebRTC, #307.
- [Experimental] Support mux RTP/RTCP/DTLS/SRTP on one port for WebRTC, #307.
- [Experimental] Support client address changing for WebRTC, #307.
- [Experimental] Support transcode RTMP/AAC to WebRTC/Opus, #307.
- [Experimental] Support AV1 codec for WebRTC, #2324.
- [Experimental] Enhance HTTP Stream Server for HTTP-FLV, HTTPS, HLS etc. #1657.
- Support push stream by GB28181, #1500.
- [Experimental] Support DVR in MP4 format, read #738.
- [Experimental] Support MPEG-DASH, the future live streaming protocol, read #299.
- [Experimental] Support pushing MPEG-TS over UDP, please read bug #250.
- [Experimental] Support pushing FLV over HTTP POST, please read wiki(CN, EN).
- [Experimental] Support HTTP RAW API, please read #459, #470, #319.
- [Experimental] Support SRT server, read #1147.
- [Experimental] Support transmux RTC to RTMP, #2093.
- [Deprecated] Support pushing RTSP, please read bug #2304.
- [Deprecated] Support Adobe HDS(f4m), please read wiki(CN, EN) and #1535.
- [Deprecated] Support bandwidth testing, please read #1535.
- [Deprecated] Support Adobe FMS/AMS token traverse(CN, EN) authentication, please read #1535.
- [Removed] Support RTMP client library: srs-librtmp.
- Support IETF-QUIC for WebRTC Cluster, #2091.
- Enhanced forwarding with vhost and variables, #1342.
- Support DVR to Cloud Storage, #1193.
- Support H.265 over RTMP and HLS, #465.
- Improve RTC performance to 5K by multiple threading, #2188.
- Support source cleanup for idle streams, #413.
- Support change user to run SRS, #1111.
- Support HLS variant, #463.
Remark: About the milestone and product plan, please read (CN, EN) wiki.
Please read CHANGELOG.
- 2020-08-07, Release v4.0.150, 4.0 dev2, v4.0.150, 145289 lines.
- 2020-07-25, Release v4.0.146, 4.0 dev1, v4.0.146, 144026 lines.
- 2020-07-04, Release v4.0.139, 4.0 dev0, v4.0.139, 143245 lines.
- 2020-06-27, Release v3.0-r0, 3.0 release0, 3.0.141, 122674 lines.
- 2020-03-29, Release v3.0-b3, 3.0 beta4, 3.0.139, 122674 lines.
- 2020-03-18, Release v3.0-b3, 3.0 beta3, 3.0.134, 122509 lines.
- 2020-03-05, Release v3.0-b2, 3.0 beta2, 3.0.123, 122170 lines.
- 2020-02-14, Release v3.0-b1, 3.0 beta1, 3.0.117, 121964 lines.
- 2020-02-02, Release v3.0-b0, 3.0 beta0, 3.0.112, 121709 lines.
- 2020-01-21, Release v3.0-a9, 3.0 alpha9, 3.0.105, 121577 lines.
- 2020-01-10, Release v3.0-a8, 3.0 alpha8, 3.0.97, 121555 lines.
- 2019-12-29, Release v3.0-a7, 3.0 alpha7, 3.0.90, 116356 lines.
- 2019-12-26, Release v3.0-a6, 3.0 alpha6, 3.0.85, 116056 lines.
- 2019-12-19, Release v3.0-a5, 3.0 alpha5, 3.0.75, 115362 lines.
- 2019-12-13, Release v3.0-a4, 3.0 alpha4, 3.0.71, 112928 lines.
- 2019-11-30, Release v3.0-a3, 3.0 alpha3, 3.0.67, 110864 lines.
- 2019-11-30, Release v3.0-a2, 3.0 alpha2, 3.0.66, 110831 lines.
- 2019-10-07, Release v3.0-a1, 3.0 alpha1, 3.0.60, 107962 lines.
- 2019-10-04, Release v3.0-a0, 3.0 alpha0, 3.0.56, 107946 lines.
- 2017-03-03, Release v2.0-r0, 2.0 release0, 2.0.234, 86373 lines.
- 2016-11-13, Release v2.0-b3, 2.0 beta3, 2.0.223, 86685 lines.
- 2016-11-09, Release v2.0-b2, 2.0 beta2, 2.0.221, 86691 lines.
- 2016-09-09, Release v2.0-b1, 2.0 beta1, 2.0.215, 89941 lines.
- 2016-08-06, Release v2.0-b0, 2.0 beta0, 2.0.210, 89704 lines.
- 2015-12-23, Release v2.0-a3, 2.0 alpha3, 2.0.205, 89544 lines.
- 2015-10-08, Release v2.0-a2, 2.0 alpha2, 2.0.195, 89358 lines.
- 2015-09-14, Release v2.0-a1, 2.0 alpha1, 2.0.189, 89269 lines.
- 2015-08-23, Release v2.0-a0, 2.0 alpha0, 2.0.185, 89022 lines.
- 2015-05-23, Release v1.0-r4, bug fixed, 1.0.32, 59509 lines.
- 2015-03-19, Release v1.0-r3, bug fixed, 1.0.30, 59511 lines.
- 2015-02-12, Release v1.0-r2, bug fixed, 1.0.27, 59507 lines.
- 2015-01-15, Release v1.0-r1, bug fixed, 1.0.21, 59472 lines.
- 2014-12-05, Release v1.0-r0, all bug fixed, 1.0.10, 59391 lines.
- 2014-10-09, Release v0.9.8, all bug fixed, 1.0.0, 59316 lines.
- 2014-08-03, Release v0.9.7, config utest, all bug fixed. 57432 lines.
- 2014-07-13, Release v0.9.6, core/kernel/rtmp utest, refine bandwidth(as/js/srslibrtmp library). 50029 lines.
- 2014-06-27, Release v0.9.5, refine perf 3k+ clients, edge token traverse, 30days online. 41573 lines.
- 2014-05-28, Release v0.9.4, support heartbeat, tracable log, fix mem leak and bugs. 39200 lines.
- 2014-05-18, Release v0.9.3, support mips, fms origin, json(http-api). 37594 lines.
- 2014-04-28, Release v0.9.2, support dvr, android, edge. 35255 lines.
- 2014-04-07, Release v0.9.1, support arm, init.d, http server/api, ingest. 30000 lines.
- 2013-12-25, Release v0.9.0, support bandwidth test, player/encoder/chat demos. 20926 lines.
- 2013-12-08, Release v0.8.0, support http hooks callback, update SB. 19186 lines.
- 2013-12-03, Release v0.7.0, support live stream transcoding. 17605 lines.
- 2013-11-29, Release v0.6.0, support forward stream to origin/edge. 16094 lines.
- 2013-11-26, Release v0.5.0, support HLS(m3u8), fragment and window. 14449 lines.
- 2013-11-10, Release v0.4.0, support reload config, pause, longtime publish/play. 12500 lines.
- 2013-11-04, Release v0.3.0, support vhost, refer, gop cache, listen multiple ports. 11773 lines.
- 2013-10-25, Release v0.2.0, support rtmp flash publish, h264, time jitter correct. 10125 lines.
- 2013-10-23, Release v0.1.0, support rtmp FMLE/FFMPEG publish, vp6. 8287 lines.
- 2013-10-17, Created.
Comparing with other media servers, SRS is much better and stronger, for details please read Product(CN/EN).
Please read PERFORMANCE.
The stream architecture of SRS.
+----------+ +----------+
| Upstream | | Deliver |
+---|------+ +----|-----+
| Input | SRS(Simple RTMP Server) | Output |
| | +-> DASH ----------------+-> DASH player |
| Encoder(1) | +-> RTMP/HDS -----------+-> Flash player |
| (FMLE,OBS, --RTMP-+->-+-> HLS/HTTP ------------+-> M3U8 player |
| FFmpeg,XSPLIT, | +-> FLV/MP3/Aac/Ts ------+-> HTTP player |
| ......) | +-> Fowarder ------------+-> RTMP server |
| | +-> Transcoder ----------+-> RTMP server |
| | +-> EXEC(5) -------------+-> External app |
| | +-> DVR -----------------+-> FLV file |
| | +-> BandwidthTest -------+-> Flash |
| | +-> WebRTC --------------+-> Flash |
+----------------------+ | |
| WebRTC Client | +--> RTMP | |
| (H5,Native...) --RTC-+---+---> WebRTC ------------+-> WebRTC Client|
+----------------------+ | |
| MediaSource(2) | | |
| (RTSP,FILE, | | |
| HTTP,HLS, --pull-+->-- Ingester(3) -(rtmp)----+-> SRS |
| Device, | | |
| ......) | | |
+----------------------+ | |
| MediaSource(2) | | |
| (MPEGTSoverUDP | | |
| HTTP-FLV, --push-+->- StreamCaster(4) -(rtmp)-+-> SRS |
| SRT, | | |
| ......) | | |
+----------------------+ | |
| FFMPEG --push(srt)--+->- SRTModule(5) ---(rtmp)-+-> SRS |
- Encoder: Encoder pushs RTMP stream to SRS.
- MediaSource: Supports any media source, ingesting by ffmpeg.
- Ingester: Forks a ffmpeg(or other tools) to ingest as rtmp to SRS, please read Ingest.
- Streamer: Remuxs other protocols to RTMP, please read Streamer.
- EXEC: Like NGINX-RTMP, EXEC forks external tools for events, please read [ng-exec][v4_CN_NgExec].
- SRTModule: A isolate module which run in hybrid model.
Gitee: https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs, the GIT usage(CN, EN)
git clone https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git &&
cd srs && git remote set-url origin https://github.com/ossrs/srs.git && git pull
Remark: For users in China, recomment to use mirror from CSDN or OSChina, because they are much faster.
Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/winlinvip/srs-gitlab, the GIT usage(CN, EN)
git clone https://gitlab.com/winlinvip/srs-gitlab.git srs &&
cd srs && git remote set-url origin https://github.com/ossrs/srs.git && git pull
Github: https://github.com/ossrs/srs, the GIT usage(CN, EN)
git clone https://github.com/ossrs/srs.git
Branch | Cost | Size | CMD |
3.0release | 2m19.931s | 262MB | git clone -b 3.0release https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
3.0release | 0m56.515s | 95MB | git clone -b 3.0release --depth=1 https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
develop | 2m22.430s | 234MB | git clone -b develop https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
develop | 0m46.421s | 42MB | git clone -b develop --depth=1 https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
min | 2m22.865s | 217MB | git clone -b min https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
min | 0m36.472s | 11MB | git clone -b min --depth=1 https://gitee.com/ossrs/srs.git |
System Requirements
Supported operating systems and hardware:
- Linux, with x86, x86-64 or arm.
- Mac, with intel chip.
- Other OS, such as Windows, please use docker.
Beijing, 2013.10