@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ using namespace std;
buffer = new SrsFastStream();
header = NULL;
srs_error_t SrsHttpParser::initialize(enum http_parser_type type, bool allow_jsonp)
@ -70,19 +72,22 @@ srs_error_t SrsHttpParser::initialize(enum http_parser_type type, bool allow_jso
srs_error_t SrsHttpParser::parse_message(ISrsReader* reader, ISrsHttpMessage** ppmsg)
*ppmsg = NULL;
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
*ppmsg = NULL;
// reset request data.
field_name = "";
field_value = "";
expect_field_name = true;
// Reset request data.
state = SrsHttpParseStateInit;
header = http_parser();
hp_header = http_parser();
// Reset the message url.
url = "";
// The body that we have read from cache.
pbody = NULL;
// Reset the temporarily parsed header field.
expect_field_name = true;
// The header of the request.
header = new SrsHttpHeader();
// do parse
if ((err = parse_message_imp(reader)) != srs_success) {
@ -93,11 +98,9 @@ srs_error_t SrsHttpParser::parse_message(ISrsReader* reader, ISrsHttpMessage** p
SrsHttpMessage* msg = new SrsHttpMessage(reader, buffer);
// Initialize the basic information.
bool keep_alive = http_should_keep_alive(&header);
msg->set_basic(header.method, header.status_code, header.content_length, keep_alive);
// initalize http msg, parse url.
if ((err = msg->update(url, jsonp, headers)) != srs_success) {
msg->set_basic(hp_header.method, hp_header.status_code, hp_header.content_length);
msg->set_header(header, http_should_keep_alive(&hp_header));
if ((err = msg->set_url(url, jsonp)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "update message");
@ -142,11 +145,6 @@ srs_error_t SrsHttpParser::parse_message_imp(ISrsReader* reader)
// parse last header.
if (!field_name.empty() && !field_value.empty()) {
headers.push_back(std::make_pair(field_name, field_value));
return err;
@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ int SrsHttpParser::on_headers_complete(http_parser* parser)
SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data;
obj->header = *parser;
obj->hp_header = *parser;
// save the parser when header parse completed.
obj->state = SrsHttpParseStateHeaderComplete;
@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ int SrsHttpParser::on_url(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length)
if (length > 0) {
obj->url.append(at, (int)length);
obj->url = string(at, (int)length);
srs_info("Method: %d, Url: %.*s", parser->method, (int)length, at);
@ -211,16 +209,12 @@ int SrsHttpParser::on_header_field(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t l
// field value=>name, reap the field.
if (!obj->expect_field_name) {
obj->headers.push_back(std::make_pair(obj->field_name, obj->field_value));
// reset the field name when parsed.
obj->field_name = "";
obj->field_value = "";
obj->header->set(obj->field_name, obj->field_value);
obj->expect_field_name = true;
if (length > 0) {
obj->field_name.append(at, (int)length);
obj->field_name = string(at, (int)length);
srs_info("Header field(%d bytes): %.*s", (int)length, (int)length, at);
@ -233,7 +227,7 @@ int SrsHttpParser::on_header_value(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t l
if (length > 0) {
obj->field_value.append(at, (int)length);
obj->field_value = string(at, (int)length);
obj->expect_field_name = false;
@ -281,38 +275,42 @@ SrsHttpMessage::~SrsHttpMessage()
void SrsHttpMessage::set_basic(uint8_t method, uint16_t status, int64_t content_length, bool keep_alive)
void SrsHttpMessage::set_basic(uint8_t method, uint16_t status, int64_t content_length)
_method = method;
_status = status;
_content_length = content_length;
void SrsHttpMessage::set_header(SrsHttpHeader* header, bool keep_alive)
_header = *header;
_keep_alive = keep_alive;
// whether chunked.
chunked = (header->get("Transfer-Encoding") == "chunked");
srs_error_t SrsHttpMessage::update(string url, bool allow_jsonp, vector<SrsHttpHeaderField>& headers)
srs_error_t SrsHttpMessage::set_url(string url, bool allow_jsonp)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
_url = url;
_headers = headers;
// whether chunked.
std::string transfer_encoding = get_request_header("Transfer-Encoding");
chunked = (transfer_encoding == "chunked");
// parse uri from url.
std::string host = get_request_header("Host");
// use server public ip when no host specified.
// use server public ip when host not specified.
// to make telnet happy.
std::string host = _header.get("Host");
if (host.empty()) {
host= srs_get_public_internet_address();
// parse uri to schema/server:port/path?query
std::string uri = "http://" + host + _url;
// parse uri from schema/server:port/path?query
std::string uri = _url;
if (!host.empty()) {
uri = "http://" + host + _url;
if ((err = _uri->initialize(uri)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "init uri");
return srs_error_wrap(err, "init uri %s", uri.c_str());
// parse ext.
@ -546,39 +544,9 @@ string SrsHttpMessage::query_get(string key)
return v;
int SrsHttpMessage::request_header_count()
SrsHttpHeader* SrsHttpMessage::header()
return (int)_headers.size();
string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_key_at(int index)
srs_assert(index < request_header_count());
SrsHttpHeaderField item = _headers[index];
return item.first;
string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_value_at(int index)
srs_assert(index < request_header_count());
SrsHttpHeaderField item = _headers[index];
return item.second;
string SrsHttpMessage::get_request_header(string name)
std::vector<SrsHttpHeaderField>::iterator it;
for (it = _headers.begin(); it != _headers.end(); ++it) {
SrsHttpHeaderField& elem = *it;
std::string key = elem.first;
std::string value = elem.second;
if (key == name) {
return value;
return "";
return &_header;
SrsRequest* SrsHttpMessage::to_request(string vhost)
@ -598,7 +566,7 @@ SrsRequest* SrsHttpMessage::to_request(string vhost)
// generate others.
req->tcUrl = "rtmp://" + vhost + "/" + req->app;
req->pageUrl = get_request_header("Referer");
req->pageUrl = _header.get("Referer");
req->objectEncoding = 0;
std::string query = _uri->get_query();
@ -863,7 +831,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsHttpResponseWriter::send_header(char* data, int size)
return srs_error_wrap(err, "filter header");
// write headers
// write header
// header_eof