@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ using namespace std;
#include <srs_kernel_utility.hpp>
#include <srs_protocol_buffer.hpp>
#include <srs_kernel_file.hpp>
#include <srs_kernel_flv.hpp>
#include <srs_core_autofree.hpp>
@ -289,23 +288,23 @@ int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_http(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage*
if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".flv") || srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".fhv")) {
std::string start = r->query_get("start");
if (start.empty()) {
return serve_file(fullpath, w, r);
return serve_file(w, r, fullpath);
int offset = ::atoi(start.c_str());
if (offset <= 0) {
return serve_file(fullpath, w, r);
return serve_file(w, r, fullpath);
return serve_flv_stream(fullpath, w, r, offset);
return serve_flv_stream(w, r, fullpath, offset);
} else {
return serve_file(fullpath, w, r);
return serve_file(w, r, fullpath);
return ret;
int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_file(string fullpath, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r)
int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_file(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r, string fullpath)
int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
@ -345,110 +344,35 @@ int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_file(string fullpath, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w
// write body.
int64_t left = length;
char* buf = r->http_ts_send_buffer();
while (left > 0) {
ssize_t nread = -1;
if ((ret = fs.read(buf, __SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
srs_warn("read file %s failed, ret=%d", fullpath.c_str(), ret);
left -= nread;
if ((ret = w->write(buf, nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_flv_stream(string fullpath, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r, int offset)
int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
SrsFileReader fs;
// open flv file
if ((ret = fs.open(fullpath)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ((ret = copy(&fs, w, r, left)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
srs_warn("read file=%s size=%d failed, ret=%d", fullpath.c_str(), left, ret);
return ret;
if (offset > fs.filesize()) {
srs_warn("http flv streaming %s overflow. size=%"PRId64", offset=%d, ret=%d",
fullpath.c_str(), fs.filesize(), offset, ret);
return ret;
SrsFlvVodStreamDecoder ffd;
// open fast decoder
if ((ret = ffd.initialize(&fs)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
// save header, send later.
char flv_header[13];
// send flv header
if ((ret = ffd.read_header_ext(flv_header)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
// save sequence header, send later
char* sh_data = NULL;
int sh_size = 0;
if (true) {
// send sequence header
int64_t start = 0;
if ((ret = ffd.read_sequence_header_summary(&start, &sh_size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
if (sh_size <= 0) {
srs_warn("http flv streaming no sequence header. size=%d, ret=%d", sh_size, ret);
return ret;
sh_data = new char[sh_size];
SrsAutoFree(char, sh_data);
if ((ret = fs.read(sh_data, sh_size, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_flv_stream(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r, string fullpath, int offset)
return serve_file(w, r, fullpath);
// seek to data offset
int64_t left = fs.filesize() - offset;
// write http header for ts.
w->header()->set_content_length((int)(sizeof(flv_header) + sh_size + left));
// write flv header and sequence header.
if ((ret = w->write(flv_header, sizeof(flv_header))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
if (sh_size > 0 && (ret = w->write(sh_data, sh_size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
int SrsGoHttpFileServer::copy(SrsFileReader* fs, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r, int size)
int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// write body.
int left = size;
char* buf = r->http_ts_send_buffer();
if ((ret = ffd.lseek(offset)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
// send data
while (left > 0) {
ssize_t nread = -1;
if ((ret = fs.read(buf, __SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
if ((ret = fs->read(buf, __SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
left -= nread;
if ((ret = w->write(buf, nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ret;