@ -349,11 +349,6 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsContext::encode(ISrsStreamWriter* writer, SrsTsMessage* msg, Sr
void SrsTsContext::set_sync_byte(int8_t sb)
sync_byte = sb;
srs_error_t SrsTsContext::encode_pat_pmt(ISrsStreamWriter* writer, int16_t vpid, SrsTsStream vs, int16_t apid, SrsTsStream as)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
@ -812,24 +807,24 @@ SrsTsPacket* SrsTsPacket::create_pes_first(SrsTsContext* context,
pes->packet_start_code_prefix = 0x01;
pes->stream_id = (uint8_t)sid;
pes->PES_packet_length = (size > 0xFFFF)? 0:size;
pes->PES_scrambling_control = 0;
pes->PES_priority = 0;
pes->data_alignment_indicator = 0;
pes->copyright = 0;
pes->original_or_copy = 0;
pes->PTS_DTS_flags = (dts == pts)? 0x02:0x03;
pes->ESCR_flag = 0;
pes->ES_rate_flag = 0;
pes->DSM_trick_mode_flag = 0;
pes->additional_copy_info_flag = 0;
pes->PES_CRC_flag = 0;
pes->PES_extension_flag = 0;
pes->PES_header_data_length = 0; // calc in size.
pes->pts = pts;
pes->dts = dts;
pes->pes.packet_start_code_prefix = 0x01;
pes->pes.stream_id = (uint8_t)sid;
pes->pes.PES_packet_length = (size > 0xFFFF)? 0:size;
pes->pes.PES_scrambling_control = 0;
pes->pes.PES_priority = 0;
pes->pes.data_alignment_indicator = 0;
pes->pes.copyright = 0;
pes->pes.original_or_copy = 0;
pes->pes.PTS_DTS_flags = (dts == pts)? 0x02:0x03;
pes->pes.ESCR_flag = 0;
pes->pes.ES_rate_flag = 0;
pes->pes.DSM_trick_mode_flag = 0;
pes->pes.additional_copy_info_flag = 0;
pes->pes.PES_CRC_flag = 0;
pes->pes.PES_extension_flag = 0;
pes->pes.PES_header_data_length = 0; // calc in size.
pes->pes.pts = pts;
pes->pes.dts = dts;
return pkt;
@ -1249,7 +1244,7 @@ SrsTsPayload::~SrsTsPayload()
SrsTsPayloadPES::SrsTsPayloadPES(SrsTsPacket* p) : SrsTsPayload(p)
nb_stuffings = 0;
nb_bytes = 0;
@ -1291,97 +1286,19 @@ SrsTsPayloadPES::SrsTsPayloadPES(SrsTsPacket* p) : SrsTsPayload(p)
original_stuff_length = 0;
P_STD_buffer_scale = 0;
P_STD_buffer_size = 0;
has_payload_ = false;
nb_payload_ = 0;
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
srs_error_t SrsMpegPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
// find the channel from chunk.
SrsTsChannel* channel = packet->context->get(packet->pid);
if (!channel) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: demux PES no channel for pid=%#x", packet->pid);
// init msg.
SrsTsMessage* msg = channel->msg;
if (!msg) {
msg = new SrsTsMessage(channel, packet);
channel->msg = msg;
// we must cache the fresh state of msg,
// for the PES_packet_length is 0, the first payload_unit_start_indicator always 1,
// so should check for the fresh and not completed it.
bool is_fresh_msg = msg->fresh();
// check when fresh, the payload_unit_start_indicator
// should be 1 for the fresh msg.
if (is_fresh_msg && !packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: PES fresh packet length=%d, us=%d, cc=%d",
msg->PES_packet_length, packet->payload_unit_start_indicator, packet->continuity_counter);
// check when not fresh and PES_packet_length>0,
// the payload_unit_start_indicator should never be 1 when not completed.
if (!is_fresh_msg && msg->PES_packet_length > 0 && !msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) && packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
srs_warn("ts: ignore PES packet length=%d, payload=%d, us=%d, cc=%d",
msg->PES_packet_length, msg->payload->length(), packet->payload_unit_start_indicator, packet->continuity_counter);
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
channel->msg = NULL;
return err;
// check the continuity counter
if (!is_fresh_msg) {
// late-incoming or duplicated continuity, drop message.
// @remark check overflow, the counter plus 1 should greater when invalid.
if (msg->continuity_counter >= packet->continuity_counter && ((msg->continuity_counter + 1) & 0x0f) > packet->continuity_counter) {
srs_warn("ts: drop PES %dB for duplicated cc=%#x", msg->continuity_counter);
stream->skip(stream->size() - stream->pos());
return err;
// when got partially message, the continous count must be continuous, or drop it.
if (((msg->continuity_counter + 1) & 0x0f) != packet->continuity_counter) {
srs_warn("ts: ignore continuity must be continous, msg=%#x, packet=%#x", msg->continuity_counter, packet->continuity_counter);
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
channel->msg = NULL;
return err;
msg->continuity_counter = packet->continuity_counter;
// for the PES_packet_length(0), reap when completed.
if (!is_fresh_msg && msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator)) {
// reap previous PES packet.
*ppmsg = msg;
channel->msg = NULL;
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
return err;
// contious packet, append bytes for unit start is 0
if (!packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
if ((err = msg->dump(stream, &nb_bytes)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "ts: pes dump");
// when unit start, parse the fresh msg.
if (packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
// 6B fixed header.
if (!stream->require(6)) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: demux PSE");
@ -1403,8 +1320,6 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
// @remark the sid indicates the elementary stream format.
// the SrsTsPESStreamIdAudio and SrsTsPESStreamIdVideo is start by 0b110 or 0b1110
SrsTsPESStreamId sid = (SrsTsPESStreamId)stream_id;
msg->sid = sid;
if (sid != SrsTsPESStreamIdProgramStreamMap
&& sid != SrsTsPESStreamIdPaddingStream
&& sid != SrsTsPESStreamIdPrivateStream2
@ -1462,10 +1377,6 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
return srs_error_wrap(err, "dts/pts");
dts = pts;
// update the dts and pts of message.
msg->dts = dts;
msg->pts = pts;
// 10B
@ -1481,10 +1392,6 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
if (dts - pts > 90000 || pts - dts > 90000) {
srs_warn("ts: sync dts=%" PRId64 ", pts=%" PRId64, dts, pts);
// update the dts and pts of message.
msg->dts = dts;
msg->pts = pts;
// Ignore coverage bellow, for we don't use them in HLS.
@ -1627,21 +1534,24 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
// indicated in the PES_packet_length minus the number of bytes
// between the last byte of the PES_packet_length field and the
// first PES_packet_data_byte.
* when actual packet length > 0xffff(65535),
* which exceed the max uint16_t packet length,
* use 0 packet length, the next unit start indicates the end of packet.
// If the actual size > uin16_t, which exceed the PES_packet_length, then PES_packet_length is 0, and we
// should dump all left bytes in stream to message util next unit start packet.
// Otherwise, the PES_packet_length should greater than 0, which is a specified length, then we also dump
// the left bytes in stream, in such case, the nb_payload_ is the actual size of payload.
if (PES_packet_length > 0) {
int nb_packet = PES_packet_length - (stream->pos() - pos_packet);
msg->PES_packet_length = srs_max(0, nb_packet);
if (nb_packet < 0) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: Invalid PES_packet_length=%d, pos_packet=%d, pos=%d", PES_packet_length, pos_packet, stream->pos());
// xB
if ((err = msg->dump(stream, &nb_bytes)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump pes");
nb_payload_ = nb_packet;
// Now, it has payload. The size is specified by PES_packet_length, which might be:
// 0, Dump all bytes in stream util next unit start packet.
// nb_payload_, Dump specified bytes in stream.
has_payload_ = true;
// Ignore coverage bellow, for we don't use them in HLS.
} else if (sid == SrsTsPESStreamIdProgramStreamMap
@ -1656,10 +1566,9 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
// PES_packet_data_byte
// }
// xB
if ((err = msg->dump(stream, &nb_bytes)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump packet");
// The pos_packet equals to stream pos, so the PES_packet_length is actually the payload length.
nb_payload_ = PES_packet_length;
has_payload_ = true;
} else if (sid == SrsTsPESStreamIdPaddingStream) {
// for (i = 0; i < PES_packet_length; i++) {
// padding_byte
@ -1674,26 +1583,11 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
srs_warn("ts: drop the pes packet %dB for stream_id=%#x", nb_drop, stream_id);
// when fresh and the PES_packet_length is 0,
// the payload_unit_start_indicator always be 1,
// the message should never EOF for the first packet.
if (is_fresh_msg && msg->PES_packet_length == 0) {
return err;
// check msg, reap when completed.
if (msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator)) {
*ppmsg = msg;
channel->msg = NULL;
srs_info("ts: reap msg for completed.");
return err;
int SrsTsPayloadPES::size()
int SrsMpegPES::size()
int sz = 0;
@ -1753,7 +1647,7 @@ int SrsTsPayloadPES::size()
return sz;
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::encode(SrsBuffer* stream)
srs_error_t SrsMpegPES::encode(SrsBuffer* stream)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
@ -1909,7 +1803,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::encode(SrsBuffer* stream)
return err;
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, int64_t* pv)
srs_error_t SrsMpegPES::decode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, int64_t* pv)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
@ -1960,7 +1854,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, int64_t* p
return err;
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::encode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, uint8_t fb, int64_t v)
srs_error_t SrsMpegPES::encode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, uint8_t fb, int64_t v)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
@ -1987,6 +1881,147 @@ srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::encode_33bits_dts_pts(SrsBuffer* stream, uint8_t fb
return err;
SrsTsPayloadPES::SrsTsPayloadPES(SrsTsPacket* p) : SrsTsPayload(p)
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::decode(SrsBuffer* stream, SrsTsMessage** ppmsg)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
// find the channel from chunk.
SrsTsChannel* channel = packet->context->get(packet->pid);
if (!channel) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: demux PES no channel for pid=%#x", packet->pid);
// init msg.
SrsTsMessage* msg = channel->msg;
if (!msg) {
msg = new SrsTsMessage(channel, packet);
channel->msg = msg;
// we must cache the fresh state of msg,
// for the PES_packet_length is 0, the first payload_unit_start_indicator always 1,
// so should check for the fresh and not completed it.
bool is_fresh_msg = msg->fresh();
// check when fresh, the payload_unit_start_indicator
// should be 1 for the fresh msg.
if (is_fresh_msg && !packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
return srs_error_new(ERROR_STREAM_CASTER_TS_PSE, "ts: PES fresh packet length=%d, us=%d, cc=%d",
msg->PES_packet_length, packet->payload_unit_start_indicator, packet->continuity_counter);
// check when not fresh and PES_packet_length>0,
// the payload_unit_start_indicator should never be 1 when not completed.
if (!is_fresh_msg && msg->PES_packet_length > 0 && !msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) && packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
srs_warn("ts: ignore PES packet length=%d, payload=%d, us=%d, cc=%d",
msg->PES_packet_length, msg->payload->length(), packet->payload_unit_start_indicator, packet->continuity_counter);
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
channel->msg = NULL;
return err;
// check the continuity counter
if (!is_fresh_msg) {
// late-incoming or duplicated continuity, drop message.
// @remark check overflow, the counter plus 1 should greater when invalid.
if (msg->continuity_counter >= packet->continuity_counter && ((msg->continuity_counter + 1) & 0x0f) > packet->continuity_counter) {
srs_warn("ts: drop PES %dB for duplicated cc=%#x", msg->continuity_counter);
stream->skip(stream->size() - stream->pos());
return err;
// when got partially message, the continous count must be continuous, or drop it.
if (((msg->continuity_counter + 1) & 0x0f) != packet->continuity_counter) {
srs_warn("ts: ignore continuity must be continous, msg=%#x, packet=%#x", msg->continuity_counter, packet->continuity_counter);
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
channel->msg = NULL;
return err;
msg->continuity_counter = packet->continuity_counter;
// for the PES_packet_length(0), reap when completed.
if (!is_fresh_msg && msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator)) {
// reap previous PES packet.
*ppmsg = msg;
channel->msg = NULL;
// reparse current msg.
stream->skip(stream->pos() * -1);
return err;
// contious packet, append bytes for unit start is 0
if (!packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
if ((err = msg->dump(stream, &pes.nb_bytes)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "ts: pes dump");
// when unit start, parse the fresh msg.
if (packet->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
if ((err = pes.decode(stream)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "header");
// Update message when decode the first PES packet.
msg->sid = (SrsTsPESStreamId)pes.stream_id;
if (pes.PTS_DTS_flags == 0x02 || pes.PTS_DTS_flags == 0x03) {
msg->dts = pes.dts;
msg->pts = pes.pts;
if (pes.has_payload_) {
// The size of message, might be 0 or a positive value.
msg->PES_packet_length = pes.nb_payload_;
// xB
if ((err = msg->dump(stream, &pes.nb_bytes)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump pes");
// when fresh and the PES_packet_length is 0,
// the payload_unit_start_indicator always be 1,
// the message should never EOF for the first packet.
if (is_fresh_msg && msg->PES_packet_length == 0) {
return err;
// check msg, reap when completed.
if (msg->completed(packet->payload_unit_start_indicator)) {
*ppmsg = msg;
channel->msg = NULL;
srs_info("ts: reap msg for completed.");
return err;
int SrsTsPayloadPES::size()
return pes.size();
srs_error_t SrsTsPayloadPES::encode(SrsBuffer* stream)
return pes.encode(stream);
SrsTsPayloadPSI::SrsTsPayloadPSI(SrsTsPacket* p) : SrsTsPayload(p)
pointer_field = 0;