@ -418,6 +418,34 @@ ISrsWakable::~ISrsWakable()
#ifdef SRS_LAS
SrsConsumer::SrsConsumer(SrsSource* s, SrsConnection* c, int64_t lasspts, bool only_audio)
source = s;
conn = c;
paused = false;
jitter = new SrsRtmpJitter();
queue = new SrsMessageQueue();
should_update_source_id = false;
mw_wait = srs_cond_new();
mw_min_msgs = 0;
mw_duration = 0;
mw_waiting = false;
this->lasspts = lasspts;
this->only_audio = only_audio;
have_first_msg = false;
have_keyframe = false;
frames_dropped_by_lasspts = 0;
frames_dropped_by_first_keyframe = 0;
//TODO use config
lasspts_max_wait_time = 3000*1000;
create_time = srs_get_system_time();
SrsConsumer::SrsConsumer(SrsSource* s, SrsConnection* c)
source = s;
@ -434,6 +462,7 @@ SrsConsumer::SrsConsumer(SrsSource* s, SrsConnection* c)
mw_waiting = false;
@ -444,6 +473,16 @@ SrsConsumer::~SrsConsumer()
#ifdef SRS_LAS
std::list<SrsSharedPtrMessage*>::iterator it;
for (it = headers_queue.begin(); it != headers_queue.end(); ++it) {
SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg = *it;
void SrsConsumer::set_queue_size(srs_utime_t queue_size)
@ -465,6 +504,60 @@ srs_error_t SrsConsumer::enqueue(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_msg, bool atc, SrsR
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
#ifdef SRS_LAS
//filter audio frame if only_audio is set
if (only_audio && !shared_msg->is_audio()) {
return err;
//cache header and wait data msg to set timestamp
if (shared_msg->is_header) {
srs_info("got msg to headers_queue, msg:", shared_msg->to_str());
return err;
// filter the begin data msg
if (!have_first_msg && lasspts > 0) {
// spts_max_wait_time < 0 means wait until shared_msg->pts >= expect_start_pts
if(shared_msg->is_audio() || shared_msg->is_keyframe) {
if (shared_msg->pts < lasspts &&
(lasspts_max_wait_time < 0 || srs_get_system_time() - create_time < lasspts_max_wait_time)) {
return err;
//filter first video data msg must be key frame
if (!have_keyframe && shared_msg->is_video() && !shared_msg->is_keyframe) {
return err;
// now got first data frame
if (!have_first_msg) {
srs_trace("got first data msg, droped=%d, msg:%s", frames_dropped_by_lasspts, shared_msg->to_str().c_str());
have_first_msg = true;
// now got first key frame
if (!have_keyframe && shared_msg->is_keyframe) {
srs_trace("got first key frame, droped=%d, msg:%s", frames_dropped_by_first_keyframe, shared_msg->to_str().c_str());
have_keyframe = true;
// send cached headers, las mast use atc
while (headers_queue.size() > 0) {
SrsSharedPtrMessage* header_msg = headers_queue.front();
header_msg->timestamp = shared_msg->timestamp;
//no need to copy any more, but
//carefull。。。 enqueue may free header_msg, do not use it after enqueue.
if ((err = queue->enqueue(header_msg, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return err;
SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg = shared_msg->copy();
if (!atc) {
@ -720,6 +813,431 @@ bool SrsGopCache::pure_audio()
return cached_video_count == 0;
#ifdef SRS_LAS
SrsLasCache::SrsLasCache(int cache_dur) {
max_cache_dur = cache_dur;
//we use max max_cache_dur to calculate max cache size
//vfr 60fps, afr 45 fps, and double it size
max_cache_size = cache_dur * (60+45) * 2 /1000;
enable_gop_cache = true;
cached_video_header = NULL;
cached_audio_header = NULL;
cached_metadata_header = NULL;
wait_keyframe = true;
last_video_index = last_audio_index = SRS_NO_DTAT_INDEX;
void SrsLasCache::dispose()
void SrsLasCache::set(bool enabled) {
enable_gop_cache = enabled;
if (!enabled) {
//srs_info("disable gop cache, clear %d packets.", (int)gop_cache.size());
srs_info("enable srs cache");
bool SrsLasCache::enabled()
return enable_gop_cache;
srs_error_t SrsLasCache::cache(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_msg)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
if (!enable_gop_cache) {
return err;
//if wait_keyframe and first video is not key or video sequence header,do not cache it
if (wait_keyframe && shared_msg->is_video() && !shared_msg->is_keyframe && !shared_msg->is_header) {
srs_warn("wait idr frame, first video is not idr and sps");
return err;
//update cache_idr_index|cache_header_index|last av index
if (shared_msg->is_video()) {
if (shared_msg->is_keyframe) {
//if idr pts go back clear data,but (keep headers),
//video pts may go back, but not IDR frame
if(cache_idr_index.size() > 0 && shared_msg->pts < cache_vec[cache_idr_index.back()]->pts) {
srs_warn("video key frame pts rollback,erase all cache data, curent pts=%lld, cache_status=%s",shared_msg->pts, to_str().c_str());
wait_keyframe = false;
//save key frame index in cache_vec
if(!shared_msg->is_header) {
//save last video index in cache_vec
last_video_index = cache_vec.size();
} else {
//save video header index in cache_vec
} else if (shared_msg->is_audio()) {
if (!shared_msg->is_header) {
//if no video, use audio timestamp, clear data if audio timestamp go back
if (last_video_index < 0 && last_audio_index > 0 && shared_msg->pts < cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts) {
srs_warn("audio frame pts rollback, erase all cache data, curent pts=%lld, cache_status=%s",shared_msg->pts, to_str().c_str());
//save last audio index in cache_vec
last_audio_index = cache_vec.size();
} else {
//save audio header index in cache_vec
} else {
//save metadata index in cache_vec
//there is no need to call drop old cache too often
// we call it only when key frame come, or overflow packet size limit
if (shared_msg->is_keyframe || (int)cache_vec.size() > max_cache_size) {
return err;
srs_error_t SrsLasCache::dump(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool ds, bool dm, int64_t lasspts)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
if (empty()) {
return err;
//the first msg index should dump in cache_vec, set to end as defult,
int begin_index = cache_vec.size();
//lasspts > 0 means give the buffer form first pts>=lasspts
if (lasspts > 0) {
if (last_video_index > 0) {
assert(cache_idr_index.size() > 0); //we use wait key, so if have video, must have idr
// get first key frame (pts>=lasspts) index timestamp in cache_vec!
for (int i = (int)cache_idr_index.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (cache_vec[cache_idr_index[i]]->pts >= lasspts) {
begin_index = cache_idr_index[i];
} else if (last_audio_index > 0){
// only audio use audio timestamp
assert(cache_vec.size() > last_audio_index);
for (int i = last_audio_index; i >= 0; i--) {
if (cache_vec[i]->is_header || !cache_vec[i]->is_audio()) {
if (cache_vec[i]->pts >= lasspts) {
begin_index = i;
} else if (lasspts == 0) { //lasspts == 0 means from the newest keyframe or audio pkt
if (last_video_index > 0) {
assert(cache_idr_index.size() > 0);
begin_index = cache_idr_index.back();
} else if (last_audio_index > 0) {
assert(cache_vec.size() > last_audio_index);
for (int i = last_audio_index; i >= 0; i--) {
if (cache_vec[i]->is_header || !cache_vec[i]->is_audio()) {
begin_index = i;
} else { // lasspts < 0 means from the nearest frame pts to newest_pts - |lasspts|
if (last_video_index > 0) {
assert(cache_idr_index.size() > 0);
int64_t point_pts = cache_vec[last_video_index]->pts + lasspts;
begin_index = cache_idr_index.back();
int64_t nearest_distance = abs(cache_vec[begin_index]->pts - point_pts);
for (int i = (int)cache_idr_index.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
int64_t distance = abs(cache_vec[cache_idr_index[i]]->pts - point_pts);
if (distance < nearest_distance) {
nearest_distance = distance;
begin_index = cache_idr_index[i];
} else { //timestamp is monotonically increasing, so the here is the nearest_distance.
} else if (last_audio_index > 0) {
// only audio, find nearest audio frame pts to newest_pts - |lasspts|
int64_t point_pts = cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts + lasspts;
int64_t nearest_distance = abs(cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts - point_pts);
for (int i = last_audio_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (cache_vec[i]->is_header) {
continue; // do not care header.
int64_t distance = abs(cache_vec[i]->pts - point_pts);
if (distance < nearest_distance) {
nearest_distance = distance;
begin_index = i;
} else { // timestamp is monotonically increasing, so the here is the nearest_distance.
return do_dump(consumer, ds, dm, begin_index);
srs_error_t SrsLasCache::do_dump(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool ds, bool dm, int begin_index) {
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
//set oldest header first
SrsSharedPtrMessage* vh = cached_video_header;
SrsSharedPtrMessage* ah = cached_audio_header;
SrsSharedPtrMessage* mh = cached_metadata_header;
//check if have header before begin_index, if do, use new header
if(cache_header_index.size() > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_header_index.size(); i++) {
if (cache_header_index[i] < begin_index) {
if(cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]]->is_video()) {
vh = cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]];
} else if(cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]]->is_audio()) {
ah = cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]];
} else {
mh = cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]];
SrsSharedPtrMessage* first_msg = NULL;
for (size_t i = begin_index; i < cache_vec.size(); i++) {
if(first_msg == NULL) {
//set header timestamp same with first data timestamp
first_msg = cache_vec[begin_index];
if (mh && dm) { //LAS must use atc
mh->timestamp = first_msg->timestamp;
consumer->enqueue(mh, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if (vh && ds) {
vh->timestamp = first_msg->timestamp;
consumer->enqueue(vh, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if (ah && ds) {
ah->timestamp = first_msg->timestamp;
consumer->enqueue(ah, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if(cache_vec[i]->is_header) {
if ((!ds && cache_vec[i]->is_av()) || (!dm && !cache_vec[i]->is_av())) {
consumer->enqueue(cache_vec[i], true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if (first_msg != NULL) {
if (first_msg->is_video()) {
srs_trace("dump_cache, dump_dur=%d begin_index=%d, first_msg_pts=%lld cache_status:%s",
cache_vec[last_video_index]->pts - first_msg->pts, begin_index, first_msg->pts, to_str().c_str());
} else if (first_msg->is_audio()) {
srs_trace("dump_cache, dump_dur=%d begin_index=%d, first_msg=%lld cache_status:%s",
cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts - first_msg->pts, begin_index, first_msg->pts, to_str().c_str());
} else {
srs_trace("dump_cache, but not first from av, begin_index=%d, cache_status:%s",
begin_index, first_msg->pts, begin_index, to_str().c_str());
} else { //if no data msg dump, just set headers
if (mh && dm) {
consumer->enqueue(mh, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if (vh && ds) {
consumer->enqueue(vh, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
if (ah && ds) {
consumer->enqueue(ah, true, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF);
srs_trace("dump_cache, no data frame from cache, begin_index=%d cache_status:%s", begin_index, to_str().c_str());
return err;
void SrsLasCache::clear()
// remove old cache and save headers
std::vector<SrsSharedPtrMessage*>::iterator it;
for (it = cache_vec.begin(); it != cache_vec.end(); it++) {
SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg = *it;
wait_keyframe = true;
last_video_index = last_audio_index = SRS_NO_DTAT_INDEX;
void SrsLasCache::try_drop_old_cache()
int remove_count = 0;
srs_info("before drop, status:%s", to_str().c_str());
if (last_video_index > 0) {
assert(cache_idr_index.size() > 0);
//keep at least one key frame
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cache_idr_index.size() - 1; i++) {
int index = cache_idr_index[i];
if (cache_vec[last_video_index]->pts - cache_vec[index]->pts >= max_cache_dur) {
// find first not overflow key frame
remove_count = index;
} else if (last_audio_index > 0) { //only audio drop cache by audio duration
std::vector<SrsSharedPtrMessage*>::iterator it;
for (it = cache_vec.begin(); it != cache_vec.end(); ++it) {
SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg = *it;
if (!msg->is_header && msg->is_audio()) {
if (cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts - msg->pts <= max_cache_dur) {
if (remove_count > 0) {
srs_info("after drop count=%d, status:%s", remove_count, to_str().c_str());
//if still overflow packet size limit after shrink by audio or video duration, just clear all buffer
if ((int)cache_vec.size() > max_cache_size) {
srs_warn("packet overflow after drop by video or audio duration, clear all data, status:%s", to_str().c_str());
bool SrsLasCache::empty() {
return (cache_vec.empty() == 0 && cached_metadata_header == NULL &&
cached_video_header == NULL && cached_audio_header == NULL);
void SrsLasCache::erase_data(int count) {
// remove old cache and save headers
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg = cache_vec[i];
if (msg->is_header) {
if (msg->is_video()) {
cached_video_header = msg;
} else if (msg->is_audio()) {
cached_audio_header = msg;
} else {
cached_metadata_header = msg;
} else {
//remove idr index if data removed
if (!cache_idr_index.empty() && cache_idr_index[0] <= i) {
//remove header index if data removed
if (!cache_header_index.empty() && cache_header_index[0] <= i) {
cache_vec.erase(cache_vec.begin(), cache_vec.begin() + count);
if(cache_idr_index.empty()) {
wait_keyframe = true;
if (cache_vec.empty()) {
last_video_index = last_audio_index = SRS_NO_DTAT_INDEX;
} else {
//slid index
for(size_t i = 0; i < cache_idr_index.size(); i++) {
cache_idr_index[i] -= count;
for(size_t i = 0; i < cache_header_index.size(); i++) {
cache_header_index[i] -= count;
last_video_index -= count;
last_audio_index -= count;
std::string SrsLasCache::to_str() {
stringstream ss;
ss << "{";
ss << "mcdur=" << max_cache_dur;
ss << ",mcsize=" << max_cache_size;
ss << ",csize=" << cache_vec.size();
ss << ",lvpts=" << (last_video_index >=0? cache_vec[last_video_index]->pts:-1);
ss << ",lvdts=" << (last_video_index >=0? cache_vec[last_video_index]->timestamp:-1);
ss << ",lapts=" << (last_audio_index >=0? cache_vec[last_audio_index]->pts:-1);
ss << ",ladts=" << (last_audio_index >=0? cache_vec[last_audio_index]->timestamp:-1);
ss << ",wait_key=" << wait_keyframe;
ss << ",key_index=[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_idr_index.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
ss << " | ";
ss << cache_idr_index[i] << ":" << cache_vec[cache_idr_index[i]]->pts;
ss << "],";
ss << "header_index=[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_header_index.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
ss << " | ";
ss << cache_header_index[i] << ":" << cache_vec[cache_header_index[i]]->pts;
ss << "]";
ss << " }";
return ss.str();
@ -1873,7 +2391,13 @@ SrsSource::SrsSource()
play_edge = new SrsPlayEdge();
publish_edge = new SrsPublishEdge();
#ifndef SRS_LAS
gop_cache = new SrsGopCache();
gop_cache = new SrsLasCache();
hub = new SrsOriginHub();
meta = new SrsMetaCache();
@ -2159,6 +2683,13 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_meta_data(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsOnMetaDataPacket*
return srs_error_wrap(err, "consume metadata");
#ifdef SRS_LAS
// LASCache will cache all packets, except drop_for_reduce
if ((err = gop_cache->cache(meta->data())) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache consume vdieo");
// Copy to hub to all utilities.
@ -2244,6 +2775,12 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_audio_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg)
return srs_error_wrap(err, "consume message");
#ifdef SRS_LAS
//LASCache will cache all packets, except drop_for_reduce
if ((err = gop_cache->cache(msg)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache consume audio");
// cache the sequence header of aac, or first packet of mp3.
@ -2254,7 +2791,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_audio_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg)
return srs_error_wrap(err, "meta consume audio");
#ifndef SRS_LAS
// when sequence header, donot push to gop cache and adjust the timestamp.
if (is_sequence_header) {
return err;
@ -2264,7 +2801,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_audio_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg)
if ((err = gop_cache->cache(msg)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache consume audio");
// if atc, update the sequence header to abs time.
if (atc) {
if (meta->ash()) {
@ -2374,8 +2911,14 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_video_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg)
return srs_error_wrap(err, "consume video");
#ifdef SRS_LAS
// LASCache will cache all packets, except drop_for_reduce
if ((err = gop_cache->cache(msg)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache consume vdieo");
#ifndef SRS_LAS
// when sequence header, donot push to gop cache and adjust the timestamp.
if (is_sequence_header) {
return err;
@ -2385,7 +2928,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::on_video_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg)
if ((err = gop_cache->cache(msg)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache consume vdieo");
// if atc, update the sequence header to abs time.
if (atc) {
if (meta->vsh()) {
@ -2578,6 +3121,50 @@ void SrsSource::on_unpublish()
#ifdef SRS_LAS
srs_error_t SrsSource::create_consumer(SrsConnection* conn, SrsConsumer*& consumer, int64_t lasspts, bool only_audio) {
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
consumer = new SrsConsumer(this, conn, lasspts, only_audio);
// for edge, when play edge stream, check the state
if (_srs_config->get_vhost_is_edge(req->vhost)) {
// notice edge to start for the first client.
if ((err = play_edge->on_client_play()) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "play edge");
return err;
srs_error_t SrsSource::consumer_dumps(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool ds, bool dm, bool dg, int64_t lasspts)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
srs_utime_t queue_size = _srs_config->get_queue_length(req->vhost);
//las dump cache headers frome gop cache
if (hub->active()) {
if (!dg || !gop_cache->enabled()) {
if ((err = meta->dumps(consumer, atc, jitter_algorithm, dm, ds)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "meta dumps");
} else {
// copy gop cache to client.
if ((err = gop_cache->dump(consumer, dm, ds, lasspts)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "gop cache dumps");
// print status.
if (dg) {
srs_trace("create consumer, active=%d, queue_size=%.2f, jitter=%d", hub->active(), queue_size, jitter_algorithm);
} else {
srs_trace("create consumer, active=%d, ignore gop cache, jitter=%d", hub->active(), jitter_algorithm);
return err;
srs_error_t SrsSource::create_consumer(SrsConnection* conn, SrsConsumer*& consumer)
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
@ -2638,6 +3225,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsSource::consumer_dumps(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool ds, bool dm, b
return err;
void SrsSource::on_consumer_destroy(SrsConsumer* consumer)