support max_connections, drop if exceed.

winlin 11 years ago
parent 4827777035
commit 679e851f07

@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send| in out | int csw
* nginx v1.5.0: 139524 lines <br/>
### History
* v0.8, 2013-12-06, support max_connections, drop if exceed.
* v0.8, 2013-12-05, support log_dir, write ffmpeg log to file.
* v0.8, 2013-12-05, fix the forward/hls/encoder bug.
* v0.7, 2013-12-03, v0.7 released. 17605 lines.
* v0.7, 2013-12-01, support dead-loop detect for forwarder and transcoder.
* v0.7, 2013-12-01, support all ffmpeg filters and params.

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ chunk_size 65000;
# if enabled ffmpeg, each stracoding stream will create a log file.
# default: ./objs/logs
log_dir ./objs/logs;
# the max connections.
# if exceed the max connections, server will drop the new connection.
# default: 2000
max_connections 2000;
# vhost list, the __defaultVhost__ is the default vhost
# for which cannot identify the required vhost.
# for default demo.

@ -916,6 +916,18 @@ std::string SrsConfig::get_log_dir()
return conf->arg0();
int SrsConfig::get_max_connections()
SrsConfDirective* conf = root->get("max_connections");
if (!conf || conf->arg0().empty()) {
return 2000;
return ::atoi(conf->arg0().c_str());
SrsConfDirective* SrsConfig::get_gop_cache(std::string vhost)
SrsConfDirective* conf = get_vhost(vhost);

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ public:
virtual void get_engine_aparams(SrsConfDirective* engine, std::vector<std::string>& aparams);
virtual std::string get_engine_output(SrsConfDirective* engine);
virtual std::string get_log_dir();
virtual int get_max_connections();
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_gop_cache(std::string vhost);
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_forward(std::string vhost);
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_hls(std::string vhost);

@ -305,6 +305,19 @@ int SrsServer::accept_client(SrsListenerType type, st_netfd_t client_stfd)
int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
int max_connections = config->get_max_connections();
if ((int)conns.size() >= max_connections) {
int fd = st_netfd_fileno(client_stfd);
srs_error("exceed the max connections, drop client: "
"clients=%d, max=%d, fd=%d", (int)conns.size(), max_connections, fd);
return ret;
SrsConnection* conn = NULL;
if (type == SrsListenerStream) {
conn = new SrsClient(this, client_stfd);
