@ -226,64 +226,134 @@ http_server {
# the streamer cast stream from other protocol to SRS over RTMP.
# @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/tree/develop#stream-architecture
stream_caster {
# whether stream caster is enabled.
# default: off
enabled off;
enabled on;
# the caster type of stream, the casters:
# mpegts_over_udp, MPEG-TS over UDP caster.
# rtsp, Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).
# flv, FLV over HTTP by POST.
caster mpegts_over_udp;
# the output rtmp url.
# for mpegts_over_udp caster, the typically output url:
# rtmp://
output rtmp://;
# the listen port for stream caster.
# for mpegts_over_udp caster, listen at udp port. for example, 8935.
listen 8935;
stream_caster {
# whether stream caster is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the caster type of stream, the casters:
# rtsp, Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).
caster rtsp;
# the output rtmp url.
# for rtsp caster, the typically output url:
# rtmp://[app]/[stream]
# for example, the rtsp url:
# rtsp://
# where the [app] is "live" and [stream] is "livestream", output is:
# rtmp://
# for flv caster, the typically output url:
# rtmp://[app]/[stream]
# for example, POST to url:
# where the [app] is "live" and [stream] is "livestream", output is:
# rtmp://
output rtmp://;
output rtmp://[app]/[stream];
# the listen port for stream caster.
# for mpegts_over_udp caster, listen at udp port. for example, 8935.
# for rtsp caster, listen at tcp port. for example, 554.
# for flv caster, listen at tcp port. for example, 8936.
# TODO: support listen at <[ip:]port>
listen 8935;
listen 554;
# for the rtsp caster, the rtp server local port over udp,
# which reply the rtsp setup request message, the port will be used:
# [rtp_port_min, rtp_port_max)
rtp_port_min 57200;
rtp_port_max 57300;
stream_caster {
enabled off;
caster mpegts_over_udp;
output rtmp://;
listen 8935;
stream_caster {
enabled off;
caster rtsp;
output rtmp://[app]/[stream];
listen 554;
rtp_port_min 57200;
rtp_port_max 57300;
stream_caster {
enabled off;
# whether stream caster is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the caster type of stream, the casters:
# flv, FLV over HTTP by POST.
caster flv;
# the output rtmp url.
# for flv caster, the typically output url:
# rtmp://[app]/[stream]
# for example, POST to url:
# where the [app] is "live" and [stream] is "livestream", output is:
# rtmp://
output rtmp://[app]/[stream];
# the listen port for stream caster.
# for flv caster, listen at tcp port. for example, 8936.
listen 8936;
# GB28181
stream_caster {
# whether stream caster is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the caster type of stream, the casters:
# gb28181, Push GB28181 to SRS.
caster gb28181;
# the output rtmp url.
# for gb28181 caster, the typically output url:
# rtmp://[stream]
# where the [stream] is the VideoChannelCodecID.
output rtmp://[stream];
# the listen port for stream caster.
# for gb28181 caster, listen at udp port. for example, 9000.
# @remark We can bundle all gb28181 to this port, to reuse this port.
# User can choose to bundle port in API port_mode or SIP invite_port_fixed.
listen 9000;
# If not bundle ports, use specified ports for each stream.
rtp_port_min 58200;
rtp_port_max 58300;
# Whether wait for keyframe then forward to RTMP.
wait_keyframe off;
# Max timeout in seconds for RTP stream, if timeout, RTCP bye and close stream.
# default: 30
rtp_idle_timeout 30;
# Whether has audio.
# @remark Flash/RTMP only supports 11025 22050 44100 sample rate, if not the audio may corrupt.
# default: off
audio_enable off;
# The exposed IP to receive media stream.
sip {
# Whether enable embeded SIP server.
# default: on
enabled on;
# The SIP listen port.
# default: 5060
listen 5060;
# The SIP server ID.
# default: 34020000002000000001
serial 34020000002000000001;
# The SIP server domain.
# default: 3402000000
realm 3402000000;
# The SIP ACK response timeout in seconds.
# default: 30
ack_timeout 30;
# The keepalive timeout in seconds.
# default: 120
keepalive_timeout 120;
# Whether print SIP logs.
print_sip_message off;
# Whether play immediately after registered.
# default: on
auto_play on;
# Whether bundle media stream port.
# default: on
invite_port_fixed on;
# SRT server section