@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# all config for srs
# the listen ports, split by space.
# RTMP sections
# the rtmp listen ports, split by space.
listen 1935;
# the pid file
# to ensure only one process can use a pid file
@ -33,12 +36,70 @@ max_connections 1000;
# whether start as deamon
# default: on
daemon on;
# HTTP sections
# api of srs.
# the http api config, export for external program to manage srs.
# user can access http api of srs in browser directly, for instance, to access by:
# curl
# which will reload srs, like cmd killall -1 srs, but the js can also invoke the http api,
# where the cli can only be used in shell/terminate.
http_api {
# whether http api is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the http api port
# default: 1985
listen 1985;
# embeded http server in srs.
# the http streaming config, for HLS/HDS/DASH/HTTPProgressive
# global config for http streaming, user must config the http section for each vhost.
# the embed http server used to substitute nginx in ./objs/nginx,
# for example, srs runing in arm, can provides RTMP and HTTP service, only with srs installed.
# user can access the http server pages, generally:
# curl
# which will show srs version and welcome to srs.
# @remeark, the http embeded stream need to config the vhost, for instance, the __defaultVhost__
# need to open the feature http of vhost.
http_stream {
# whether http streaming service is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the http streaming port
# default: 80
listen 80;
# RTMP/HTTP VHOST sections
# vhost list, the __defaultVhost__ is the default vhost
# for example, user use ip to access the stream: rtmp://
# for which cannot identify the required vhost.
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
enabled on;
gop_cache on;
http {
enabled on;
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
# vhost for http
vhost http.srs.com {
# http vhost specified config
http {
# whether enable the http streaming service for vhost.
# default: off
enabled on;
# main dir of vhost,
# to delivery HTTP stream of this vhost.
# default: ./objs/nginx/html;
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
# vhost for atc.