You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
272 lines
8.7 KiB
272 lines
8.7 KiB
# RocketMQ Example
## Project Instruction
This example illustrates how to use RocketMQ Binder implement pub/sub messages for Spring Cloud applications.
[RocketMQ]( is a distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and flexible scalability.
Before we start the demo, let's look at Spring Cloud Stream.
Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building message-driven microservice applications. Spring Cloud Stream builds upon Spring Boot to create standalone, production-grade Spring applications and uses Spring Integration to provide connectivity to message brokers. It provides opinionated configuration of middleware from several vendors, introducing the concepts of persistent publish-subscribe semantics, consumer groups, and partitions.
There are two concepts in Spring Cloud Stream: Binder 和 Binding.
* Binder: A strategy interface used to bind an app interface to a logical name.
Binder Implementations includes `KafkaMessageChannelBinder` of kafka, `RabbitMessageChannelBinder` of RabbitMQ and `RocketMQMessageChannelBinder` of `RocketMQ`.
* Binding: Including Input Binding and Output Binding.
Binding is Bridge between the external messaging systems and application provided Producers and Consumers of messages.
This is a overview of Spring Cloud Stream.

## Demo
### Integration with RocketMQ Binder
Before we start the demo, let's learn how to Integration with RocketMQ Binder to a Spring Cloud application.
**Note: This section is to show you how to connect to Sentinel. The configurations have been completed in the following example, so you don't need modify the code any more.**
1. Add dependency spring-cloud-starter-stream-rocketmq in the pom.xml file in your Spring Cloud project.
2. Configure Input and Output Binding and cooperate with `@EnableBinding` annotation
@EnableBinding({ Source.class, Sink.class })
public class RocketMQApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
|, args);
Configure Binding:
# configure the nameserver of rocketmq
# configure the output binding named output
# configure the input binding named input
3. pub/sub messages
### Download and Startup RocketMQ
You should startup Name Server and Broker before using RocketMQ Binder.
1. Download [RocketMQ]( and unzip it.
2. Startup Name Server
sh bin/mqnamesrv
3. Startup Broker
sh bin/mqbroker -n localhost:9876
4. Create topic: test-topic
sh bin/mqadmin updateTopic -n localhost:9876 -c DefaultCluster -t test-topic
### Start Application
1. Add necessary configurations to file `/src/main/resources/`.
2. Start the application in IDE or by building a fatjar.
1. Start in IDE: Find main class `RocketMQApplication`, and execute the main method.
2. Build a fatjar: Execute command `mvn clean package` to build a fatjar, and run command `java -jar rocketmq-example.jar` to start the application.
### Message Handle
Using the binding named output and sent messages to `test-topic` topic.
And using two input bindings to subscribe messages.
* input1: subscribe the message of `test-topic` topic and consume ordered messages(all messages should in the same MessageQueue if you want to consuming ordered messages).
* input2: subscribe the message of `test-topic` topic and consume concurrent messages which tags is `tagStr`, the thread number in pool is 20 in Consumer side.
see the configuration below:
#### Pub Messages
Using MessageChannel to send messages:
public class ProducerRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
private MessageChannel output;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put(MessageConst.PROPERTY_TAGS, "tagStr");
Message message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(msg, new MessageHeaders(headers));
Or you can using the native API of RocketMQ to send messages:
public class RocketMQProducer {
DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("producer_group");
Message msg = new Message("test-topic", "tagStr", "message from rocketmq producer".getBytes());
#### Sub Messages
Using `@StreamListener` to receive messages:
public class ReceiveService {
public void receiveInput1(String receiveMsg) {
System.out.println("input1 receive: " + receiveMsg);
public void receiveInput2(String receiveMsg) {
System.out.println("input2 receive: " + receiveMsg);
## Endpoint
Add dependency `spring-cloud-starter-stream-rocketmq` to your pom.xml file, and configure your endpoint security strategy.
* Spring Boot1.x: Add configuration ``
* Spring Boot2.x: Add configuration `management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*`
To view the endpoint information, visit the following URLS:
* Spring Boot1.x: Sentinel Endpoint URL is
* Spring Boot2.x: Sentinel Endpoint URL is
Endpoint will metrics some data like last send timestamp, sending or receive message successfully times or unsuccessfully times.
"runtime": {
"lastSend.timestamp": 1542786623915
"metrics": {
"scs-rocketmq.consumer.test-topic.totalConsumed": {
"count": 11
"scs-rocketmq.consumer.test-topic.totalConsumedFailures": {
"count": 0
"scs-rocketmq.producer.test-topic.totalSentFailures": {
"count": 0
"scs-rocketmq.consumer.test-topic.consumedPerSecond": {
"count": 11,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0.012163847780107841,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0.03614605351360527,
"meanRate": 0.3493213353657594,
"oneMinuteRate": 0.17099243039490175
"scs-rocketmq.producer.test-topic.totalSent": {
"count": 5
"scs-rocketmq.producer.test-topic.sentPerSecond": {
"count": 5,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0.005540151995103271,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0.01652854617838251,
"meanRate": 0.10697493212602836,
"oneMinuteRate": 0.07995558537067671
"scs-rocketmq.producer.test-topic.sentFailuresPerSecond": {
"count": 0,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0.0,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0.0,
"meanRate": 0.0,
"oneMinuteRate": 0.0
"scs-rocketmq.consumer.test-topic.consumedFailuresPerSecond": {
"count": 0,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0.0,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0.0,
"meanRate": 0.0,
"oneMinuteRate": 0.0
Note: You should add [metrics-core dependency]( if you want to see metrics data. endpoint will show warning information if you don't add that dependency:
"warning": "please add metrics-core dependency, we use it for metrics"
## More
For more information about RocketMQ, see [RocketMQ Project](
If you have any ideas or suggestions for Spring Cloud RocketMQ Binder, please don't hesitate to tell us by submitting github issues.