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Spring Cloud Alibaba Scheduling Example

Project description

Spring Cloud Alibaba Scheduling provides a timing task scheduling capability based on Spring Scheduling, supporting distributed scenarios for timing task scheduling. It offers a quick integration solution for timing task scheduling services in distributed scenarios.

The current offering is based on the open-source ShedLock for distributed lock acquisition, along with Alibaba Cloud's SchedulerX service quick start, Subsequent releases will provide access to more open-source solutions implementations.

Project dependencies

Access spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-schedulerx

Add the following dependencies to the project pom.xml


Project config description

In the Example project, two types of integration configuration modes are provided for shedlock and schedulerx, Select the required access mode configuration file in application.yaml, the example defaults to the shedlock solution.

Solution 1. Distributed shedlock integration configuration

Edit the following configuration to the application-schedulerx.yml:

         # Distributed mode: shedlock, schedulerx
         # Set config value: shedlock
         distributed-mode: shedlock
      driver-class: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
      url: {jdbc_url}
      username: {jdbc.username}
      password: {jdbc.password}

You should replace {jdbc_url},{jdbc.username}, and {jdbc.password} with your actual database connection information.

PrecautionsIf there's no database instance can be used, please create a database instance first.

Solution 2. Alibaba Cloud's SchedulerX integration configuration

Edit the following configuration to the application-schedulerx.yml:

         # Distributed mode: shedlock, schedulerx
         # Set config value: schedulerx
         distributed-mode: schedulerx
            # This configuration is required, Please get it from aliyun schedulerx console
            namespace: aad167f6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx
            groupId: xxxxx
            appKey: PZm1XXXXXXXXXXXX
            # Optional config, if you need to sync task to schedulerx
            # task-sync: true
            # region-id: public
            # aliyun-access-key: XXXXXXXXXXXX
            # aliyun-secret-key: XXXXXXXXXXXX
            # task-model-default: standalone

On Alibaba Cloud service, each account has be granted a free quota for schedulerx. For detailed instructions on how to configure and use cloud product integrations, please refer to the respective product documentation. Refer to: SchedulerX Spring Task

Start application

After completing the above selection and configuration, simply run the ScheduleApplication class in Example to start the application. The SimpleJob class in this example project includes two Spring scheduled tasks that run every minute. Upon starting, you can expect to see the following logs:

2024-05-17T11:20:59.981+08:00  INFO 66613 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-4] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-17 11:20:59 do job1...
2024-05-17T11:20:59.985+08:00  INFO 66613 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-1] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-17 11:20:59 do job2...

Distributed running verification

Create two application launch configurations in IDEA, each with the startup parameter --server.port={port} to start the corresponding application processes. The example project defaults to using shedlock, We can observe that job1 will be triggered by both applications, whereas job2 which has been annotated with @SchedulerLock will only be triggered in one application at the same time. idea-server-port

  • ScheduleApplication-1, startup parameter: --server.port=18080, application logs
2024-05-20T14:02:00.003+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-4] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:02:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:03:00.008+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-4] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:03:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:03:00.008+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-1] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:03:00 do job2...
2024-05-20T14:04:00.006+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-3] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:04:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:04:00.010+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-2] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:04:00 do job2...
2024-05-20T14:05:00.003+08:00  INFO 80520 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-5] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:05:00 do job1...
  • ScheduleApplication-2, startup parameter: --server.port=18081, application logs
2024-05-20T14:02:00.003+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-4] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:02:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:02:00.008+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-3] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:02:00 do job2...
2024-05-20T14:03:00.004+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-5] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:03:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:04:00.006+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-3] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:04:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:05:00.004+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-2] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:05:00 do job1...
2024-05-20T14:05:00.007+08:00  INFO 80596 --- [spring-cloud-alibaba-schedule-example] [ sca-schedule-4] c.a.c.examples.schedule.job.SimpleJob    : time=2024-05-20 14:05:00 do job2...