@ -42,84 +42,94 @@ import com.alibaba.cloud.context.ans.AnsConfiguration;
public class AnsProperties implements AnsConfiguration {
* 服务端模式,默认为LOCAL
* Server side mode,the default is LOCAL.
private AliCloudServerMode serverMode = AliCloudServerMode.LOCAL;
* 服务端列表
* Server list.
private String serverList = "";
* 服务端列表
* Server port.
private String serverPort = "8080";
* 注册的服务名,默认从 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.doms 中获取,当没有配置时,使用 spring.application.name
* Service names,default value is ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.doms}. When not
* configured, use ${spring.application.name}.
private String clientDomains;
* 注册服务的权重,从配置 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.weight 中获取,默认为 1
* The weight of the registration service, obtained from the configuration
* ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.weight}, the default is 1.
private float clientWeight = 1;
* 当存在多个doms,需要对应不同的 weight 时,通过 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.weight.dom1=weight1 的方式配置
* When there are multiple doms and need to correspond to different weights, configure
* them by spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.weight.dom1=weight1.
private Map<String, Float> clientWeights = new HashMap<String, Float>();
* 注册服务的 token ,从 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.token 中获取
* The token of the registration service, obtained from
* ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.token}.
private String clientToken;
* 当存在多个doms,需要对应不同的token时,通过 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.tokens.dom1=token1 的方式配置
* When there are multiple doms and need to correspond to different tokens, configure
* them by spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.tokens.dom1=token1.
private Map<String, String> clientTokens = new HashMap<String, String>();
* 配置注册到哪个集群,从 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.cluster 中获取,默认为 DEFAULT
* Configure which cluster to register with, obtained from
* ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.cluster}, defaults to DEFAULT.
private String clientCluster = "DEFAULT";
* metadata 实现 serviceInstance 接口所需的字段,但 ans 目前尚不支持此字段,配置了也没用
* Temporarily not supported, reserved fields.
private Map<String, String> clientMetadata = new HashMap<>();
* 默认打开注册,可以通过 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.register-enabled=false 的配置来关闭注册
* Registration is turned on by default, and registration can be turned off by the
* configuration of spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.register-enabled=false.
private boolean registerEnabled = true;
* 想要发布的服务的ip,从 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.client-ip 中获取
* The ip of the service you want to publish, obtained from
* ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.client-ip}.
private String clientIp;
* 想要发布的服务的ip从哪一块网卡中获取
* Configure which NIC the ip of the service you want to publish is obtained from.
private String clientInterfaceName;
* 想要发布的服务的端口,从 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.port 中获取
* The port of the service you want to publish.
private int clientPort = -1;
* 租户下的环境隔离配置,相同租户的相同环境下的服务才能互相发现
* The environment isolation configuration under the tenant, the services in the same
* environment of the same tenant can discover each other.
private String env;
* 是否注册成 https 的形式,通过 spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.secure 来配置,默认为false
* Whether to register as https, configured by ${spring.cloud.alicloud.ans.secure},
* default is false.
private boolean secure = false;
@ -131,11 +141,10 @@ public class AnsProperties implements AnsConfiguration {
public void init() throws SocketException {
// 增加注册类型,标记为 spring cloud 应用
// Marked as spring cloud application
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientIp)) {
// 如果没有指定注册的ip对应的网卡名,则通过遍历网卡去获取
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientInterfaceName)) {
clientIp = inetUtils.findFirstNonLoopbackHostInfo().getIpAddress();