@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ With Spring Cloud Alibaba, you only need to add some annotations and a small amo
## Features
* **Flow control and service degradation**: Flow control for HTTP services is supported by default. You can also customize flow control and service degradation rules using annotations. The rules can be changed dynamically.
* **Service registration and discovery**: Service can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans, auto integration Ribbon.
* **Service registration and discovery**: Service can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans. Load balancing is consistent with that supported by the corresponding Spring Cloud.
* **Distributed configuration**: Support for externalized configuration in a distributed system, auto refresh when configuration changes.
* **Event-driven**: Support for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems.
* **Distributed Transaction**: Support for distributed transaction solution with high performance and ease of use.