update nacos-config doc (#3108)

update nacos-config doc.
RuanSheng 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 449b8761bd
commit 36e0ba7c14
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ Group : DEFAULT_GROUP
配置格式: Properties 配置格式: Properties
配置内容: user.name=nacos-config-properties 配置内容:
user.age=90 user.name=jack
---- ----
NOTE: 注意DataId是以 properties(默认的文件扩展名方式)为扩展名。 NOTE: 注意DataId是以 properties(默认的文件扩展名方式)为扩展名。
@ -73,9 +74,8 @@ public class NacosConfigApplication {
} }
---- ----
NOTE: 注意当您```spring-cloud-alibaba```的版本为 ````2021.1```时,由于```nacos```获取配置时```bootstrap.yml ```文件将先于```application.yml```文件加载. NOTE: ``spring-cloud-alibaba``从``2021.0.1.0``版本开始,默认使用``spring.config.import``方式引入配置,如果您想继续使用``bootstrap``
根据spring的官方文档中提及 [bootstrap](https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/docs/current/reference/html/#config-first-bootstrap) 方式加载配置,您可以在项目根``pom.xml``文件中加入以下依赖:
为解决此问题 我们建议您在项目根```pom.xml```文件中加上如下依赖
[source,xml] [source,xml]
---- ----
@ -87,14 +87,22 @@ NOTE: 注意当您```spring-cloud-alibaba```的版本为 ````2021.1```时,由于
---- ----
在运行此 NacosConfigApplication 之前, 必须使用 `bootstrap.properties` 配置文件来配置 Nacos Server 地址,例如: 在运行此 NacosConfigApplication 之前,您需要先配置 `application.yaml` 文件中的 Nacos Server 地址,并引入对应的配置,例如:
.bootstrap.properties .application.yaml
[source,properties] [source,yaml]
---- ----
# DataId 默认使用 `spring.application.name` 配置跟文件扩展名结合(配置格式默认使用 properties), GROUP 不配置默认使用 DEFAULT_GROUP。因此该配置文件对应的 Nacos Config 配置的 DataId 为 nacos-config.properties, GROUP 为 DEFAULT_GROUP # GROUP 不配置默认使用 DEFAULT_GROUP。
spring.application.name=nacos-config spring:
spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr= application:
name: nacos-config
- nacos:nacos-config.properties
---- ----
NOTE: 注意当你使用域名的方式来访问 Nacos 时,`spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr` 配置的方式为 `域名:port`。 NOTE: 注意当你使用域名的方式来访问 Nacos 时,`spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr` 配置的方式为 `域名:port`。
@ -106,20 +114,28 @@ NOTE: 注意当你使用域名的方式来访问 Nacos 时,`spring.cloud.nacos
[source,subs="normal"] [source,subs="normal"]
---- ----
2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.ConfigApplication : Started ConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139) 2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.ConfigApplication : Started ConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139)
user name :nacos-config-properties; age: 90 user name :jack; age: 90
2018-11-02 14:24:51.688 INFO 32700 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@a8c5e74: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:24:51 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
---- ----
=== 基于 DataId 为 yaml 的文件扩展名配置方式 === 基于 DataId 为 yaml 的文件扩展名配置方式
Nacos Config 除了支持 properties 格式以外,也支持 yaml 格式。这个时候只需要完成以下两步: Nacos Config 除了支持 properties 格式以外,也支持 yaml 格式。这个时候只需要完成以下两步:
1、在应用的 bootstrap.properties 配置文件中显示的声明 DataId 文件扩展名。如下所示 1、在应用的 application.yaml 配置文件中引入配置,如下所示
.bootstrap.properties .application.yaml
[source,yaml] [source,yaml]
---- ----
spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension=yaml spring:
name: nacos-config
- nacos:nacos-config.yaml
---- ----
2、在 Nacos 的控制台新增一个DataId为yaml为扩展名的配置如下所示 2、在 Nacos 的控制台新增一个DataId为yaml为扩展名的配置如下所示
@ -132,17 +148,17 @@ Group : DEFAULT_GROUP
配置格式: YAML 配置格式: YAML
配置内容: user.name: nacos-config-yaml 配置内容:
user.age: 68 user:
name: rose
age: 68
---- ----
这两步完成后,重启测试程序,可以看到如下输出结果。 这两步完成后,重启测试程序,可以看到如下输出结果。
[source,subs="normal"] [source,subs="normal"]
---- ----
2018-11-02 14:59:00.484 INFO 32928 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.ConfigApplication:Started ConfigApplication in 14.183 seconds (JVM running for 14.671) user name :rose; age: 68
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
2018-11-02 14:59:00.529 INFO 32928 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@265a478e: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:59:00 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
---- ----
=== 支持配置的动态更新 === 支持配置的动态更新

@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ Group : DEFAULT_GROUP
Configuration format: Properties Configuration format: Properties
Configuration content: user.name=nacos-config-properties Configuration content:
user.age=90 user.name=jack
---- ----
NOTE: The default file extension of DataId is properties. NOTE: The default file extension of DataId is properties.
@ -73,9 +74,8 @@ public class NacosConfigApplication {
} }
---- ----
NOTE: Note that when your ```spring-cloud-alibaba```'s version is ````2021.1```, since the ```nacos``` gets the configuration in the ```bootstrap.yml ``` file Will be loaded before the ```application.yml``` file. NOTE: After ``spring-cloud-alibaba`` ``2021.0.1.0``,we use ``spring.config.import`` import configuration by default,
According to the official documentation of spring mentioned [bootstrap](https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/docs/current/reference/html/#config-first-bootstrap) if you want to continue to use ``bootstrap``,you can add the following dependencies to the project root ``pom.xml`` file:
To solve this problem, we recommend that you add the following dependencies to the project root ```pom.xml``` file
[source,xml] [source,xml]
---- ----
@ -86,14 +86,23 @@ To solve this problem, we recommend that you add the following dependencies to t
</dependency> </dependency>
---- ----
Before running this example, we need to configure the address of the Nacos server in bootstrap.properties. For example:
.bootstrap.properties Before running this example, we need to configure the address of the Nacos server in `application.yaml`. For example:
---- ----
# DataId By default, the `spring.application.name` configuration is combined with the file extension (the configuration format uses properties by default), and the GROUP is not configured to use DEFAULT_GROUP by default. Therefore, the Nacos Config configuration corresponding to the configuration file has a DataId of nacos-config.properties and a GROUP of DEFAULT_GROUP # GROUP is not configured to use DEFAULT_GROUP by default.
spring.application.name=nacos-config spring:
spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr= application:
name: nacos-config
- nacos:nacos-config.properties
---- ----
NOTE: If you use domain name to access Nacos, the format of `spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr` should be `Domain name:port`. NOTE: If you use domain name to access Nacos, the format of `spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr` should be `Domain name:port`.
@ -105,20 +114,28 @@ Run this example and you can see the following output:
[source,subs="normal"] [source,subs="normal"]
---- ----
2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication : Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139) 2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication : Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139)
user name :nacos-config-properties; age: 90 user name :jack; age: 90
2018-11-02 14:24:51.688 INFO 32700 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@a8c5e74: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:24:51 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
---- ----
=== Add Configurations with DataId in YAML Format === Add Configurations with DataId in YAML Format
Nacos Config supports yaml format as well. You only need to complete the following 2 steps. Nacos Config supports yaml format as well. You only need to complete the following 2 steps.
1、In the bootstrap.properties file, add the following line to claim that the format of DataId is yaml. As follows: 1、In the application.yaml file, add the following line to claim that the format of DataId is yaml. As follows:
.bootstrap.properties .application.yaml
[source,yaml] [source,yaml]
---- ----
spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension=yaml spring:
name: nacos-config
- nacos:nacos-config.yaml
---- ----
2、Add a configuration with the DataId in yaml format on the Nacos console, as shown below: 2、Add a configuration with the DataId in yaml format on the Nacos console, as shown below:
@ -131,20 +148,20 @@ Group : DEFAULT_GROUP
Configuration format: YAML Configuration format: YAML
Configuration content: user.name: nacos-config-yaml Configuration content:
user.age: 68 user:
name: rose
age: 68
---- ----
After completing the preivous two steps, restart the testing program and you will see the following result. After completing the preivous two steps, restart the testing program and you will see the following result.
[source,subs="normal"] [source,subs="normal"]
---- ----
2018-11-02 14:59:00.484 INFO 32928 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication:Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.183 seconds (JVM running for 14.671) user name :rose; age: 68
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
2018-11-02 14:59:00.529 INFO 32928 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@265a478e: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:59:00 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
---- ----
=== Support Dynamic Configuration Udpates === Support Dynamic Configuration Updates
Nacos Config also supports dynamic configuration updates. The code for starting Spring Boot application testing is as follows: Nacos Config also supports dynamic configuration updates. The code for starting Spring Boot application testing is as follows:
