The version number of the project is in the form of x.x.x, where x is a number, starting from 0, and is not limited to the range 0~9. When the project is in the incubator phase, the first version number is fixed to 0, that is, the version number is 0.x.x.
The version number of the project is in the form of x.x.x, where x is a number, starting from 0, and is not limited to the range 0~9. When the project is in the incubator phase, the version number is 0.x.x.
As the interfaces and annotations of Spring Boot 1 and Spring Boot 2 have been changed significantly in the Actuator module, and spring-cloud-commons is also changed quite a lot from 1.x.x to 2.0.0, we maintain two different branches to support Spring Boot 1 and Spring Boot 2:
Next we need to introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM Starter.
If you want to use ACM in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-acm`.
Next we need to introduce Spring Cloud AliCloud ANS Starter.
If you want to use ANS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-ans`.
The Spring Cloud Alibaba Bill of Materials (BOM) contains the versions of all the dependencies it uses.
### Spring Cloud Alibaba Bill of Materials (BOM)
Version 0.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT is compatible with the Spring Cloud Finchley. Version 0.1.1.RELEASE is compatible with the Spring Cloud Edgware.
If you’re a Maven Central user, add our BOM to your pom.xml <dependencyManagement> section. This will allow you to omit versions for any of the Maven dependencies and instead delegate versioning to the BOM.
These artifacts are available from Maven Central and Spring Release repository via BOM:
If you want to use the latest BUILD-SNAPSHOT version, add Spring Snapshot Repository in pom.xml , Attention: BUILD-SNAPSHOT may be updated in any time
If you want to use the latest BUILD-SNAPSHOT version, add Spring Snapshot Repository in pom.xml , Attention: BUILD-SNAPSHOT may be updated in any time:
<name>Spring Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Spring SnapShots</name>
For example, the 0.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT is available from this repository.
@ -28,55 +28,14 @@ NOTE: The default file extension of dataid is properties.
===== Usage on the Client
To use Nacos to manage externalized configurations for your applications, you need to add a Spring Boot Starter while building your application: The following is a basic configuration of maven dependency:
If you want to use Nacos to manage externalized configurations for your applications, please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config`.
@ -11,39 +11,18 @@ Discovery Starter registers some of the metadata of the service instance, such a
==== How to Introduce Nacos Discovery Starter
To introduce Nacos Discovey Starter into your project, use the group ID of `` and the artifact ID of `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery`.
pom.xml sample:
please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery`.
If you use the Finchley.SR1 version of Spring Cloud , then you will need to be very cautious when selecting the Spring Boot version, because the version incompatibility might lead to many unexpected results.
The best practice for Spring Cloud Finchley.SR1 is to use the 2.0.6 release of Spring Boot. When starting a provider application, please also check if your Spring Boot version is
1.X.Y.RELEASE or 2.1.0.RELEASE. If not, please change it to 2.0.6.RELEASE.
The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.
1. Configuration of pom.xml The following is a complete example of pom.xml:
@ -62,7 +41,7 @@ The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.
Next we need to introduce Spring Cloud AliCloud SchedulerX Starter.
If you want to use SchedulerX in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-schedulerX`.
|``|Port for the application to interact with Sentinel dashboard. An HTTP Server which uses this port will be started in the application|8721
|``|Port for the application to interact with Sentinel dashboard. An HTTP Server which uses this port will be started in the application|8719
SMS(Short Message Service)is a messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.
Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS provide an easier-to-use API for quick access to Alibaba Cloud's SMS service based on Spring Cloud Alibaba SMS.
=== 如何引入 Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS
If you want to use SMS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-sms`.
Before you start to use Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS, please add the following configurations in
access-key and secret-key is the AK/SK of your Alibaba Cloud account. If you don’t have one, please register an account first, and log on to[Alibaba Cloud AK/SK Management] to get your AccessKey ID and Access Key Secret . If you haven’t create the AccessKeys, click “Create AccessKey” to create one.
==== Introduce SMS API
The SMS API in Spring Cloud Alicloud SMS is based on Alibaba Cloud SMS SDK. It has a single SMS sending, multiple SMS bulk sending, SMS query, SMS message (SMS receipt message and Upstream SMS message) class operation API.
The following is a simple example of how to use SMS api to send short message:
public class SmsApplication {
private ISmsService smsService;
public SendBatchSmsResponse batchsendCheckCode(
@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
SendSmsRequest request = new SendSmsRequest();
// Required:the mobile number
// Required:SMS-SignName-could be found in sms console
// Required:Template-could be found in sms console
// Required:The param of sms template.For exmaple, if the template is "Hello,your verification code is ${code}". The param should be like following value
Before you send your messages, please[Register an Alibaba Cloud Account]. If you already have one, please[Turn on SMS Service].
For more information about SMS , please refer to the SMS official[SMS] (SendSms)---JAVA] docs .
NOTE: Due to an issue with the earlier SMS sdk version, if the text message fails to be sent, please delete the line of code that contains the explicit MethodType as POST. If you still have problems, please contact us as soon as possible.
=== The Advanced Features of SMS Api
In order to reduce the cost of learning, the API interface of the Spring Cloud Alicloud SMS package is kept as consistent as the API and Example provided by the official website.
* Batch SMS sending
Refer to the following example to quickly develop a feature with bulk SMS sending. Add the following code in the Controller or create a new Controller:
public SendBatchSmsResponse batchsendCheckCode(
@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
SendBatchSmsRequest request = new SendBatchSmsRequest();
NOTE: The MethodType of the request is set to GET, which is somewhat different from the example given by the official website. This is because the inconsistent version of the dependent Alibaba Cloud POP API version causes incompatibility issues, set to GET.
More parameter descriptions can be[reference here]
* SMS Query
Refer to the following example to quickly develop a history of sending SMS messages based on a specified number. Add the following code in the Controller or create a new Controller:
public QuerySendDetailsResponse querySendDetailsResponse(
@RequestParam(name = "tel") String telephone) {
QuerySendDetailsRequest request = new QuerySendDetailsRequest();
More parameter descriptions can be found at[reference here]
* SMS receipt message
By subscribing to the SmsReport SMS status report, you can know the status of each SMS message and whether it knows the status and related information of the terminal user. These efforts have been encapsulated internally by Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS. You only need to complete the following two steps.
1、Configure the queue name for SmsReport in the `` configuration file (which can also be application.yaml).
More message body format for Message can be[reference here].
* Upstream SMS message
By subscribing to the SmsUp upstream SMS message, you can know the content of the end user replying to the SMS. These efforts have also been packaged by Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS. You only need to complete the following two steps.
1、Configure the queue name for SmsReport in the `` configuration file (which can also be application.yaml).
More message body format for Message can be[reference here].