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# [3.2.0]( (2021-12-13)
### Bug Fixes
- assert that fragment functions are implemented ([df0f031](
### Features
- allow DocumentFragment as a container ([3505879](
- support DocumentFragment ([7e86386](, closes [#560](
# [3.1.0]( (2021-09-03)
### Features
- allow String and Number objects to be used as children ([#979]( ([19d1d29](, closes [#977](
## [3.0.3]( (2021-06-04)
### Bug Fixes
- build and test code before release ([b8707ad](
## [3.0.2]( (2021-06-01)
### Bug Fixes
- avoid className check to handle SVG elements within shadow DOM ([#966]( ([95fa8ad](, closes [#965](
## [3.0.1]( (2021-03-28)
### Bug Fixes
- reference type declarations in package.json ([995b983](
# [3.0.0]( (2021-03-28)
### Bug Fixes
- node similarity checking ([#949]( ([d669054](
- remove the hero module ([#953]( ([30b7df6](, closes [#517](
- **package:** rm script mark-pr-head-as-trusted ([d74b847](
### Features
- add JSX namespace to jsx factory ([5d5fc5a](
- allow symbols as keys ([#954]( ([ad80c6e](, closes [#124](
- export everything from 'snabbdom' ([7af7e3f](, closes [#913]( [#748](
- mark the snabbdom package as side effect free ([8524013](
- offer esm and commonjs bundles ([ebf6915](
- Snabbdom does not export the hero module any more. If you require this
module, copy the code from examples/hero/hero.js and add it to your
- The imports of snabbdom functions have changed. Every file in the
project had to be imported on its own, e.g.
import { h } from 'snabbdom/h'
import { VNode } from 'snabbdom/vnode'
Now, the main snabbdom package exports all of the public API like
import { h, VNode } from 'snabbdom'
This means consumers of the snabbdom package need to update their
imports. The change makes the use of the `exports` field in
`package.json` unnecessary, which caused issues for TypeScript users
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
## [2.1.0]( (2020-09-14)
### Features
- **eventlisteners:** add types for VNode in listener ([63b1b6c](, closes [#796](
- **eventlisteners:** relax custom event listener type ([15ce059](, closes [#850](
## [2.0.0]( (2020-09-10)
- **eventlisteners:** loaded/carrying event listeners are no longer supported.
### Features
- **eventlisteners:** add missing mult. listeners type ([5a89efe](, closes [#794](
- **eventlisteners:** remove loaded listeners feature ([6e0ff8e](, closes [#802]( [#802](
### Bug Fixes
- **deps:** add regenertor-runtime to devDeps ([2a2964c](, closes [#813](
- **docs:** gitter badge url ([7e19849](
- **examples:** example import paths ([8111f62](, closes [#761](
- **examples:** totalHeight 0 on remove last element reorder animation ([afa77c0](
- **package:** remove directories field ([c7a2a93](
- **package:** update urls paldepind -> snabbdom ([f94185a](, closes [#775](
### [1.0.1]( (2020-06-18)
### User facing changes
- **package:** fix ./snabbdom related files and exports fields errors ([89b917b](
## [1.0.0]( (2020-06-18)
- **exports:** The main export path, 'snabbdom' was replaced with
the export path 'snabbdom/init'. This new export path includes only
the named export `init`.
- **exports:** No default exports exist. All exports are named.
- **exports:** the import path `snabbdom/snabbdom.bundle` is removed.
- **typescript:** Types exported by this package have re-declared
the global `Element.setAttribute` and `Element.setAttributeNS` to
accept `number` and `boolean` for the `value` parameter. This
change removes that re-declaration and thus the only valid value is
`string`. If your code provides `number` and/or `boolean`, then it
may now fail to compile.
- **props:** props module does not attempt to delete node
properties. This may affect you if you are using the props module
to add non-native (custom) properties to DOM nodes. Instead, it is
recommended to use _data-\* attributes_.
- CommonJS modules are no longer provided.
- import paths in ES modules include file name
- Compiled to ES2015 (was ES5).
- UMD bundles are no longer provided.
### Internal changes
- **commitlint:** add type auto and scope deps for renovate ([b56a0ac](
- **commitlint:** fix and enable in CI ([f8cf5cc](, closes [#662](
- **deps:** update dependency @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v3.3.0 ([9448e42](
- **deps:** update dependency tsconfigs to v5 ([eb1ec8c](
- **deps:** update dependency typescript to v3.9.5 ([5e24b20](
- **docs:** lint code examples ([41cb359](
- **eslint:** lint cjs files ([d581217](
- **format:** sort file lists ([e77615b](, closes [#673](
- **git:** ignore each test artifact specifically ([b34e9a9](
- **package:** consistent values in files field ([6fe56f8](, closes [#672](
- **relic:** remove @types/assert ([2846189](
- **typescript:** package and tests are two projects ([8a71211](
- **vscode:** eslint.validate short forms ([ba3e85b](
- **vscode:** use workspace typescript ([eabbd2f](
### User facing changes
- **docs:** enable eslint rule array-bracket-spacing ([77e54e9](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule import/first ([17cf7ae](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule import/newline-after-import ([cd3a5cf](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule indent ([e2861bb](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule key-spacing ([349b686](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule max-statements-per-line ([a128a23](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule no-multi-spaces ([8179381](, closes [#692](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule object-curly-spacing ([8b8fbd5](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule quote-props ([37512fe](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule quotes ([2d455b5](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule semi ([f4e7885](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule space-before-blocks ([9f2d2d7](
- **docs:** enable eslint rule space-before-function-paren ([23e7b87](
- **docs:** enable eslint rules object-\*-newline ([9a45b5b](
- **docs:** fix wrong module import paths ([3b6baee](, closes [#691](
- **docs:** provide a release changelog ([616df35](, closes [#670](
- **exports:** main export provided ([3becd84](, closes [#682](
- **exports:** only named exports ([fefd141](, closes [#522]( [#523](
- **exports:** relative values in exports field ([187088e](, closes [#674](
- **exports:** remove package.json main field ([3122eec](, closes [#680](
- **exports:** remove the /snabbdom.bundle path ([c862993](
- **exports:** replaced main export path with init ([09f2d1c](, closes [#522](
- **package:** no module field ([2b30e25](, closes [#681](
- **props:** do not attempt to delete node properties ([6f316c1](, closes [#623]( [#283]( [#415]( [#307]( [#151]( [#416](
- **typescript:** do not redeclare Element.setAttribute(NS) ([0620b5e](, closes [#615](
- do not provide UMD bundles ([8e24bbf](, closes [#498]( [#514]( [#481](
- only esm and correct import paths ([dad44f0](, closes [#516]( [#437]( [#263](
## [v0.7.2] - 2018-09-02
## Bugfixes
- Improvements to TypeScript types #364. Thanks to @gfmio.
- In some cases and browsers the style module would cause elements to not be removed correctly #367. Thanks to @jvanbruegge for fixing this tricky bug.
## [v0.7.0] - 2017-07-27
## Breaking change
The way Snabbdom handles boolean attributes in the attributes module has been changed. Snabbdom no longer maintains a list of known boolean attributes. Not relying on such a list means that custom boolean attributes are supported, that performance is slightly better, and that the list doesn't have to be kept up to date.
Whether or not to set a boolean attribute is now determined by looking at the value specified for the attribute. If the value is a boolean (i.e. strictly equal to `true` or `false`) it will be handled as a boolean attribute. If you're currently setting boolean attributes with booleans then this change does not affect you.
h("div", {
attrs: {
foo: true // will be set a boolean attribute since `true` is a boolean
bar: "baz" // will set a normal attribute
The example above will result in the HTML: `<div foo bar="baz" />`. Even if `bar` is actually a boolean attribute. So for instance `h("input", { attrs: { required: 12 } })` will no longer set a boolean attribute correctly.
Previously `h("input", { attrs: { required: 0 } })` would result in the HTML `<input>` since `required` was a know boolean attribute and `0` is falsey. Per the new behavior the HTML will be `<input required="0">`. To accomidate for the change always give boolean values for boolean attributes.
## Bugfixes
- `toVNode` now handles `DocumentFragment` which makes it possible to patch into a fragment. #320. Thanks to @staltz.
- Custom boolean attributes are handled correctly. #314. Thanks to @caridy.
- Type improvement. `VNode` key property can be `undefined` #290. Thanks to @yarom82.
- Data attributes are checked for existence before deleting. Old behavior caused error in Safari. #313. Thanks to @FeliciousX.
## Performance improvements
- New handling of boolean attributes. #314. Thanks to @caridy.
## [v0.6.9] - 2017-05-19
## Bug fixes
- Fix style delayed and remove to be optional in TypeScript,
## [v0.6.8] - 2017-05-16
## Bug fixes
- Fix error when class is set by vdom selector in SVG, Thanks to @caesarsol
- Fix hyperscript to support undefined or null children in TypeScript, Thanks to @ornicar
- Fix thunk function so it is not called redundantly, Thanks to @caesarsol
- Improve TypeScript types of VNode props, and Thanks to @mightyiam
- Fix toVNode() for comment nodes, lacking some fields, Thanks to @staltz
## Performance improvements
- Improvement for attribute patching, Thanks to @diervo
## [v0.6.6] - 2017-03-07
## Bug fixes
- The attributes module sets boolean attributes correctly according to the specificaiton. Thanks to @PerWiklander for reporting the bug.
## [v0.6.5] - 2017-02-25
This is a patch version with a few bug fixes.
## Bug fixes
- Fix `toVNode()` to handle text nodes correctly, Thanks to @Steelfish
- Fix dataset module to support old browsers, such as IE10. Thanks @staltz
- Fix "create element" workflow to align with "update element" workflow, Thanks @caridy
## [v0.6.4] - 2017-02-09
This version adds some features such as support for comment nodes and better server-side/client-side rendering collaboration, besides some bug fixes.
## New features
### Add ability to create comment nodes. Thanks to @pedrosland
h("!", "Will show as a comment");
will be rendered on the DOM as
<!-- Will show as a comment -->
### Introduce `toVNode()` to reconstruct root element as vnode. Thanks to @staltz
Useful for client-side rendering over existing HTML that was rendered server-side with snabbdom.
import { toVNode } from "snabbdom/tovnode";
// ...
patch(toVNode(element), vnode);
Will deep-convert the `element` to a VNode, this way allowing existing HTML to not be ignored by the patch process.
## Bug fixes
- Fix compatibility issue of String.prototype.startsWith in the Style Module. Thanks to @zhulongzheng
- Support for `null`/`undefined` children without crashing. Thanks to @nunocastromartins
## [v0.6.3] - 2017-01-16
## Bugfixes
- Fix the export of the `Module` interface for TypeScript projects depending on snabbdom.
## [v0.6.2] - 2017-01-16
## Bugfixes
- Fix the export of the `Hooks` interface for TypeScript projects depending on snabbdom.
## [v0.6.1] - 2017-01-05
The biggest change in this release is that the Snabbdom source code has been ported to TypeScript. The work has been primarily done by @staltz. This brings much improved support for using Snabbdom in TypeScript projects.
**Note**: This release contains breaking changes. See below.
## New features
- Complete TypeScript support. Thanks to @staltz.
- Support for CSS variables. #195. Thanks to @jlesquembre.
- Allow `h(sel, data, node)` and `h(sel, node)` shortcut notations in the `h` function. #196. That is, instead of `h('div', [child])` one can now do `h('div', child)`. Thanks to @AlexGalays.
## Bugfixes
- Fix custom element creation when tag name begins with 'svg'. #213. Thanks to @tdumitrescu.
- Fix bug related to updating one child with same key but different selector. #188. Thanks to @zhulongzheng.
- Strings can be used as children inside SVG elements. #208. Thanks to @jbucaran and @jbucaran.
- Use `parentNode` fixing bug in IE 11. #210. Thanks to @aronallen.
## Breaking changes
The TypeScript rewrite uses the `import` and `export` features introduced in ECMAScript 2015. Unfortunately the ES imports have no analogy to the CommonJS pattern of setting `module.exports`. This means that the Snabbdom modules that previously used this feature now have to be imported in a slightly different way.
var h = require("snabbdom/h"); // The old way
var h = require("snabbdom/h").h; // The new way
var h = require("snabbdom/h").default; // Alternative new way
var { h } = require("snabbdom/h"); // Using destructuring
## [v0.6.0] - 2017-01-05
Deprecated. Use [version 0.6.1]( instead.
## v0.5.0 - 2016-05-16
## Breaking change
This release contains a new thunk implementation that solves many issues with the old thunk implementation. The thunk API has changed slightly. Please see the [thunks]( section in the readme.