36 KiB
A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
一个精简化、模块化、功能强大、性能卓越的虚拟 DOM 库
Thanks to Browserstack for providing access to their great cross-browser testing tools.
Virtual DOM is awesome. It allows us to express our application's view as a function of its state. But existing solutions were way way too bloated, too slow, lacked features, had an API biased towards OOP and/or lacked features I needed.
Snabbdom consists of an extremely simple, performant and extensible core that is only ≈ 200 SLOC. It offers a modular architecture with rich functionality for extensions through custom modules. To keep the core simple, all non-essential functionality is delegated to modules.
You can mold Snabbdom into whatever you desire! Pick, choose and customize the functionality you want. Alternatively you can just use the default extensions and get a virtual DOM library with high performance, small size and all the features listed below.
Snabbdom 则极其简单、高效并且可拓展,同时核心代码仅200行。我们提供了一个具有丰富功能同时支持自定义拓展的模块化结构。为了使核心代码更简洁,所有非必要的功能都将模块化引入。
你可以将 Snabbdom 改造成任何你想要的样子!选择或自定义任何你需要的功能。如果嫌麻烦的话可以使用默认配置,便能获得一个高性能、体积小、拥有下列所有特性的虚拟 DOM 库。
- 主要特点
- About 200 SLOC – you could easily read through the entire core and fully understand how it works.
- 200行 - 你可以通过简单地阅读所有核心代码来充分理解其工作原理。
- Extendable through modules.
- 通过模块化实现可拓展。
- A rich set of hooks available, both per vnode and globally for modules, to hook into any part of the diff and patch process.
- 对于vnode和全局模块都提供了 hook,你可以在 patch 过程或者其他地方调用 hook。
- Splendid performance. Snabbdom is among the fastest virtual DOM libraries.
- 性能卓越:Snabbdom 是目前最高效的虚拟DOM库之一。
- Patch function with a function signature equivalent to a reduce/scan function. Allows for easier integration with a FRP library.
- Patch 函数有一个相当于 reduce/scan 函数的函数签名,这将更容易集成其他函数式库。
- 模块特点
function for easily creating virtual DOM nodes.- 函数
: 通过该创建虚拟 DOM nodes - SVG just works with the
helper. - SVG 需要与
函数结合使用 - Features for doing complex CSS animations.
- 支持复杂的CSS动画实现
- Powerful event listener functionality.
- 提供强大的事件监听功能
- Thunks to optimize the diff and patch process even further.
- 通过 Thunks 进一步优化 diff 和 patch 过程
- JSX support, including TypeScript types
- 支持 JSX 及 Typrscript
- 第三方功能
- Server-side HTML output provided by snabbdom-to-html.
- snabbdom-to-html 提供服务端渲染功能
- Compact virtual DOM creation with snabbdom-helpers.
- snabbdom-helpers 精简版虚拟DOM创建
- Template string support using snabby.
- snabby 提供 HTML 模板字符串支持
- Virtual DOM assertion with snabbdom-looks-like
- snabbdom-looks-like 提供虚拟 DOM 断言
import {
} from "snabbdom";
const patch = init([
// 通过传入模块初始化 patch 函数
classModule, // 开启 classes 功能
propsModule, // 支持传入 props
styleModule, // 支持内联样式同时支持动画
eventListenersModule, // 添加事件监听
const container = document.getElementById("container");
const vnode = h("div#container.two.classes", { on: { click: someFn } }, [
h("span", { style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, "This is bold"),
" and this is just normal text",
h("a", { props: { href: "/foo" } }, "I'll take you places!"),
// 传入一个空的元素节点 - 将产生副作用(修改该节点)
patch(container, vnode);
const newVnode = h(
{ on: { click: anotherEventHandler } },
{ style: { fontWeight: "normal", fontStyle: "italic" } },
"This is now italic type"
" and this is still just normal text",
h("a", { props: { href: "/bar" } }, "I'll take you places!"),
// 再次调用 `patch`
patch(vnode, newVnode); // 将旧节点更新为新节点
- 核心功能
- Modules documentation
- Thunks
- Virtual Node
- Structuring applications
- Common errors
- Opportunity for community feedback
The core of Snabbdom provides only the most essential functionality. It is designed to be as simple as possible while still being fast and extendable.
Snabbdom 仅提供通用的核心部分,这种设计保证了核心代码的纯粹,与此同时又使其更快并且对可拓展性提供更好的支持
The core exposes only one single function init
. This init
takes a list of modules and returns a patch
function that uses the
specified set of modules.
核心功能暴露一个 init
函数,这个 init
函数接收一个包含模块的数组并返回一个具有指定功能的 patch
import { init, classModule, styleModule } from "snabbdom";
const patch = init([classModule, styleModule]);
The patch
function returned by init
takes two arguments. The first
is a DOM element or a vnode representing the current view. The second
is a vnode representing the new, updated view.
通过调用 init
函数返回的 patch
- 一个 DOM element 或者 一个表示当前视图的
元素 - 一个表示新的、需要更新的
If a DOM element with a parent is passed, newVnode
will be turned
into a DOM node, and the passed element will be replaced by the
created DOM node. If an old vnode is passed, Snabbdom will efficiently
modify it to match the description in the new vnode.
如果第一个参数传入一个包含父节点的 DOM element,那么 newVnode
将转换为一个 DOM node 并替换传入的元素。如果第一个参数传入的是一个 vnode
则根据新的 vnode
Any old vnode passed must be the resulting vnode from a previous call
to patch
. This is necessary since Snabbdom stores information in the
vnode. This makes it possible to implement a simpler and more
performant architecture. This also avoids the creation of a new old
vnode tree.
所有传入的 oldvnode
都必须被传入过 patch
函数, 因为 Snabbdom 将信息存储在 vnode 中, 这避免了重复创建新的 vnode 树
patch(oldVnode, newVnode);
While there is no API specifically for removing a VNode tree from its mount point element, one way of almost achieving this is providing a comment VNode as the second argument to patch
, such as:
虽然没有专门为移除 vnode 树中的节点提供 API,但是依然可以通过给 patch
函数传入一个 html注释vnode 作为第二个参数来实现相同的效果,如:
h("!", {
hooks: {
post: () => {
/* patch complete */
Of course, then there is still a single comment node at the mount point.
It is recommended that you use h
to create vnodes. It accepts a
tag/selector as a string, an optional data object and an optional string or
array of children.
我们推荐您使用函数 h
来创建 vnodes,这个函数接收一个字符串类型的 tag/selector、一个数据对象(可选)、一个子节点数组或字符串(可选)
import { h } from "snabbdom";
const vnode = h("div", { style: { color: "#000" } }, [
h("h1", "Headline"),
h("p", "A paragraph"),
Caution: This feature is currently experimental and must be opted in. Its API may be changed without an major version bump.
const patch = init(modules, undefined, {
experimental: {
fragments: true,
Creates a virtual node that will be converted to a document fragment containing the given children.
创建一个虚拟节点并转换为一个包含子元素的 document fragment(文档碎片)
import { fragment, h } from "snabbdom";
const vnode = fragment(["I am", h("span", [" a", " fragment"])]);
Converts a DOM node into a virtual node. Especially good for patching over an pre-existing, server-side generated content.
将一个 DOM node 转换为一个虚拟节点,这非常有利于服务端渲染
import {
} from "snabbdom";
const patch = init([
// Init patch function with chosen modules
classModule, // makes it easy to toggle classes
propsModule, // for setting properties on DOM elements
styleModule, // handles styling on elements with support for animations
eventListenersModule, // attaches event listeners
const newVNode = h("div", { style: { color: "#000" } }, [
h("h1", "Headline"),
h("p", "A paragraph"),
patch(toVNode(document.querySelector(".container")), newVNode);
Hooks are a way to hook into the lifecycle of DOM nodes. Snabbdom offers a rich selection of hooks. Hooks are used both by modules to extend Snabbdom, and in normal code for executing arbitrary code at desired points in the life of a virtual node.
Snabbdom 提供了一系列丰富的生命周期函数,这些生命周期函数适用于拓展 Snabbdom 模块或者在 virtual node 生命周期中的任意节点执行任意代码
名称 | 触发节点 | 回调参数 |
pre |
patch 开始执行 | none |
init |
vnode 被添加 | vnode |
create |
一个基于 vnode 的 DOM element 被创建 | emptyVnode, vnode |
insert |
element 被插入到 DOM | vnode |
prepatch |
element 即将 patch | oldVnode, vnode |
update |
element 已更新 | oldVnode, vnode |
postpatch |
element 已被 patch | oldVnode, vnode |
destroy |
element 被直接或间接得移除 | vnode |
remove |
element 已从 DOM 中移除 | vnode, removeCallback |
post |
已完成 patch 过程 | none |
The following hooks are available for modules: pre
, create
, destroy
, remove
, post
, create
, destroy
, remove
, post
The following hooks are available in the hook
property of individual
elements: init
, create
, insert
, prepatch
, update
, destroy
, remove
, create
, insert
, prepatch
, update
, destroy
, remove
To use hooks, pass them as an object to hook
field of the data
object argument.
使用 hooks 时, 请将所需要的 hook
以对象的形式(key 为对应 hook
h("div.row", {
key: movie.rank,
hook: {
insert: (vnode) => {
movie.elmHeight = vnode.elm.offsetHeight;
The init
This hook is invoked during the patch process when a new virtual node has been found. The hook is called before Snabbdom has processed the node in any way. I.e., before it has created a DOM node based on the vnode.
这个钩子函数会在新的 vnode 创建后被调用,在 Snabbdom 以任何方式处理该节点前被调用,即:在 create
The insert
This hook is invoked once the DOM element for a vnode has been inserted into the document and the rest of the patch cycle is done. This means that you can do DOM measurements (like using getBoundingClientRect in this hook safely, knowing that no elements will be changed afterwards that could affect the position of the inserted elements.
当基于 vnode 的 DOM element 被插入到文档后并且 patch 其余过程完成后调用,这意味着你可以在这个 hook
The remove
Allows you to hook into the removal of an element. The hook is called
once a vnode is to be removed from the DOM. The handling function
receives both the vnode and a callback. You can control and delay the
removal with the callback. The callback should be invoked once the
hook is done doing its business, and the element will only be removed
once all remove
hooks have invoked their callback.
一旦从 DOM 中移除了 vnode 就会调用该函数,函数需要传入 vnode 和 回调函数 作为参数,你可以通过回调来控制或延迟移除,这个回调函数将会在 hook 执行完成后调用,需要注意的是只有当所有 remove
hooks 执行完所有回调之后元素才会被一次性删除。
The hook is only triggered when an element is to be removed from its
parent – not if it is the child of an element that is removed. For
that, see the destroy
这个 hook 只有在当前元素从父级中删除才会触发,从元素中移除子元素则不会触发。
The destroy
This hook is invoked on a virtual node when its DOM element is removed from the DOM or if its parent is being removed from the DOM.
当虚拟节点的DOM元素从DOM中移除或者元素父级从DOM中移除时将触发该 hook。
To see the difference between this hook and the remove
consider an example.
这个 hook 和 remove
hook 的区别,先看看这个示例
const vnode1 = h("div", [h("div", [h("span", "Hello")])]);
const vnode2 = h("div", []);
patch(container, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
Here destroy
is triggered for both the inner div
element and the
element it contains. remove
, on the other hand, is only
triggered on the div
element because it is the only element being
detached from its parent.
这里内部 div
元素及其包含的 span
元素都会触发 destroy
, 另一方面,
You can, for instance, use remove
to trigger an animation when an
element is being removed and use the destroy
hook to additionally
animate the disappearance of the removed element's children.
Creating modules
Modules works by registering global listeners for hooks. A module is simply a dictionary mapping hook names to functions.
const myModule = {
create: function (oldVnode, vnode) {
// invoked whenever a new virtual node is created
update: function (oldVnode, vnode) {
// invoked whenever a virtual node is updated
With this mechanism you can easily augment the behaviour of Snabbdom. For demonstration, take a look at the implementations of the default modules.
Modules documentation
This describes the core modules. All modules are optional. JSX examples assume you're using the jsx
pragma provided by this library.
The class module
The class module provides an easy way to dynamically toggle classes on
elements. It expects an object in the class
data property. The
object should map class names to booleans that indicates whether or
not the class should stay or go on the vnode.
h("a", { class: { active: true, selected: false } }, "Toggle");
In JSX, you can use class
like this:
<div class={{ foo: true, bar: true }} />
// Renders as: <div class="foo bar"></div>
The props module
Allows you to set properties on DOM elements.
h("a", { props: { href: "/foo" } }, "Go to Foo");
In JSX, you can use props
like this:
<input props={{ name: "foo" }} />
// Renders as: <input name="foo" /> with input.name === "foo"
Properties can only be set. Not removed. Even though browsers allow addition and deletion of custom properties, deletion will not be attempted by this module. This makes sense, because native DOM properties cannot be removed. And if you are using custom properties for storing values or referencing objects on the DOM, then please consider using data-* attributes instead. Perhaps via the dataset module.
The attributes module
Same as props, but set attributes instead of properties on DOM elements.
h("a", { attrs: { href: "/foo" } }, "Go to Foo");
In JSX, you can use attrs
like this:
<div attrs={{ "aria-label": "I'm a div" }} />
// Renders as: <div aria-label="I'm a div"></div>
Attributes are added and updated using setAttribute
. In case of an
attribute that had been previously added/set and is no longer present
in the attrs
object, it is removed from the DOM element's attribute
list using removeAttribute
In the case of boolean attributes (e.g. disabled
, hidden
...), the meaning doesn't depend on the attribute value
or false
) but depends instead on the presence/absence of the
attribute itself in the DOM element. Those attributes are handled
differently by the module: if a boolean attribute is set to a
falsy value
, -0
, null
, false
, undefined
, or the empty string
)), then the attribute will be removed from the attribute list of
the DOM element.
The dataset module
Allows you to set custom data attributes (data-*
) on DOM elements. These can then be accessed with the HTMLElement.dataset property.
h("button", { dataset: { action: "reset" } }, "Reset");
In JSX, you can use dataset
like this:
<div dataset={{ foo: "bar" }} />
// Renders as: <div data-foo="bar"></div>
The style module
The style module is for making your HTML look slick and animate smoothly. At its core it allows you to set CSS properties on elements.
style: {
border: "1px solid #bada55",
color: "#c0ffee",
fontWeight: "bold",
"Say my name, and every colour illuminates"
In JSX, you can use style
like this:
border: "1px solid #bada55",
color: "#c0ffee",
fontWeight: "bold",
// Renders as: <div style="border: 1px solid #bada55; color: #c0ffee; font-weight: bold"></div>
Note that the style module does not remove style attributes if they are removed as properties from the style object. To remove a style, you should instead set it to the empty string.
style: { position: shouldFollow ? "fixed" : "" },
"I, I follow, I follow you"
Custom properties (CSS variables)
CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables) are supported, they must be prefixed
with --
style: { "--warnColor": "yellow" },
Delayed properties
You can specify properties as being delayed. Whenever these properties change, the change is not applied until after the next frame.
style: {
opacity: "0",
transition: "opacity 1s",
delayed: { opacity: "1" },
"Imma fade right in!"
This makes it easy to declaratively animate the entry of elements.
The all
value of transition-property
is not supported.
Set properties on remove
Styles set in the remove
property will take effect once the element
is about to be removed from the DOM. The applied styles should be
animated with CSS transitions. Only once all the styles are done
animating will the element be removed from the DOM.
style: {
opacity: "1",
transition: "opacity 1s",
remove: { opacity: "0" },
"It's better to fade out than to burn away"
This makes it easy to declaratively animate the removal of elements.
The all
value of transition-property
is not supported.
Set properties on destroy
style: {
opacity: "1",
transition: "opacity 1s",
destroy: { opacity: "0" },
"It's better to fade out than to burn away"
The all
value of transition-property
is not supported.
The eventlisteners module
The event listeners module gives powerful capabilities for attaching event listeners.
You can attach a function to an event on a vnode by supplying an
object at on
with a property corresponding to the name of the event
you want to listen to. The function will be called when the event
happens and will be passed the event object that belongs to it.
function clickHandler(ev) {
console.log("got clicked");
h("div", { on: { click: clickHandler } });
In JSX, you can use on
like this:
<div on={{ click: clickHandler }} />
Snabbdom allows swapping event handlers between renders. This happens without actually touching the event handlers attached to the DOM.
Note, however, that you should be careful when sharing event handlers between vnodes, because of the technique this module uses to avoid re-binding event handlers to the DOM. (And in general, sharing data between vnodes is not guaranteed to work, because modules are allowed to mutate the given data).
In particular, you should not do something like this:
// Does not work
const sharedHandler = {
change: function (e) {
console.log("you chose: " + e.target.value);
h("div", [
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "0" },
on: sharedHandler,
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "1" },
on: sharedHandler,
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "2" },
on: sharedHandler,
For many such cases, you can use array-based handlers instead (described above).
Alternatively, simply make sure each node is passed unique on
// Works
const sharedHandler = function (e) {
console.log("you chose: " + e.target.value);
h("div", [
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "0" },
on: { change: sharedHandler },
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "1" },
on: { change: sharedHandler },
h("input", {
props: { type: "radio", name: "test", value: "2" },
on: { change: sharedHandler },
SVG just works when using the h
function for creating virtual
nodes. SVG elements are automatically created with the appropriate
const vnode = h("div", [
h("svg", { attrs: { width: 100, height: 100 } }, [
h("circle", {
attrs: {
cx: 50,
cy: 50,
r: 40,
stroke: "green",
"stroke-width": 4,
fill: "yellow",
See also the SVG example and the SVG Carousel example.
Classes in SVG Elements
Certain browsers (like IE <=11) do not support classList
property in SVG elements.
Because the class module internally uses classList
, it will not work in this case unless you use a classList polyfill.
(If you don't want to use a polyfill, you can use the class
attribute with the attributes module).
The thunk
function takes a selector, a key for identifying a thunk,
a function that returns a vnode and a variable amount of state
parameters. If invoked, the render function will receive the state
thunk(selector, key, renderFn, [stateArguments])
The renderFn
is invoked only if the renderFn
is changed or [stateArguments]
array length or it's elements are changed.
The key
is optional. It should be supplied when the selector
not unique among the thunks siblings. This ensures that the thunk is
always matched correctly when diffing.
Thunks are an optimization strategy that can be used when one is dealing with immutable data.
Consider a simple function for creating a virtual node based on a number.
function numberView(n) {
return h("div", "Number is: " + n);
The view depends only on n
. This means that if n
is unchanged,
then creating the virtual DOM node and patching it against the old
vnode is wasteful. To avoid the overhead we can use the thunk
function render(state) {
return thunk("num", numberView, [state.number]);
Instead of actually invoking the numberView
function this will only
place a dummy vnode in the virtual tree. When Snabbdom patches this
dummy vnode against a previous vnode, it will compare the value of
. If n
is unchanged it will simply reuse the old vnode. This
avoids recreating the number view and the diff process altogether.
The view function here is only an example. In practice thunks are only relevant if you are rendering a complicated view that takes significant computational time to generate.
Add the following options to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "jsx"
Then make sure that you use the .tsx
file extension and import the jsx
function at the top of the file:
import { jsx, VNode } from "snabbdom";
const node: VNode = (
<span>I was created with JSX</span>
Add the following options to your babel configuration:
"plugins": [
"pragma": "jsx"
Then import the jsx
function at the top of the file:
import { jsx } from "snabbdom";
const node = (
<span>I was created with JSX</span>
Virtual Node
sel : String
The .sel
property of a virtual node is the CSS selector passed to
during creation. For example: h('div#container', {}, [...])
will create a a virtual node which has div#container
its .sel
data : Object
The .data
property of a virtual node is the place to add information
for modules to access and manipulate the
real DOM element when it is created; Add styles, CSS classes,
attributes, etc.
The data object is the (optional) second parameter to h()
For example h('div', {props: {className: 'container'}}, [...])
will produce a virtual node with
props: {
className: "container",
as its .data
children : Array
The .children
property of a virtual node is the third (optional)
parameter to h()
during creation. .children
simply an Array of virtual nodes that should be added as children of
the parent DOM node upon creation.
For example h('div', {}, [ h('h1', {}, 'Hello, World') ])
create a virtual node with
sel: "h1",
data: {},
children: undefined,
text: "Hello, World",
elm: Element,
key: undefined,
as its .children
text : string
The .text
property is created when a virtual node is created with
only a single child that possesses text and only requires
to be used.
For example: h('h1', {}, 'Hello')
will create a virtual node with
as its .text
elm : Element
The .elm
property of a virtual node is a pointer to the real DOM
node created by snabbdom. This property is very useful to do
calculations in hooks as well as
key : string | number
The .key
property is created when a key is provided inside of your
object. The .key
property is used to keep
pointers to DOM nodes that existed previously to avoid recreating them
if it is unnecessary. This is very useful for things like list
reordering. A key must be either a string or a number to allow for
proper lookup as it is stored internally as a key/value pair inside of
an object, where .key
is the key and the value is the
property created.
If provided, the .key
property must be unique among sibling elements.
For example: h('div', {key: 1}, [])
will create a virtual node
object with a .key
property with the value of 1
Structuring applications
Snabbdom is a low-level virtual DOM library. It is unopinionated with regards to how you should structure your application.
Here are some approaches to building applications with Snabbdom.
- functional-frontend-architecture – a repository containing several example applications that demonstrates an architecture that uses Snabbdom.
- Cycle.js – "A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for cleaner code" uses Snabbdom
- Vue.js use a fork of snabbdom.
- scheme-todomvc build redux-like architecture on top of snabbdom bindings.
- kaiju - Stateful components and observables on top of snabbdom
- Tweed – An Object Oriented approach to reactive interfaces.
- Cyclow - "A reactive frontend framework for JavaScript" uses Snabbdom
- Tung – A JavaScript library for rendering html. Tung helps to divide html and JavaScript development.
- sprotty - "A web-based diagramming framework" uses Snabbdom.
- Mark Text - "Realtime preview Markdown Editor" build on Snabbdom.
- puddles - "Tiny vdom app framework. Pure Redux. No boilerplate." - Built with ❤️ on Snabbdom.
- Backbone.VDOMView - A Backbone View with VirtualDOM capability via Snabbdom.
- Rosmaro Snabbdom starter - Building user interfaces with state machines and Snabbdom.
- Pureact - "65 lines implementation of React incl Redux and hooks with only one dependency - Snabbdom"
- Snabberb - A minimalistic Ruby framework using Opal and Snabbdom for building reactive views.
- WebCell - Web Components engine based on JSX & TypeScript
Be sure to share it if you're building an application in another way using Snabbdom.
Common errors
Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node':
The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.
The reason for this error is reusing of vnodes between patches (see code example), snabbdom stores actual dom nodes inside the virtual dom nodes passed to it as performance improvement, so reusing nodes between patches is not supported.
const sharedNode = h("div", {}, "Selected");
const vnode1 = h("div", [
h("div", {}, ["One"]),
h("div", {}, ["Two"]),
h("div", {}, [sharedNode]),
const vnode2 = h("div", [
h("div", {}, ["One"]),
h("div", {}, [sharedNode]),
h("div", {}, ["Three"]),
patch(container, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
You can fix this issue by creating a shallow copy of the object (here with object spread syntax):
const vnode2 = h("div", [
h("div", {}, ["One"]),
h("div", {}, [{ ...sharedNode }]),
h("div", {}, ["Three"]),
Another solution would be to wrap shared vnodes in a factory function:
const sharedNode = () => h("div", {}, "Selected");
const vnode1 = h("div", [
h("div", {}, ["One"]),
h("div", {}, ["Two"]),
h("div", {}, [sharedNode()]),
Opportunity for community feedback
Pull requests that the community may care to provide feedback on should be merged after such opportunity of a few days was provided.