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LUA Scripting
Redisson provides RScript
object to execute Lua script. It has atomicity property and used to process data on Redis or Valkey side. Script could be executed in two modes:
scripts are executed as read operationMode.READ_WRITE
scripts are executed as write operation
One of the follow types returned as a script result object:
- Boolean type.ReturnType.INTEGER
- Integer type.ReturnType.MULTI
- List type of user defined type.ReturnType.STATUS
- Lua String type.ReturnType.VALUE
- User defined type.ReturnType.MAPVALUE
- Map value type.ReturnType.MAPVALUELIST
- List of Map value type.
Code example:
RBucket<String> bucket = redisson.getBucket("foo");
RScript script = redisson.getScript(StringCodec.INSTANCE);
String r = script.eval(Mode.READ_ONLY,
"return redis.call('get', 'foo')",
// execute the same script stored in Redis or Valkey lua script cache
// load lua script into Redis or Valkey cache to all master instances
String res = script.scriptLoad("return redis.call('get', 'foo')");
// res == 282297a0228f48cd3fc6a55de6316f31422f5d17
// call lua script by sha digest
Future<Object> r1 = redisson.getScript().evalShaAsync(Mode.READ_ONLY,
RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.emptyList());
Redisson provides RFunction
object to execute Functions. It has atomicity property and used to process data on Redis or Valkey side. Function can be executed in two modes:
executes function as read operationMode.WRITE
executes function as write operation
One of the follow types returned as a script result object:
- Boolean typeReturnType.LONG
- Long typeReturnType.LIST
- List type of user defined type.ReturnType.STRING
- plain String typeReturnType.VALUE
- user defined typeReturnType.MAPVALUE
- Map Value type. Codec.getMapValueDecoder() and Codec.getMapValueEncoder() methods are used for data deserialization or serializationReturnType.MAPVALUELIST
- List type, which consists of objects of Map Value type. Codec.getMapValueDecoder() and Codec.getMapValueEncoder() methods are used for data deserialization or serialization
Code example:
RFunction f = redisson.getFunction();
// load function
f.load("lib", "redis.register_function('myfun', function(keys, args) return args[1] end)");
// execute function
String value = f.call(RFunction.Mode.READ, "myfun", RFunction.ReturnType.STRING, Collections.emptyList(), "test");
Code example of Async interface usage:
RFunction f = redisson.getFunction();
// load function
RFuture<Void> loadFuture = f.loadAsync("lib", "redis.register_function('myfun', function(keys, args) return args[1] end)");
// execute function
RFuture<String> valueFuture = f.callAsync(RFunction.Mode.READ, "myfun", RFunction.ReturnType.STRING, Collections.emptyList(), "test");
Code example of Reactive interface usage:
RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RFunctionReactive f = redisson.getFunction();
// load function
Mono<Void> loadMono = f.load("lib", "redis.register_function('myfun', function(keys, args) return args[1] end)");
// execute function
Mono<String> valueMono = f.callAsync(RFunction.Mode.READ, "myfun", RFunction.ReturnType.STRING, Collections.emptyList(), "test");
Code example of RxJava3 interface usage:
RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RFunctionRx f = redisson.getFunction();
// load function
Completable loadMono = f.load("lib", "redis.register_function('myfun', function(keys, args) return args[1] end)");
// execute function
Maybe<String> valueMono = f.callAsync(RFunction.Mode.READ, "myfun", RFunction.ReturnType.STRING, Collections.emptyList(), "test");