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Id generator

Redis or Valkey based Java Id generator RIdGenerator generates unique numbers but not monotonically increased. At first request, batch of id numbers is allocated and cached on Java side till it's exhausted. This approach allows to generate ids faster than RAtomicLong.

Default allocation size is 5000. Default start value is 0.

Code example:

RIdGenerator generator = redisson.getIdGenerator("generator");

// Initialize with start value = 12 and allocation size = 20000
generator.tryInit(12, 20000);

long id = generator.nextId();

Code example of Async interface usage:

RIdGenerator generator = redisson.getIdGenerator("generator");

// Initialize with start value = 12 and allocation size = 20000
RFuture<Boolean> initFuture = generator.tryInitAsync(12, 20000);

RFuture<Long> idFuture = generator.nextIdAsync();

Code example of Reactive interface usage:

RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RIdGenerator generator = redisson.getIdGenerator("generator");

// Initialize with start value = 12 and allocation size = 20000
Mono<Boolean> initMono = generator.tryInit(12, 20000);

Mono<Long> idMono = generator.nextId();

Code example of RxJava3 interface usage:

RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RIdGenerator generator = redisson.getIdGenerator("generator");

// Initialize with start value = 12 and allocation size = 20000
Single<Boolean> initRx = generator.tryInit(12, 20000);

Single<Long> idRx = generator.nextId();


Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based AtomicLong object provides API similar to java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong object.

Code example:

RAtomicLong atomicLong = redisson.getAtomicLong("myAtomicLong");

Code example of Async interface usage:

RAtomicLongAsync atomicLong = redisson.getAtomicLong("myAtomicLong");

RFuture<Void> setFuture = atomicLong.setAsync(3);
RFuture<Long> igFuture = atomicLong.incrementAndGetAsync();
RFuture<Long> getFuture = atomicLong.getAsync();

Code example of Reactive interface usage:

RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RAtomicLongReactive atomicLong = redisson.getAtomicLong("myAtomicLong");

Mono<Void> setMono = atomicLong.set(3);
Mono<Long> igMono = atomicLong.incrementAndGet();
RFuture<Long> getMono = atomicLong.getAsync();

Code example of RxJava3 interface usage:

RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RAtomicLongRx atomicLong = redisson.getAtomicLong("myAtomicLong");

Completable setMono = atomicLong.set(3);
Single<Long> igMono = atomicLong.incrementAndGet();
Single<Long> getMono = atomicLong.getAsync();


Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based AtomicDouble object.

Code example:

RAtomicDouble atomicDouble = redisson.getAtomicDouble("myAtomicDouble");

Code example of Async interface usage:

RAtomicDoubleAsync atomicDouble = redisson.getAtomicDouble("myAtomicDouble");

RFuture<Void> setFuture = atomicDouble.setAsync(2.81);
RFuture<Double> agFuture = atomicDouble.addAndGetAsync(4.11);
RFuture<Double> getFuture = atomicDouble.getAsync();

Code example of Reactive interface usage:

RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RAtomicDoubleReactive atomicDouble = redisson.getAtomicDouble("myAtomicDouble");

Mono<Void> setMono = atomicDouble.set(2.81);
Mono<Double> agMono = atomicDouble.addAndGet(4.11);
Mono<Double> getMono = atomicDouble.get();

Code example of RxJava3 interface usage:

RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RAtomicDoubleRx atomicDouble = redisson.getAtomicDouble("myAtomicDouble");

Completable setMono = atomicDouble.set(2.81);
Single<Double> igMono = atomicDouble.addAndGet(4.11);
Single<Double> getMono = atomicDouble.get();


Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based LongAdder object provides API similar to java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder object.

It maintains internal LongAdder object on client side and provides superior performance for both increment and decrement operations. Up to 12000x faster than similar AtomicLong object. Suitable for distributed metric objects.

Code example:

RLongAdder atomicLong = redisson.getLongAdder("myLongAdder");

Object should be destroyed if it's not used anymore, but it's not necessary to call destroy method if Redisson goes shutdown.

RLongAdder atomicLong = ...


Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based DoubleAdder object provides API similar to java.util.concurrent.atomic.DoubleAdder object.

It maintains internal DoubleAdder object on client side and provides superior performance for both increment and decrement operations. Up to 12000x faster than similar AtomicDouble object. Suitable for distributed metric objects.

Code example:

RLongDouble atomicDouble = redisson.getLongDouble("myLongDouble");

Object should be destroyed if it's not used anymore, but it's not necessary to call destroy method if Redisson goes shutdown.

RLongDouble atomicDouble = ...