@ -15,7 +15,14 @@
package org.redisson;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.*;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.EVAL_OBJECT;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LINDEX;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LLEN_INT;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LPOP;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LPUSH_BOOLEAN;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LRANGE;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.LREM_SINGLE;
import static org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands.RPUSH_BOOLEAN;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
@ -36,8 +43,6 @@ import org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncExecutor;
import org.redisson.core.RList;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;
* Distributed and concurrent implementation of {@link java.util.List}
@ -155,75 +160,51 @@ public class RedissonList<V> extends RedissonExpirable implements RList<V> {
public Future<Boolean> addAllAsync(final Collection<? extends V> c) {
final Promise<Boolean> promise = newPromise();
if (c.isEmpty()) {
return promise;
Future<Integer> sizeFuture = sizeAsync();
sizeFuture.addListener(new FutureListener<Integer>() {
public void operationComplete(Future<Integer> future) throws Exception {
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
return newSucceededFuture(false);
final int listSize = future.getNow();
List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(c.size() + 1);
Future<Long> res = commandExecutor.writeAsync(getName(), codec, RPUSH, args.toArray());
res.addListener(new FutureListener<Long>() {
public void operationComplete(Future<Long> future) throws Exception {
if (future.isSuccess()) {
promise.setSuccess(listSize != future.getNow());
} else {
return commandExecutor.writeAsync(getName(), codec, RPUSH_BOOLEAN, args.toArray());
return promise;
public Future<Boolean> addAllAsync(int index, Collection<? extends V> coll) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index: " + index);
public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection<? extends V> coll) {
if (coll.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return newSucceededFuture(false);
if (index == 0) { // prepend elements to list
List<Object> elements = new ArrayList<Object>(coll);
elements.add(0, getName());
Future<Long> f = commandExecutor.writeAsync(getName(), codec, LPUSH, elements.toArray());
Long newSize = get(f);
return newSize != size();
return commandExecutor.writeAsync(getName(), codec, LPUSH_BOOLEAN, elements.toArray());
int size = size();
if (index < size) {
// insert into middle of list
List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(coll.size() + 1);
Future<Boolean> f = commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, new RedisCommand<Boolean>("EVAL", new BooleanReplayConvertor(), 5),
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, new RedisCommand<Boolean>("EVAL", new BooleanReplayConvertor(), 5),
"local ind = table.remove(ARGV, 1); " + // index is the first parameter
"local size = redis.call('llen', KEYS[1]); " +
"assert(tonumber(ind) <= size, 'index: ' .. ind .. ' but current size: ' .. size); " +
"local tail = redis.call('lrange', KEYS[1], ind, -1); " +
"redis.call('ltrim', KEYS[1], 0, ind - 1); " +
"for i, v in ipairs(ARGV) do redis.call('rpush', KEYS[1], v) end;" +
"for i, v in ipairs(tail) do redis.call('rpush', KEYS[1], v) end;" +
"return true",
Collections.<Object>singletonList(getName()), args.toArray());
return get(f);
} else {
// append to list
return addAll(coll);
public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection<? extends V> coll) {
return get(addAllAsync(index, coll));
@ -305,16 +286,6 @@ public class RedissonList<V> extends RedissonExpirable implements RList<V> {
return index >= 0 && index < size;
private void checkPosition(int index) {
int size = size();
if (!isPositionInRange(index, size))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index: " + index + " but current size: "+ size);
private boolean isPositionInRange(int index, int size) {
return index >= 0 && index <= size;
public V set(int index, V element) {