`readMode` - read attributes mode. Two modes are available: `MEMORY` and `REDIS`.
`readMode` - read attributes mode. Two modes are available:
`MEMORY` - read attributes stored in local Tomcat Session.
* `MEMORY` - read attributes stored in local Tomcat Session. Default mode.
`REDIS` - read directly from Redis.
* `REDIS` - read directly from Redis.
`updateMode` - attributes update mode. Two modes are available:
* `DEFAULT` - session attributes are stored into Redis only through setAttribute method. Default mode.
* `AFTER_REQUEST` - all session attributes are stored into Redis after each request.
`configPath` - path to Redisson JSON or YAML config. See [configuration wiki page](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/2.-Configuration) for more details.
`configPath` - path to Redisson JSON or YAML config. See [configuration wiki page](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/2.-Configuration) for more details.
**2** Copy two jars into `TOMCAT_BASE/lib` directory:
**2** Copy two jars into `TOMCAT_BASE/lib` directory: