@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ Try __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **ultra-fast performance** and
Feature - [client tracking](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/10.-additional-features/#109-client-tracking-listener) support. `TrackingListener` is available for `RBucket`, `RStream`, `RScoredSortedSet`, `RSet`, `RMap` and `RBucket` objects
Feature - added `RKeys.addListener()` method to register global listeners
Feature - `FlushListener`is available for `RKeys` objects to track flushdb/flushall command invocation
Feature - `FlushListener`added to track flushdb/flushall command invocation
Feature - `Kryo5Codec` constructor with `registrationRequired` parameter added
Feature - `nettyExecutor` setting added
Feature - enable DNS TCP fallback when UDP query timeout for `RoundRobinDnsAddressResolverGroupFactory` and `SequentialDnsAddressResolverFactory`
Improvement - cache result of `INFO REPLICATION` command for `RLock` objects
Fixed - `ReactiveKeyCommands.pExpire()` method throws an exception
Fixed - Spring Data Redis `ReactiveKeyCommands.pExpire()` method throws an exception
Fixed - NPE is thrown by `RedisExecutor.handleError()` method
Fixed - sharded pubsub detection for `Apache Tomcat Session Manager`, `RMapCache` and `RLocalCachedMap` objects
Fixed - Redisson's threads aren't shutdown if Redis node address isn't defined