@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.ThreadLocalRandom;
@ -595,20 +594,53 @@ public abstract class BaseRemoteService {
RemotePromise<Object> addPromise = new RemotePromise<Object>(requestId);
RemoteServiceRequest request = new RemoteServiceRequest(executorId, requestId.toString(), method.getName(), getMethodSignatures(method), args, optionsCopy,
addAsync(requestQueueName, request, addPromise).sync();
RBlockingQueue<RRemoteServiceResponse> responseQueue = null;
if (optionsCopy.isAckExpected() || optionsCopy.isResultExpected()) {
responseQueue = redisson.getBlockingQueue(responseQueueName, codec);
final RFuture<RemoteServiceAck> ackFuture;
if (optionsCopy.isAckExpected()) {
ackFuture = poll(optionsCopy.getAckTimeoutInMillis(), requestId, false);
} else {
ackFuture = null;
final RPromise<RRemoteServiceResponse> responseFuture;
if (optionsCopy.isResultExpected()) {
responseFuture = poll(optionsCopy.getExecutionTimeoutInMillis(), requestId, false);
} else {
responseFuture = null;
RFuture<Boolean> futureAdd = addAsync(requestQueueName, request, addPromise);
if (!futureAdd.isSuccess()) {
if (responseFuture != null) {
if (ackFuture != null) {
throw futureAdd.cause();
if (!futureAdd.get()) {
if (responseFuture != null) {
if (ackFuture != null) {
throw new RedisException("Task hasn't been added");
// poll for the ack only if expected
if (optionsCopy.isAckExpected()) {
if (ackFuture != null) {
String ackName = getAckName(requestId);
RemoteServiceAck ack = (RemoteServiceAck) responseQueue.poll(optionsCopy.getAckTimeoutInMillis(),
RemoteServiceAck ack = ackFuture.getNow();
if (ack == null) {
ack = tryPollAckAgain(optionsCopy, responseQueue, ackName);
RFuture<RemoteServiceAck> ackFutureAttempt =
tryPollAckAgainAsync(optionsCopy, ackName, requestId);
ack = ackFutureAttempt.getNow();
if (ack == null) {
throw new RemoteServiceAckTimeoutException("No ACK response after "
+ optionsCopy.getAckTimeoutInMillis() + "ms for request: " + request);
@ -618,9 +650,9 @@ public abstract class BaseRemoteService {
// poll for the response only if expected
if (optionsCopy.isResultExpected()) {
RemoteServiceResponse response = (RemoteServiceResponse) responseQueue
.poll(optionsCopy.getExecutionTimeoutInMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (responseFuture != null) {
RemoteServiceResponse response = (RemoteServiceResponse) responseFuture.getNow();
if (response == null) {
throw new RemoteServiceTimeoutException("No response after "
+ optionsCopy.getExecutionTimeoutInMillis() + "ms for request: " + request);
@ -638,25 +670,6 @@ public abstract class BaseRemoteService {
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(remoteInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { remoteInterface }, handler);
private RemoteServiceAck tryPollAckAgain(RemoteInvocationOptions optionsCopy,
RBlockingQueue<? extends RRemoteServiceResponse> responseQueue, String ackName)
throws InterruptedException {
RFuture<Boolean> ackClientsFuture = commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(ackName, LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN,
"if redis.call('setnx', KEYS[1], 1) == 1 then "
+ "redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);"
+ "return 0;"
+ "end;"
+ "redis.call('del', KEYS[1]);"
+ "return 1;",
Arrays.<Object> asList(ackName), optionsCopy.getAckTimeoutInMillis());
if (ackClientsFuture.getNow()) {
return (RemoteServiceAck) responseQueue.poll();
return null;
private RFuture<RemoteServiceAck> tryPollAckAgainAsync(final RemoteInvocationOptions optionsCopy,
String ackName, final RequestId requestId) {
final RPromise<RemoteServiceAck> promise = new RedissonPromise<RemoteServiceAck>();