@ -3,6 +3,31 @@ Redisson Releases History
Upgrade to __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **advanced features**.
Upgrade to __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **advanced features**.
### 09-Sep-2024 - 3.36.0 released
Feature - `Kryo5Codec` `useReferences` setting added
Feature - `RListMultimapCacheNative` and `RSetMultimapCacheNative` objects added. Require Redis 7.4+
Feature - `AggregationOptions.sortBy()` method with `withCount` parameter added (thanks to @pfyod)
Feature - `allowedClasses` setting added to `FuryCodec`
Feature - `addIfAbsent(Map)` method added to `RSetCache` object (thanks to @lyrric)
Improvement - 'hmget' should be instead of 'hget' in `RMapCache.getAllWithTTLOnly()` method
Fixed - RedisExecutor throws "Failed to submit a listener notification task" error during shutdown
Fixed - Keep the jmockit version in the plugin consistent with that in the dependencies (thanks to @lyrric)
Fixed - hostname after comma in Redis Cluster topology isn't parsed
Fixed - `drainToAsync()` method returns an incorrect value (thanks to @seakider)
Fixed - numeric cast in `CommandDecoder`
Fixed - `RLiveObject` value shouldn't be deleted during index update
Fixed - `RSetCache.addAllIfAbsent()` method doesn't work
Fixed - missed `getSetMultimapCache()` and `getListMultimapCache()` methods in `RBatchReactive` object
Fixed - missed `getMapCacheNative()` method in `RBatch` object
Fixed - `MapValueDecoder` throws NPE
Fixed - `EnumMap` type handling by `Kryo5Codec`
Fixed - `Kryo5Codec` `registrationRequired` setting replaced with `allowedClasses`
Fixed - JCache eviction task isn't removed on `close()` method invocation
Fixed - missed `destroy()` method for `RListMultimapCache` and `RSetMultimapCache` objects
### 22-Aug-2024 - 3.35.0 released
### 22-Aug-2024 - 3.35.0 released
Feature - `INDEXEMPTY` option added to tag and text fields in `RSearch.createIndex()` method
Feature - `INDEXEMPTY` option added to tag and text fields in `RSearch.createIndex()` method